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Controlling PV Growth...

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Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
12 like this post 0 people
01/02/2015 13:16

1st. most important thing missing in this chain is the real world products! 
Providing product to closed community would not do the job. One of the highest priority things to do is to release these products to the real world. No matter if they are casinos, dating or whatever. 
PV/MTV is already well known name and it surely wouldn't be "Just another Casino" or whatever service provider on the net.

2nd. Management!

You should create strong management team.
Under management i mean Project managers, Team leaders etc. Outsourced projects should be well managed to succeed.

Just my 2cents.
Traffic Value: $904.8075 Pakistan
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01/02/2015 13:20
More users,more problems.Thats the way its going.
We just don't wanna see it getting worse everyday.
Traffic Value: $605.49135 India
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01/02/2015 13:21
Really 1st BAP Debt swap gave all members several  positions to get profit and return back to previous BAP Group or higher with in 15 days of Debt swap.
Members need to be happy for that.
But as you noted in this thread  that fast way in returning to  the previous BAP level didn't brought considerable  healthy resources development to PV as aimed by BAP Debt swap.
Your idea about a step by step increase in BAP issue by PV to members  after any future  BAP Debt swap seems effective solution to overcome the said drawback.
Nice to see you are always thinking about strategies for healthy growth and healthy future of MTV/PV. It enhances  confidence in MTV/PV to members like me.
Traffic Value: $541.23486 Italy
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01/02/2015 13:32
so if we can invest only 1$ but we recieve 70$ we will fall by group and we will can't come back because no one or few people will buy share for bap this will came to money share go up and bap share go down so also the change by share for bap will be a mess and gone also under the 140% 
Traffic Value: $910.14287 Lithuania
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01/02/2015 13:35
I do agree that this business needs some real and big products, not just some cassino game which brings 1k/day.
Moreover, maybe someone here have read about 20 Mile March, 10X companies, Good to Great? History and studies have shown that the companies who succeeded in the long term were the stable ones. It wasn't about innovation and experimenting and taking risks. Studies showed that companies who had a goal to achieve and kept going towards it and achieving it - succeeded. BUT the goal wasn't some unrealistic, it was slow and steady growth. No matter what conditions in the market those companies had to achieve their goal. If there would be very good opportunities - they didn't max out their resources and energy on them, they controlled them and stayed to their goal. Same during bad conditions - achieve their slow and steady goal. In the end companies which took high risks, made lots of changes, tried to make big innovations - they all died out and didn't survive. Because when the bad conditions hit you - slow and steady wins the race and sustains itself. While the risk taker relies only on good opportunities.
To end my post on good note, I really hope Jo is heading towards steadiness and reasonable growth, instead of UP and DOWN everyweek. 
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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01/02/2015 13:48
Also, creating Kickstarter like Crowd Funded projects, allowing the investors to have share of a future successive business would be a plus. After such project provides proof of concept and being accepted by potential investors (including MTV) it should be eligible for rising funds. Such projects can provide real world products and value to MTV and it's shareholders for the future.
Traffic Value: $1.55 United States
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01/02/2015 13:54
I have a couple great idea. first get the ad issue problems fixed once and for all. Second turn all control of the site over to someone else until your can get your personally life in order. Totally stupid to issue pure profit items and we not had a ad issue in 2 weeks that would get us any where close to buying them.
Traffic Value: $910.14287 Lithuania
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01/02/2015 13:59
Products are needed, not exactly for us here (let's call it the inside community), but more for the external one. We need to reach and hit the people outside. 
If MTV would design and create a product/service for the people out there who are not signed up in MTV/PV, then we here would share the profits via ads/dividens and so on.
Traffic Value: $1,206.40561 Germany
47 like this post 0 people
01/02/2015 14:20
Hi, I'm back again with a long rant smile

Hello Jo and fellow members, I think the general notion of changing how PV works to make it more stable and profitable and less of a debt generator is a good direction to move towards to. I have some general comments for your consideration, at risk of repeating what others said already:

1. I don't actually think that the BAP swap was all that good for us. Sure it removed all BAP dept, but that just intitiated a huge rush back to repopulate the groups, which together with the huge reinvestments basically brought us back to the way it was before and then some. It would've worked better with the limitations that Jo is proposing for the next swap, but the last one I wouldn't really consider a good thing.

