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Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
8 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:14
MTV isn't even close to a HYIP.
HYIP must enforce time frames.
There is no time frame within which you will make the given revenue share value.
You make profit only if they company makes profit, hence Revenue SHARE.
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
6 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:19
It was done because it was needed. That's it. It wasn't because of greed nor because the company was trying to steal from users.

The system needs us all for healing, Advertisers and Clickers.
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
6 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:21
honestly, unfair to the new team all these reactions.

Do they make mistakes in their decisions? Yes of course they do they are all humans and we all make mistakes and hopefully we will learn from this. Whenever there is another 1 day downtime all those campaigns should get 1 day added right away in the future, no matter how many days there is left on them to avoid these kind of reactions.

Just 1 comment more about this situation. After announcing this and see all the comments possitive and negative it would be more professional to be around to give some kind of reaction. I am proud at slosumo and marc but things should be changed and done differently in the future.

about the ad distribution and delivery, its about time to get rid of overdelivery. Get thos ads swapped when a campaign has ended automaticly.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
83 like this post 1 people
09/07/2015 16:23
People rather see the business fail and pay them $200-$300k in refunds, instead of a longterm healthy business. And the management even gets bashed for it and called scammers..
Please have a look at the other programs around you, they wouldn't even go through all this trouble to satisfy their "clients/investors".
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
2 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:26
thanks to be here marc thats what i meant with the post above yours smile
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
11 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:32
...and another thing...
Does anyone that is raising all this stink over 5 days even have an ad about to be refunded?
If not, why you whining? Just for the attention?
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
31 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:36
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
2 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:40
Lol, that's the last thing i was expecting to see in the forum.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
3 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:41
Sorry, joe31800, I can only give you one like for that one. Otherwise, I would have given that about 10 likes.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
56 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:45
Could some things be handled differently and some of these issues averted? Definitely - hindsight is a beautiful thing.

But given how the situation was progressing and where the numbers were heading it seemed everything would be reasonably solved within the time frame we had had left and there was no reason to take an extreme step like this beforehand. The past 2 weeks it still appeared that everything would have come to a reasonable end without such intervention, but in the past few days, the results were taking an unexpected/random twist with awful predictability, and pushing bigger amounts of ads towards the users sometimes resulted in a positive result, and sometimes went completely different way. Things were very predictable until 1 week ago, but when we came this close user's behavior and ad viewing habits started changing, unfortunately beyond the controlled point which we had for the past few months.

And based on latest results yesterday and the day before, we were facing $100-200$k worth of refunds for campaigns bought up to 1st February. And until a clear liquidity report is formed, it was a too high risk to take to ensure our business remains fully liquid without taking the extreme measure we did today.

Those affected (who were close to refunds) naturally resent this decision, and yes, if it was taken weeks before with a notice, the situation would be different and the amendment better accepted, all the server issues we had taken into account the past months, to serve as a fair basis of to the amendment. But things seemed predictable/manageable until the past two days, and would we be given another option to take a slightly different course of action the past weeks we would have.

We realize some do not approve of it and won't regardless of what is said. It was an extremely tough call to make, especially with no prior notice, but one we had to make in best interest of the company and majority of our users.
Traffic Value: $24,171.69746 Poland
3 like this post 21 people
09/07/2015 16:52
Well im not i other programs 
Stoped playing blshit hype long ago

And who am i to blame?? He did this move, no mistake about it, hes the new co, he gets the heat

You ppl have to undestand that marc didynt do shit till now...only brainstorming....well anybody cant do that...(do i paint the background red or blue)- the prducts wich were relesed its all from jo leftovers. Its been going on in the background from some time, think about it, stuff like that isynt done over night. It just haped by coincidance (or not) that they were relesed in that time when marc took over...and everybody is "yay we alredy have progres"...and i was like wtf are you talking about
I know that putin JO aside is a wery good move...he was all abouts hes peronal gains...but...

