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#13902 won with $1.00

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Results Monetization Portfolio

My Traffic Value pays out the sum of our portfolio revenues daily. 100% of our daily revenues pay investors Fast Tracking the oldest investors instantly completing their payments and removing that debt from the system.

Daily Revenues

Click on each day to view the full result card.
Date Total Revenue
27-Jul-2024 click to view
26-Jul-2024 -$12.67133
25-Jul-2024 +$587.10296
24-Jul-2024 -$46.82977
23-Jul-2024 +$266.14472
22-Jul-2024 +$11.01882
21-Jul-2024 +$344.46552
20-Jul-2024 -$104.16252
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Result Card Archive

Use the calendar below to view our revenues, daily results, and fast track payments for any day all the way back to January 29th, 2014.
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