2. Drastically reducing daily returns for all members in order to build a gigantic ad issue also doesn't do us any favors. You aren't issuing more money, you are issuing the same amount of money but at once. Thus the only benefit of this is purely psychological and it gets wasted the moment the next days issue is a tiny fraction of the day before. The real magnet for new people is stability. I would VASTLY prefer same-ish ad issues DAILY to the sum of multiple days on just one day of the week.

3. Revamping the backbone systems to account for growth and technical stability I can 100% get behind. I am really at a loss about the current priorities for the developer team though. We never had this high amount of money in the dev funds. We also never had this high amount of money doing NOTHING in the dev funds. I can't imagine a potential investor coming to the site and then thinking "Well I would've invested but this site doesn't have a chatroom!!!". I also don't care how pretty a site looks if it fails to accomplish it's main purpose: Generating a profit.

With these points in mind here we go with the brainstorming:

- Get your priorities straight. Pull back everything that isn't built with the idea of generating profit in mind way back down on the developer queue. Change or discontinue non essential products that regularly fail to generate profit for MTV (FTQ I consider essential for example).

For PV specifically:
- We need targeted ads. That's the whole point of traffic value, isn't it? The current ad system is a joke for any real avertiser and is mostly there, so we don't just issue BAP for money, which PayPal has a major problem with. I don't kid myself for a second, thinking anyone even watches the ad with how easy it is viewing them (copy and paste button, no need to keep ad active for the timer to count down). Work on targeted ads. Work on making sure those ads are actually being watched by real people with real investments. Work on making it known to advertisers, that we have such opportunity. Don't make those ads easy to watch, make them worth it to watch!
- Stabilize and automate the ad issues. Make them come at the same point in the day. Make people be able to count on having an ad issue. Make them informed on what to expect beforehand (this is where the "speading the word" magic happens). This is why people come to PV. They are not here to click tiny ads (yes those are necessary, but bear with me), they are here to get a part of their investments back daily. The way it could work is making a snapshot at midnight (server time) that fixes the total value of the issue and the total numbers of each groups participants. Have the system calculate the total amount of money for each group and thus for each member of the group. Recalculate for people with ad filters on, move their would be filtered ad values to the next days/next weeks issue. Automatically announce the values of todays issue at the start of the server day. Issue the ads automatically later in the day.
- Alternatively: Remove the BAP groups completely. Return a daily percentage of invested money depending on a persons BAP amount. The later groups have HUGE gaps between the bottom and the top of the group. I don't see a reason for someone at the lower end of the group getting the same amount as someone at the top of it. This will motivate people to always go higher with the BAP instead of hovering around the same level once a slow buildup to the next group appears too time consuming.
- Stabilize the earning throughout the week. Why not use the same "rolling reserve" mechanic, that FTQ uses? Save up most of the revenues to build up a 7 days reserve. That puts you into position of being able to know how much funds exactly you can put into the ad issues next week, making it easier to make sure daily total ad issue is the same every day. Actually having a 1 Mio funds ready, as it is now, would be the perfect moment to start this. Instead of issuing all in one day, issue 166666 every day for the next Mo-Sa. While saving the daily revenues for 7 days, to build up next weeks total funds. Stability!
- Take care of lower value ads. Sorry, by that I mean firstly acknowledge that the amount of low value ads in the system is a problem. The "oldest campaign has plenty of time to deliver the ads" shtick is just denial. We are buying vastly more visits daily than we deliver. Issuing hundreds of low level ads to everyone is not going to fix it. We need the ad grid as soon as possible. Put every low value ad after X recycles into the ad grid. By that time the ad will delete the BAP debt, so any ads in that system are just guaranteed free visits for PV. That would also be the best system to give the low value ads to people who actually want them without clogging the cron.
- Issue the same amount of ads to every group. The visits are equally important, no matter if they are valued at $0.0005 or $1500. This means that every member should also have to deliver the same amount of visits, regardless of the group. The only thing that should change in higher groups are the values of individual ads. For example if you divide the daily issue into 50 indiviual ads per person. It would take about 30 minutes of concentrated clicking to get the value according to your group/BAP amount while delivering 50 visits, thus completing at least one ad campain (50 visits) worth of visits every single day by every single active member.
- Consider reducing the buying window for ad campaigns to 3-4 time windows throughought the day, similar to how it was shortly after BAP swap. This is merely psycological, but it seemed to me as if artifically limiting the availability of ads make people want to get in more (and at the same time it's not really limited). Just make sure everyone gets a chance to buy campaigns, remember time zones.