But marc did not do a thing....well till now(changing TOS) i may congratulations to you...wery good move...again the system hurts the little man...
And you show no consistancy paid few...that only showes what??? That you only put out the fire when it burns you

Im disapointed big time...and spare me all the team player bulsht...this site gives pennys for thousonds put it. If thats the play that the game is one sided

I dont care if you change the TOS but you have to undestand that this should afect only the products which will be bought now...stuff like this hapens only in NorthKorea...

Few days ago marck said that there is 600-800k easy as liqudity...
like i sadi before- cheap move exacly what i would expect from JO. So whay would i think things will be any different 
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
6 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:52
Onward and Upwardexcaim
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
9 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:55
I stand behind you. The decision wasn't taken in malice or because of something bad going on behind the scenes (at least not currently). It was because you were trying to estimate customer behavior and that is the toughest thing all businesses face.

At least were a not dealing with food and having to throw a bunch of chicken in the garbage. Don't touch my chicken! cwy

One thing you might want to do is maybe give some extra advertising to the affected advertisers to compensate for this. I know our banner inventory is running high and we also have the click grid. In doing this, they also might get some good results which will keep them coming back for more
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
9 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:55
I understand this is primarily a crowdfunding product. however, don't be afraid to tap into a little crowd sourcing. If you got an issue, pose a Brainstorm about it and let use hash it about. Perhaps we can see an idea you didn't even think of. Maybe the Brainstorm itself would be enough to drive the force forward into achieving the needed goal.

I like the additional ad issues though. If you are gonna be forced into a refund scenario, might as well market out as much of that out as you can at 1/4-1/2 the price tag.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
7 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 16:58

How does the little man get hurt? They are still going to get their advertising. It is only delayed by 5 days. They already agreed they wanted advertising when they bought it and the delay will actually give them more unique users to look at their ads because we are always adding members. So their advertising should improve
Traffic Value: $24,171.69746 Poland
1 like this post 3 people
09/07/2015 17:02

When someone changes their TOS to a sold product thats a automatic court time
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
37 like this post 1 people
09/07/2015 17:06
Ahh smile is a fortune teller I see.. Telling everyone i'm not doing a thing?

Well, then I should just stop putting in 100+ hours/week and just pack my suitcase for a vacation of a few months.. Let's see if we make the same progress we do now!

P.S: If I would do such a thing, I can guarantee you the business would definitely sink before 2016. And i'm not trying to tell you that this business is all based on me, but if you remove a link out of the equation (Programmers, db admins, ceo) the business would fail.

And we're actually doing a lot. A lot of programmers are working 2/3x as much as normal programmers and some of them don't even bill all of their hours! wink

Few days ago marck said that there is 600-800k easy as liqudity...

I've never said such a thing.
Traffic Value: $29,464.72207 Slovenia
3 like this post 1 people
09/07/2015 17:08
Marc, just give us some PvP games and you will not read stupid comments anymore, cause we will be busy grin
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
11 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 17:09
Thanks, Slosumo. 
I appreaciate that post.

No downplaying, no downtalking to users, no passive agressiveness and no redicule, but honest explanation of your point of view.

Let's talk tacheles!  Because there is more! 

Let's not forget that single PV users have been a bit more the rabbit of Jo, then single users of MTV 
PV had 2 swaps, while MTV had only 1, Jo took 500 k from PV and it was given to MTV users of the FTQ, free to cash out or reinvest. 
That is the money that is missing now and the position of PV users is the essence of the discussion we are having now.
60% of PV money goes to MTV, but nothing comes back from MTV to PV anymore.  
Sharemarket down, FTQ stuck and the revenue that gets paid in MTV comes from PV.  

So in general I think that PV users don't have the deal they should or could have, specially now that the businessmodel, that Jo had set into place works no longer. 
Traffic Value: $33.75798 Indonesia
0 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 17:11
My friend's account to hack sir
The dressing email
check my support ticket
she had sent a support ticket
but there has been no reply
[Edit by MichaelKline: this can remain as it involves a hacked account]
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