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Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
10 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 12:33

Think, man. If we do all the refunds, and then our liquidity is hurt, then we would need a full debt swap including balances. So, at the end, what good does it make to have the refunds made? No good for anyone. The recipients of the refunds would get hurt, the company would get hurt and all the users would get hurt... Once again by Jo's mistakes.

We fought as good as we could to avoid this. And still are, just needed some time to breath, some time to heal.

See the big picture.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
123 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 12:33
We've just uploaded another requested security update "confirm cashouts by email" update. From now on, every time you request a cashout you will need to confirm/reject it via an email that is sent to your email address (obviously this requires you to have a valid email address).

The link is valid for one hour, then the cashout is automatically rejected. Funds are only deducted from your balance after approving a cashout, and if you meanwhile spend your balance and try to approve it the cashout will also be rejected.
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
12 like this post 1 people
09/07/2015 12:35
Now that`s what I call good news!

Thanks Slosumo smile
Traffic Value: $2,545.40766 Turkey
1 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 12:36
great measure slo, thanks. Good job.
Traffic Value: $3,874.12526 Portugal
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09/07/2015 12:36
nice job team
Traffic Value: $318.52242 South Africa
4 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 12:37
IF our email facility is reliable Slu.
Right now the password recovery by email is not even working.
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
2 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 12:38
@ ccarlosdulce

I like that idea of the shares. They could actually make more in the long run if you did that. However I still think that sending out as many ads as possible is a good thing. Many of us don't mind clicking and it would help the site. Refunds of shares or cash would still be lower. All and all it helps the members to make extra cash and it helps the site to not have to pay out so much. And the advertisers still get most or all of the views they wanted to get.

I believe that Slosumo's plan might work on new ads bought but truth be, that if they didn't have it in the TOS in the beginning then it shouldn't be there for these ads. He can easily add it in that just in case of downtime that all ad issues will have 185 days max (If the site does have downtime) starting from 7/9/2015

But in the mean time let us click and click. I know our fingers get worn to the bone, but some of us love PV/MTV and are willing to do the work.
Traffic Value: $2,154.77891 Viet Nam
1 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 12:39

nice ! more security options !!! ))) 
and more nice captchas ! )))
Traffic Value: $1,583.10573 United Kingdom
6 like this post 3 people
09/07/2015 12:41
Basically as yallit saidIt is not fair that advertisers have to accept this. When we purchased, it was those tos that applied.

Its like someone saying to you "Here, an apple iPhone for you for free... 170 days later you get billed half the price because they changed the TOS."

However, I do believe that if a user wishes, they could have to AD converted into shares at a slightly higher rate.

Money is still in the system but a few shares have lost... Or maybe restrict selling those shares for a month.

I would happily convert my campaigns I have to shares just to keep! Since thats what I would have been doing with the refund money anyway
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
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09/07/2015 12:42

It worked for me yesterday smile
Traffic Value: $209.47248 Greece
1 like this post 2 people
09/07/2015 12:44
About some news i heard that Jo referals will go to portofolio why NOT go to Revenue days so we'get more REVENUES per day? This will increase the revenues and share price will also increase. Stop FUNDING the portofolio exclusively, you're holiding 2m $ and more. Gains between USERS and portofolio must be 50-50. 

MTV ADMINS remember WE ARE FUNDING the portofolio all users helping, i believe it must be an equality! 