For MTV in general:
- consider upping the lowest entry values for the games (BAP and cash). This would be something we could do immediately, without having to build new products. We can't prevent huge winnings from happening (and we don't want to, the games are fair), but we can make sure that the losses bring more revenue to MTV. For example changing the lowest bid on a specific game from 5 to 10 BAP will instantly bring the double amount of BAP revenue to MTV on every single play loss, without actually stopping anyone from playing the games.
- Get new products in! This is obvious and yet it seems worth repeating. Save the costs and time by buying existing products instead of building out own. There is no reason we couldn't have some completely custom projects in the works, but why reinvent the wheel every time?
- Get cheaper products with unlimited revenue potential. Buying real estate is interesting in the long run, but I don't think we're quite there yet. We need products that start generating revenue fast. With real estate it will take some time and the revenues are just monthly or at most weekly, depending on how it gets used. Also the revenue generated by something like a vacation apartment has an upper revenue limit that cannot be broken. We can only get "Daily price x 31 days" out of it, assuming the apartment gets booked every single day of the month. And then there are costs specific to owning a property. Is this kind of a product really what we are looking for?
- Make it easier to find information on the forums. Finally bringing in the moderator team is a step in the right direction. Now make the daily news only writable by PV staff, making it the definitive information source for any given day. We can still open a new thread specifically for discussion about the current daily news, but it's a pain in the ass going through 20-30 pages of irrelevant posts to find the official posts. Separate the news thread and the discussion thread for the love of god. Being able to find information fast means being able to be confident in ones actions. Link the current news post on every single page of PV/MTV if you need to.

- Basically, make PV fun again, instead of waiting and hoping for something every day. 
- Bring in more revenue generating products, mitigate the losses on the current products, save costs for building new products by acquiring similar products already available for sale. 
- Dont waste your time with non essential functions/products (uh... a custom chat? IRC has been around forever, is free and easy to put into any webpage). 
- Work towards stability, instead of rare flashy ad issues. 
- Uncontrolled growth might not be the best thing right now, forget flashy words like "to the moon", "explode" and what not. That's the language HYIP site use. We are more than that. Become serious, become professional, become reliable. People will come. Just make sure you are able to fulfill your promises.
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
5 like this post 1 people
01/02/2015 14:40
@Jo - Please read this, and think about this
@Paidverts - Please read this, and think about this
@Power1981 - This has been by far the best and most constructive post in the entire forum today. I hope Jo is reading this, and thinks about it.
Traffic Value: $1,206.40561 Germany
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01/02/2015 14:44
Whoops, forgot one thing:

No more free BAPs. At the moment the activation ads serve three functions:

- 8 guaranteed visits to some ad campaign
- motivation for users without investment to be able to get to the first group with ad issues
- "and to keep your account active", but I think there are other easy ways to keep track of that

With the introduction of ad grid there is no need for this system anymore:
- free users would be able to get some money with no cost to PV
- simultaniosly they would deliver visits to ad campaigns

With this we would 100 BAP per active account daily while delivering more visits and making free users happy every day.

The only ways to accumulate BAP would be buying ad campaigns or selling shares for BAP.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
8 like this post 0 people
01/02/2015 14:48
Controlling the growth is necessary...first Paidverts should not be used as an investment use other Plans for that, there are plenty of people complaing of ads to low even if they got more here than other PTC, we should not have those ridiculous big earnings...

and for them complaining of ref earnings, there are plenty of users that misuse the ref system and set up multiple accounts to get free money, we have already witness a user "ebenmail" that tried to cashout but didnt know that we must click the cashout link, i send a support ticket but no answer, lucky the user has not been online to cashout...

4 accounts all reffered by one user with same IP is to much

we should fix the system and get better ad-issue delivery also then we can focus on more products
as there are many problems left to fix
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
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01/02/2015 14:53

You are so awesome. If Jo reads this, and makes this happen in less than a month, everybody is happy with just a few stupid complainers.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
6 like this post 0 people
01/02/2015 14:55

All these ideas have been suggested many, many times in the past to the admin but they don't seem to interest him
Traffic Value: $1,206.40561 Germany
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01/02/2015 15:12
Yeah, I'm aware I just recycled most of others and my own posts for the biggest part. I have some specific solutions in mind, but I didn't want to expand on an already long post. Still, worth a try, since Jo specifically asked for ideas in this thread, so who knows... smile
Traffic Value: $12,357.633 Singapore
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01/02/2015 15:15
Very good analysis from jo, I think you have spotted the problem with the last BAP swap almost immediately. 

