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Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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15/04/2015 11:36
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 European Union
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15/04/2015 06:44
Before the swap we had about 11000 unique investors.

WOW, so we gained basically 50% NEW Investors.
No wonder so many threads/posts about FTQ and not understanding.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 11:50
Report Ads here
Traffic Value: $290.21812 Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of)
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15/04/2015 11:53
7 days .
Traffic Value: $1,521.59112 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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15/04/2015 12:00
I can buy as many investments I want from other people, is that correct?
Thanks for your time
Traffic Value: $7,130.35531 Lithuania
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15/04/2015 12:01
Why FTQ plans investments does not add some % of invetments to daily revenues, as it was before swap on january and february? I mean 74% goes to portfolio, 1% as referral commisions and 25% shareholders cut. And where is some % to daily revernues as it was on old times?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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15/04/2015 12:02


Just remember you must have access to the plan that you are trying to buy (200%/250%).
The 170.2%'s are free, so have at it.

ATM, Brainy and others are buying them up again, b/c the site is about to buy access fee of $500K, which will pay off all the investments in max 8 days.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 12:04

This was done to get rid of the HYIP/MLM aspect.

New Paying Old is the main things those type sites have.
Traffic Value: $2,319.20098 Finland
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15/04/2015 12:15

By gambling.
Traffic Value: $92.35207 Philippines
1 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 12:18
I got 472 ads to click considering that I am in group 1.

Is it normal?

I also have a .001 Ad filter.
Traffic Value: $2,319.20098 Finland
2 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 12:22

Increase your filter if you do not want to get so many ads.
Traffic Value: $92.35207 Philippines
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15/04/2015 12:23
Thanks qaz,

Will the amount be compensated if I would increase the filter amount.
Traffic Value: $2,319.20098 Finland
1 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 12:25

No, you will just get less ads.
Traffic Value: $92.35207 Philippines
1 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 12:30
Ah OK, thanks qaz.

I welcome those ads anyway. But not the .0005 ads, goodness.
Traffic Value: $455.43947 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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15/04/2015 12:43

you are not being realistic
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
4 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 12:43
I estimate that with paidverts 240% fee payment of $500k and every other day results, next week dividends will reach $0.40 per 1000 shares. I used $800k week revenues. This is huge! A record!!

Off to buy some shares now...
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
16 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 13:23
people don't have realistic expectations because most of them don't understand how the system works, don't sweat over it...

and I think there's no need to add extra money to ad issues just because some people don't get why we have "low" issues.

It's perfectly normal...

ad issues are not "low" or "high" but based one the number of purchased ad packs yesterday and day before yesterday and matured FTQ investment + share trade profits and dividends.

paidverts has no matured FTQ investments yet and 5 ad packs, per user limited, for purchase per day = no wonder we have lower ad issues than usual before, it's perfectly normal situationsmile
Traffic Value: $16,028.01849 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 13:32
why everyody talking today that paidverts will pay 500 000$ fee to acess to 240% plan ? from where you got this info?
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
51 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 13:33
Development/programming news

There's a lot going on in the background and everyone's busy, as we're taking steps to create a scalable and "modular" infrastructure. Not just in terms of performance, but also reliability, monitoring, error detection and lastly having things separated (i.e. PaidVerts database a copy of MTV's but completely separated, separate databases for forum, etc.) will also make things easier in terms of legal compliance.

So that is what David, Krzyszstof and Alex will be focusing on. They're gradually moving everything to AWS as that will be the basis of everything we want to achieve here. And I'll have to start saving snippets from the chat every day to prepare news in advance, as there's just too much messages to back-read if I wanted to post more specifics of what all they'll be tackling with the following weeks...

Daniel is finishing moving the rest of ad types to the new cron in the following days and then move ad viewing to rabbit queue as well. Once that's done he'll be able to help out Paul with Chat rooms and get back to MultiPlayer poker ASAP.
He'll also do some changes to the recycle cron, to try and even out the amount of recycled ads users are getting. This is how we'll achieve that:

Currently we send 50% of recycled ads to any upgraded user at random, and 50% to the oldest active upgrade. However this is flooding accounts with 500+ ads, which isn't workable.

Instead we'll do as follows:
$0.0005 & $0.001 recycled ads, always distribute at random.
$0.0015+ .... 50% recycle at random. 50% go to the oldest active upgrade.

Kamil will be working on shortening ad timer on new ad purchases and also likely install a visual captcha (images) instead of the current captchas when viewing ads. Also, they'll try to implement a "daily ad limit" setting in the following weeks, which will be changeable in account settings. With the above 3 changes put in place, ad viewing should be much more enjoyable and will allow us to deliver ad views more quickly at the same time.

Besides all of the above we will also try to add as many additional security features as possible in the following month. "Time locks", security PINs, security emails and more are all queued up. Moreover, we'll also add an option to submit a document and a selfie that will have to be approved via support, which will be used as not only verification for any account recovery/setting changes via support, but will also be a very important step in "KnowYourCostumer" compliance, which will become mandatory for anyone wishing to use bank wire and credit cards as a payment option. It will also allow us to gain additional payment options more easily.

We are also working on professionalizing our workflow and communication between developers, system admins, DBAs and project managers. As the bigger our teams grows the more crucial that will become to ensure that we create, delegate and track progress of tasks assigned to our team properly. So far we've been using, which is simple o use, but has limits to what it can do. We're moving to, which is a much more advanced project management system and should offer us all we need to properly scale our management. This is where I'll likely spend most of my day today, setting up programming tasks, and then we'll gradually optimize how we sort and distribute the tasks in such a way that project managers can communicate with devs, that devs can communicate with DBAs and System admins and vice versa. It will make looking into potential issues and communication between everyone so much easier, than reading through hundreds of messages on Skype.

In the following weeks we will also most likely require users to be logged in to view our forum, as the idea is to remove it in its current form when the chat rooms are developed and only certain sections will remain as a regular forum. We'll also be pruning the Misc and Question categories where there's been no reply in the past 20 days.

I will try to expand the official/pinned topics today and publish the forum rules, as despite mods doing their job, it's about time we make things clear on what sort of behavior and posting is not tolerated on our forums.

You've also likely noticed that when replying in older topics they are no longer seen in the latest posts widget. That is due to a huge optimization and at the same time to limit the latest posts widget to relevant posts only, and not language specific, or digging up dinosaur topics most users don't want to bother reading and which just spam the latest posts widget.
Traffic Value: $104.34669 Malaysia
0 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 13:41

Instead we'll do as follows:
$0.0005 & $0.0001 recycled ads, always distribute at random.

$0.0001 ads? mean 0.2 BAP to be consume or what? grin
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
2 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 13:41
When you will separate PV and MTV we will be able to use money from PV in MTV and the opposite?
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