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Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
9 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 18:22
When I first read the news, my first thought was "bad precedent".

Marc had a lot of trust on my part after becoming CEO. Now he has me raising eyebrows. I understand this is an unusual situation, but "one time situations" tend to keep appearing again and again over time.

What really worries me is that the users keep paying for the company mistakes and that trend doesn't seem to have an end. In professional companies, you get compensations, at least. Here, zippo, nada, just shut up and keep paying.

Many users offered to delete their campaigns, extend them, but that offering was dismissed.

Yallit gave some great options as well. Hope they are taken in count.

I want MTV/PV to do great. As many others do, because we need that to get our investments ROI in the future. And because of me wanting to see the company do great, I really hate to watch when the company makes unneeded mistakes.

I just hope that the company starts to use the crowd strenght to improve. We can all together make the company better and stronger than one alone would. There is no need to play lone ranger with so many brilliant ideas around.
Traffic Value: $723.49201 South Africa
1 like this post 3 people
09/07/2015 18:34
one thing ill never get over is that f@#n idot jo just woop, swapping all our FTQ for a whoping 0.30 a share , a price we will never ever ever see again. LOST man, thats all iv done here.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
6 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 18:34

I just don't understand with the large dividends right after the swap, and the big swings in share prices since the swap, how you are still in a loss with all of those shares you got from the swap. 
You have to stop focusing on the $0.30 a share thing and use what you got. The shares never have to go above 10 cents to make money. For every 1000 shares, a $0.01 rise = $10.00. Through buying and selling the same 1000 shares you could have made $100 by now just on those.
Traffic Value: $723.49201 South Africa
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09/07/2015 18:37
LOL, no bro, im gonna hang in there till MTV crashes, i put in like $1500 and if i sell now im on like $110. so might as well go down with the ship i guess.wink
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
12 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 18:42
Ship will be afloat for a long time, It will just be slower sailing, no $100 ads or big dividends every week, but constant earnings. Hang in there. You will make $$ in the end
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
5 like this post 2 people
09/07/2015 18:43

We are currently dealing with a problem created in January. Since then the site has gone through some fundamental changes but because of the sheer volume of our traffic, it takes time to work that through the system. If we were to use a ship analogy, this is like turning around a cruise ship and not a small speed boat. We can't just zip around, a long careful turn takes time. We are in the middle of the turn right now but we are still facing headwinds
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
21 like this post 1 people
09/07/2015 18:44
PV/MTV are in a bit of a slump right now due to two poor decisions:
1) In January, a BAP swap was done and no limits were set and that allowed rampant BAP growth and rampant ad purchases. This is the biggest trouble we are dealing with now, because now all those ad purchases are up for refund.
2) The FTQ Marketplace should have been disabled for 60 days, right along with the BAP Marketplace. As a result, users found a loophole and now we have this huge pile of FTQ Investments which we have to wait for before the FTQ will normalize and we can see foreseeable returns.

Should we all run away? Truth is, we created this mess, even if we were only taking advantage of the tools [loopholes] available to us. There is nothing about the stagnation of this company that can't be linked to you and me and our decisions. The swaps didn't create this. The January swap didn't create the 2 million plus ad views a day we have to try to avoid refunding. We did. The April swap didn't create 1 million dollar plus FTQ queues we have to wait forever for. We did. Either [wo]man up and eat what you put on your plate, or go home hungry. I came here to work for my money. What are you here for?
Traffic Value: $6,735.55932 Italy
4 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 18:47
1) This site has a Subject to Change without notice clause.

ok, but this is illegal in Europe. and will be a big problem with paypal......
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
11 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 18:50
ClixSense may, at any time, choose to edit, add and/or delete portions of this agreement and impose changes without prior notification of its members. 

It's a wonder PayPal, or Europe for that matter, don't have a problem with this then...
Traffic Value: $6,735.55932 Italy
1 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 18:54
impose changes without prior notification of its members. 

this is illegal in europe and is  invalid 
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
7 like this post 1 people
09/07/2015 18:57
Heck even those speed talking contest rule readers on the radio say 'subject to change without notice'...

It's a common contract clause to protect a company from unforeseen changes that need to be made without notice.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
22 like this post 3 people
09/07/2015 19:01
Its too much of a thunderstorm in a glass of water if you ask me

To begin with, less than 15% of the users actually TAKE THE TIME to read the TOS - and I will bet most of the ones making it a big deal just took the time to read it now in order to be able to complain.

Second, 5 days is NOTHING. If the campaigns are already outdated - and many are... I have campaigns running for businesses that aren´t even working anymore - 5 days won´t change a thing

Third, the greed is being misplaced. They want they money back, fine.... but they don´t realize that taking the money from the system will lower their ad issues.... what good does it to have a ton of BAP if the system doesn´t have the money to issue ads???? As for me, you have my full authorization to cancel all my pending advertising campaigns and not refund me a DIME. I would completely go for starting fresh, with zero campaigns - as long as PV and MTV are safe and stable

Gotta keep an eye on the big picture here - not keep arguing over petty things.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
0 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 19:02
Well, I can't speak for Europe, then. Anyway, RL calls. Catch up with everyone in about 6 hours or so.
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
18 like this post 1 people
09/07/2015 19:02

Don't get me started... Christalia warned that this would happen long time ago. It's not that nobody saw it coming... 

Many suggested issuing ads on weekends right after the chain of command change, and this was not listened to either... 

It may be a big ship as you suggest, but the iceberg was on plain sight all the time.

I question that nobody listens to suggestions until the problem becomes unmanageable. Then the solution is far from optimal (suggestions never taken in count) and people like you come to defend the poor decision making. 

This trend is what I want stopped, because I'm here for the money too, and as you and everybody else, I want to be able to collect one day, and these unnecessary mistakes hurt the chances of earning for all of us. 
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
2 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 19:05
Easy, klickdiva. We'll be alright.
Traffic Value: $8,887.75932 Italy
0 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 19:09
Waiting for deposit how much time needed?
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
1 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 19:16

For the good of all of us, I hope so.
Traffic Value: $593.00493 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
1 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 19:21
bla bla bla...5 days is not problem.problem is in solution.with this act you are making wrong picture.and no serious investor going to solution not the best
Traffic Value: $109.0659 Venezuela
3 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 19:22
Stop criticizing administrators and let's his place, instead of making them question their support we would be rowing in the same direction and would win all
Traffic Value: $723.49201 South Africa
2 like this post 1 people
09/07/2015 19:23
im seriously wondering why people still bother with paidverts, i did it for like a month last year and man, what an irritation.
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