The problem is that no one expected the shares to rise to above 0.07 so fast, so soon. The BAP was change to share at the rate of 0.0705 (219BAP), however the BAP share hit 350 BAP range very soon, and the cash shares hit $0.10. 

This meant that people got back to their previous group, and it is as if Paidverts did not do a swap at all. Some of the people that sold at 0.09 got back to an even higher group. So as things stand now, we remain status quo with before xmas. 

The below are a few observation and suggestion that I have. 

Debt Accumulation
In a best case scenario, all the calculations in the system in MTV and PV would work if everyone was depositing new money. But what really happens is that when people make money from here, they reinvest it somewhere, and thus making an even higher debt amount.
For example, as jo said put in what I can lose, and we may become a hedge fund. Then boom! Lets take a look if I put 5,000USD into the 250% plan. 500USD for membership, 4,500 USD into the plan. My returns after 80-100 days is 11,250 USD (x2.5). I then reinvest this 11,250 USD into the 250% plan, I would have gotten 28,125 USD. I then reinvest this 28,125% into my 3[sup]rd[/sup] 250% plan, and it becomes 70,312.50 USD. WOW! I could buy a car with that, just 3 rounds of 250% (About 9 Months)
Another scenario, in PV I go to Group 12, and I Made $150 today. I buy back 70% of what I earn to keep my group. But I give my upline 10% again. This 10% is so unnecessary because the money is from the system, it is not worth it to keep giving commission on recurring investments. We should only welcome fresh new investments and pay commission to it  
What is the problem?
The system clears the debt, but only to welcome more debt with the money it returns.
The solution?
Enforced Cash Out. This means creating a new account called CashOut (with the different payment processors) and all Ads View money and Matured FTQ goes investments goes into this account. The money cannot be used anywhere except to confirm your cash out.  Or it can be changed to normal MTV Balance with a fee involved (5%), with 7 days processing (Not instant).
Make money go out of the system, to prevent extra debt. Anyone who wishes to invest money, should put new money in, or pay the processing fee again. Thus revenue for payment processors, and lesser cash floating around to be converted into more debt.

Secondly, referral commission for purchase made with internal balance to be reduced to 5%, payment from external sources normal (10%). –Credits yallit. 

BAP Group Adjustment
The problem about users getting back into the normal group can be solved, if after every BAP swap, the criteria to enter a group rise by 10%.

For example to get into group 10 now would be 3mil – 6 mil BAP. After BAP swap, it would now be 3.3mil – 6.6mil BAP. This would buy time, and attract newer investments. If I was Group 10 before, and I want to get back to Group 10 (Because it sucks to be downgraded), I put in 10% more money. Simple. It buys time, it attracts NEW investment. 

Games, games, more games.

Be less dependent on casino, in case of any government restriction. Make more multiplayer game, user vs user, with MTV taking a cut for the hosting. Guaranteed positive profit everyday from this source. 

Make cash to play games, some will lose money, some will win money. But the game is so interesting that people don't mind investing to play it. For example: Farmville, all plants and animal sell for real cash, all seeds and baby eggs must be bought with real money. The land you own to build your farm must be purchased from MTV. The bigger the land, the more expensive. The land is a virtual item, but MTV can expect big profit, with no promises that the crop will yield the real money profit, but the game is too damn fun to play while waiting for ads. 

The possibilities is endless with cash to play games. Need for speed game, everyone buy a car from MTV, upgrades from MTV, and race each other for honor, for money. All real money. All items are virtual, but MTV make a profit, without promising any expected returns. 

The idea is that since we pay some for games already (outside of MTV), without expecting anything in return. Now what if I tell you, you pay to play a game, and you might get back some money, or even more money. 


$ and more $$

Paidvert to always be just a product of MTV

Paidverts should always be regarded as just a product of MTV. And that means, everyday stable constant ads issue, and making good returns back to MTV. Control the ads issue means controlling the debt. Make it consistent, so you can predict the future 6 months down the road. jo you said you like unpredictability, make it for MTV. MTV's product should always be slow steady and consistent. 


We have some of the finer brains at MTV from reading the forum. Put them in non-salaried employment. 

Example: A Business Development Manager to develop plans and strategy. Salary is only purely by efforts, so he is able to coordinate a game out like the above suggestion, he get paid what he is due, Thousands. 

Put good brains in important position, start from non-salaried, with high incentives. 

Develop groups to brain storm, make them compete, Managers vs Managers, for the best plan to work for MTV. With high incentive for the whole group led by the best people, with highly creative members. 


