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Apr 15th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $605.49135 India
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15/04/2015 17:19
@ Axiantor,
Weekly Dividends are NOT paid based on OR from Daily Revenues. It is paid from weekly FTQ turn over [ 25%].
So, Dividends  increase can't be expected using revenues increase due to Paidverts FTQ upgrade fee or any other type of revenue.
But, if PV make big investments in FTQ plans in any week, it will factor  in related week's better dividends .
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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15/04/2015 18:00

And do not forget: if PV buys the upgrade and the whole FTQ gets cleared in one go, there'll be $500k or more available for other users, who can invest this into the FTQ. This creates a lot of dividends once again.

It's a bit like the time when infomodel joined the site with a lot of money: more money in circulation which made our results grow due to increasing profits from our games, which cleared the FTQ faster, bringing more money in the system again which, on his turn, once again made better results the days after. Okay, in the end it won't keep snowballing, but you'd be surprised to see howmuch effect a lot of money has on the whole system smile
Traffic Value: $7.01793 Hong Kong
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15/04/2015 18:18
Any idea when the next Cashout is?
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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15/04/2015 18:18
Only 291 ads left to click and 9 hours before they start expiring. All in a day's work...
( least recycled ads finally started coming in.)
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
6 like this post 4 people
15/04/2015 18:20
I know I`ll get a lot of dislikes but in my opinion BAP market should never open again! Let PAidVerts earn it`s revenues from Ad Campaigns & FTQ and make users willing to earn more and get to higher groups by investing. 

I know when you sell shares for BAP you`re just exchanging with another user but I don`t think it makes sense having a BAP market... 

just my 2 cents!
Traffic Value: $132.46681 Macedonia
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15/04/2015 18:28
Hey guys. One of my referral tried to buy ads in PV through Neteller, but he weas unable to do that.
He tried to buy bulk ads with 2$ and when he clicks purchase this is what it says:

Error: "* minimum $5.00"

Isn't the limit up to 5$, not exactly 5$?
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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15/04/2015 18:30
@Vecors, can you explain why you're against it?

I think it can be good to exchange your BAP for shares to cash out, isn't it? Otherwise there should be an option to convert BAP to dollars again, I think... Ofcourse, for a very cheap price so PV makes a lot out of it wink Like half the price you pay to purchase... Only problem is that gamblers would be able to convert their BAP to money too easily then maybe?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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15/04/2015 18:36
How about a BAP to Cash and Cash to BAP limit per day?
Just throwing that out there.
Traffic Value: $155.79279 Hungary
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15/04/2015 18:37
The magnitude of the amount of advertising given the current level of BAP and reason and otherwise included in the BAP invested too?
I do not get the usual greatest ad .... 2 days ago
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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15/04/2015 18:46
I personaly like the limits to invest into the FTQ... Big users can buy shares and invest into the FTQ with a very small part of their money, and they can buy investments from users that want to bail out.

For Paidverts for sure, I think the limit is perfect, but I think most of the people here will disagree with me on this... With the limit implemented the FTQ gets filled so fast, so I don't think we need much more money to pay the programmers right now. If that would be necessary, the limit can be increased anyways...
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
6 like this post 2 people
15/04/2015 19:04
I`m just against BAP market because PV is a PTC. You get BAP because you bought campaigns and if you want to turn BAP into $, just click the ads. That`s a PTC. Having BAP for Shares or Shares for BAP is not quite the PTC style... but... 
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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15/04/2015 19:38
gugakip, regarding your post:
On the portfolio page, the products created after the previous debt swap are still showing a cost to build. Shouldn't this be changed to zero with the swap from last week?

Why should we zero out the amount in the first place? It simply shows how much were the costs to build those projects. Having a debt swap doesn't mean that those projects were built for free.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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15/04/2015 19:43
Just a notice for PIF club members:

It looks like it is done since it is no longer allowed to come to the surface so there is no longer any point posting there. I hope the club members will keep on recycling. It was fun while it lasted cool
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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15/04/2015 19:44
That's true Yallit, but... why are all the other products zero-ed? I thought that it was changed to zero, because these products did not have to repay a certain amount of money (3.63x it's cost to build in the past, I'm not sure about the current ratio). Once it needed to repay this amount multiplied by a certain factor, to clear the debt that was used to build the product. But since this debt is gone with the debtswap, there isn't any debt left that this products have to repay, right?

I can understand what you're saying, but why did they change it to zero with the previous swaps, and are they displaying the current cost to build although a swap has occured now?
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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15/04/2015 19:51
@gugakip, some (or actually most) of the products didn't require any development funds for those to be created that's why they're showing zero in the "cost to build".
Traffic Value: $329.49811 United Kingdom
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15/04/2015 20:03

Is anyone else having trouble with the slow loading of Paidverts?, it is painfully slow and I have 480 ads to click


EDIT :- Seems to of picked up now a lot quicker...
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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15/04/2015 20:15
we noticed many changes in the forum today, my guess is slosumo and/or the programmers are making improvements, thus the temporary slowdown
Traffic Value: $1,068.2225 Romania
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15/04/2015 20:16
smthin wrong with the forum aswell :<
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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15/04/2015 20:52
It could be the whole internet. I've had trouble with many sites including twitter.
Traffic Value: $49.67525 Pakistan
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15/04/2015 21:13
My downliner didnt recieve value ads on group 3 is there anything ok?
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