[MOD EDIT : remove excessive formatting - Missi]
Traffic Value: $415.25841 Cyprus
23 like this post 5 people
09/07/2015 12:45
and yet again you people are giving a hard time to slosumo... MyTrafficValue and Paidverts could have easily turned down without any notice and ALL of you could have lost your money BUT those guys that literraly don't know you are still here fighting to make mtv what it's supposed to be! 
NOW look at the past months, we had: Money stolen from mtv, hijacks from the former CEO, Paypal screwing us and many more pleasant stuff but above all of these we also had Andraz a regular guy that wanted to make some cash online turning to be mtv's savior without even wanting to lead (knowing that this wasn't his job, Carlos Garcia, a guy that most of you have never heard of running accross the world to make your funds count and another guy Marc whom is playing with fire in order to help this community (It's illegal in Nederlands to get involved as a managing partner in websites like mtv) doing their best. Do you want improvments and real money waving in your pockets? Cool. Then let's join our knowledge to make mtv the place to be, let's make an OFFICIAL un moving thread where everyone that has skills will be suggesting stuff, from ways to make mtv known wide, to marketing materials , websites and whatever you can think of. Ending this I would like to say something about the former soviet union (i know most of you will hate mesmile) . These guys started back in 1917 with literally 7 agriculture machines as technology, 99% of the population could not even read but yet even with all the bad stuff they had they made it to space, 100% of them knew how to solve equations by 1925 and by 1930 none of them was hungry. Why? Because they joined forces, minds and dreams. 
Marc should consider this because our problem here is not funds neither programmers it's that we haven't found a way (yet) to use this huge brain power we posses as a community. Try to think about it 30-40k people working as one...we can take over the world if we do it together and that's a fact.

Now keep calm and stop worrying about those 5 days because you won't lose a dimesmile
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
8 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 12:46
When those mails were sent...2 weeks ago...about  news and other stuff on the site... I got my mail like a week later than some users reported.
So if we`re getting a time frame for confirming cashout, we should be certain that emails are working perfectly.
Traffic Value: $318.52242 South Africa
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09/07/2015 12:47

Maybe it's fixed have to check.
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
8 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 12:47

Portfolio dividends are a product that generates revenues to pay the FTQ. The gain from the referral commissions will also be a product that generates revenues to pay the FTQ. Read better.
Traffic Value: $1,793.38751 Italy
17 like this post 2 people
09/07/2015 12:52
Trust on mtv is becoming almost 0, you can't change tos overnight because you did mistakes, and some day ago words by slosumo/marc: "we won't punish bot users because they are helping us delivering ads" make me feel cheated and scammed so hard, because I agreed and followed the tos, and how about you? Intentionally allowing bot( against YOUR TOS, and I didn't buy bot views but HUMAN VIEWS) and not refund changing the TOS we agreed.
Traffic Value: $620.1606 Poland
3 like this post 2 people
09/07/2015 12:57

The argument about being hurt by management is silly.
Advertisers here made the deal with PV, not with Jo. If the previous management made debts then sorry, ut currents managers inherited that debt.

Making it really simple, a client is buying something from the company and its not his concern whether they had a takeover inside or not. He wants his rights to be respected and get what was promised to be delivered. 
The 180 days was long enough to cover for unexpected downtime, maintenances etc.

When you order something from the shop online to be delivered on certain day, do you allow them to change it, because there was a day of the maintenance in between ? Or maybe because there was sunday and the shop was closed ?

 PV is basically 24/7 service and its not going even a tiny step further towards being legal if You change the ToS with influencing all the past deals. I see no problem for it working forward for any campaign bought since the change, but leave all the ongoings campaigns alone.

[MOD EDIT : remove excessive formatting - Missi]
Traffic Value: $209.47248 Greece
3 like this post 0 people
09/07/2015 13:12
Come on 5 days more isnt bad. Thats why ADMINS are ADMINS they do whatever they LIKED TO... 
They can scammed you and RUN. But will they do it... no. MTV is proving trusted. 
Traffic Value: $340.64745 Bulgaria
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09/07/2015 13:19
Where gone the views count on topics ?
Traffic Value: $11,038.09657 Slovenia
4 like this post 2 people
09/07/2015 13:28
some of your arguments are plainly stupid guys(no offense wink ). whose foult it is for pv to be down? From users not. If you get drivers licence for 1 year and it expires you cant drive 5 extra days. You cant say to officer, well roads were closed for few days so I want to prolong it.
And while I am on that, you could made  new feature, pay some more and all your ads get delivered in 1 month or smth like that. It might be great since some members are heavily promoting new business(preluch and beggining), since profit are that time the biggest.

And good job on new security.
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