Agree with your plans with the next BAP swap. They are excellent. Creating demand is so cruel and wicked but a game changer. Do consider raising BAP group requirement also. 

Do not operate the site at all during the BAP Swap, no unexpected ads on first day. Close the site for 7 days, do the necessary changes, start out really afresh and with all new changes and all ready to rock and roll. 

Its tiring when one new thing get introduced, and another break down at the same time. 

Good luck all! smile
Traffic Value: $4,963.69955 India
13 like this post 0 people
01/02/2015 15:26

Often and often implimenting new plans will always confuse users.. last BAP swap was successful may be, but you have to know that many users in paidverts didnt even understand it and many people dont even read daily news, and may because of poor in english, as a result of last Bap swap i lost some of regular clicking referrals who had even a low bap and lower bap group users and they never returned, and many guys asked me in facebook about how to sell shares, they dont even know how to sell, they might not have that much knowledge to understand your BAP swap and continous changing plans..

What All some people in PV know is, simply to invest and get profit by clicking daily cash ads.. they only know that much... they know that based on their investment, they get daily cash ads in return...

Jo, We are not expecting very big ads daily, PV users just want daily some profit based on investment without empty days..

Yes, Pv/MTV sustainbilty matters...So, save some money as you do everyday and surprise users with big value ads at least once in a week, thats enough.. and give away some even low value ads on regular basis.. Stop skipping days, and atleast issue some daily ads instead of skipping..

Or, fix certain daily % of returns based on BAP groups.. by issuing big value cash ads, people always expect everyday big values.. its human mentality to addict, and they disappoint when you issue low value ads.. Also, by issuing big value ads daily more and more users climb into higher BAP groups very fast, and number of users increase in groups that may could be over load to you..

Introduce some new ideas, or some other new products if anything in your mind which generate daily revenue to PV..

Sorry, my english is actually poor smile i wrote whatever i thought from point of my view, and from point of "a common user" view.. sorry if there were any spelling mistakes ss i wrote it from my mobile phone..

Traffic Value: $6,735.55932 Italy
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01/02/2015 15:26
but the question is...and the multiplayer poker in BAP?  an illusion? and the games?
how can I play with games and poker if i can't buy more baps and the bulk ads are limited? i'm confused about it
Traffic Value: $102.30514 Italy
0 like this post 2 people
01/02/2015 15:30
the idea of joel seems similar to this history ...;-text=&act=url
Traffic Value: $3,286.0289 Cyprus
7 like this post 0 people
01/02/2015 16:11
 About PV growth control. I can definitelly agree that after the swap PV grew unbelievably fast therefore not providing much "low debt" time. On the other hand the quick surge of fresh cash created a lot more revenues but , correct me if i'm wrong, the whole point of swapping was to momentarilly free those revenues in order to create more products thus increasing revenue streams. 
 At this point we are brainstorming about how effective it will be to control growth for the NEXT swap but to what end ? We can anly avoid the unavoidable for so long. There must be a clear plan of developing products set beforehand so that with every swap we move a step forwards eventually eliminating the need to swap to only when there is no alternative ( as it was initially intented for ). 

 Instead of thinking about that loop I believe we should be focusing to tackle the real issue which is that we are not utilizing our assets fast enough to create more streams. As mentioned on the very well structured and problem focused post by Power1981, I believe our priorities are wrong, although we do lack greatly in communication matters and the site is not an ideal "eye candy" it more or less works and we have dealt with it for a long time and survived.  

 The thing that is greatly missing since the creation of paidverts is its intended "character" : an advertising innovation. Our first priority should be creating those targeted ads so long awaited for, even if it means that the forum will take some time to clean and the top and side banners will stay there for a while longer. 

 Imagine the results of this: We will finally be able to break the internal money cycling and attract pure advertisers that will bring pure, non-debt-creating profits.  It will be the first step to an autonomus PV that can be considered a product rather than a burden.

 P.S. : From the post of power1981 I would like to say that the pre-accumulated ad issues proposition stands out greatly. Whether it is users that we want satisfied or promotion material, a stable bussines far outperforms a once in a while great-ad-issue-day one.
Edit: I'm not complaining in any way, I believe that the dynamic bussines model of MTV is the best thing about it and welcome every change towards a sustainable future, therefore providing my thoughts I try to play my part in the well being of it all.

Edit 2: I will think more of the technical part of these issues and try to come up with do-able ideas as many other members have done contributing to the whole brainstorm part of this thread.
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Forum - Brainstorm - Controlling PV Growth...
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