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Traffic Value: $1,094.95139 Turkey
0 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 09:14
Thank you very much wink
Traffic Value: $41,486.01161 Poland
1 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 09:25
1.) Does African Bank is safe for us ?
2.) Which currency do they have (eur or usd) ?
3.) When we will get new games and products making money because debt is growing and we don`t have any new products like you promised ?
4.) When will be multiplayer poker? Many people are waiting for this. It will bring a lot of money I guess.
Traffic Value: $18.38469 Algeria
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15/04/2015 09:27
I receive now some big ads is it the ads issue for today or not?
Traffic Value: $344.5705 Ghana
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15/04/2015 09:28
Todays ads are flooding in
Traffic Value: $1,068.2225 Romania
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15/04/2015 09:30
0.86$ some big ads smile
Traffic Value: $2,575.64792 Slovenia
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15/04/2015 09:33
It is daily issue, probably around 10k.
Traffic Value: $2,520.36922 Poland
0 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 09:45

Previously we had info that also Polish bank accounts are coming to town - are those still on the horizon?
Traffic Value: $12,691.63746 Australia
4 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 09:46
Drascko & macm that $1000 ad was given to the top earners a number of times last year. It was one of many given.

The larger ads come from Paidverts investments maturing in the fast track queue. That is how it is possible for Paidverts to share such revenue via its ads to its members. You may scoff all you like but it is true.

What will it be like this time around .. nobody can predict such things, but it is highly likely that top groups will get good earnings on average.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
47 like this post 22 people
15/04/2015 09:55
Before I post today's ad issue details, I will repeat my answer from yesterday to address the size of ad issues and your unrealistic expectations:

Everyone who thinks the ad issues are too low has completely skewed perception of what is a "big ad issue".

$10k pre-swap had to be divided between 12 billion BAP, now it's divided between just 500 mil BAP.

We can't make money for ad issues out of nowhere. I've had to use extra for yesterday's and today's ad issue, to make them bigger. And your expectations are unrealistic if you think that yesterday's ~20% return and today's ~10% are a low ad issue.

The money for ad issues comes out of 5% ad purchases from a day before, and 5% of ad purchase of 2 days before. We can only issue more once PV's investments in MTV mature (via shares or FT), which will start happening in a few weeks time. Until then, if we add any extra it will have to come out of dev funds, which we can only use in moderation.

Having said that, here's today's ad issue, where I added another $2,000:

Today's total - $7976

BAP Group …... Percent (x100) …... $Available …... No. Users …. $ Ads /User

100 to 1599 …........ 0.000 …........ 560.000 …........ 11207 …........ 0.0500
1600 to 12k …........ 0.140 …........ 1116.64 …........ 9103 …........ 0.1227
12000 to 24k …........ 0.120 …........ 957.12 …........ 4264 …........ 0.2245
24k to 48k …........... 0.210 …........... 1674.96 …........ 3979 …........ 0.4209
48k to 96k …........ 0.485 …........ 3868.36 …........ 4499 …........ 0.8598
96k to 180k …........ 0.030 …........ 239.28 …........ 136 …........ 1.7594
180k to 360k …........ 0.007 …........ 55.832 …........ 18 …........ 3.1018
360k to 720k …........ 0.002 …........ 11.964 …........ 2 …........ 5.9820
720k to 1.5m …........ 0.006 1 47.856 …........ 4 …........ 11.9640

Ads were sent as(5 cents worth was also sent to users with 100-1599 BAP):

BAP group Default $/ad (Quantity) 1x Ad 19x Ads Remaining

100 to 1599 …........ 0.002 …........ …........ …........ …........
1600 to 12k …........ 0.005 …........ 12 …........ 0.037 …........ 0.001 …........ 0.007
12000 to 24k …........ 0.010 …........ 11 …........ 0.067 …........ 0.002 …........ 0.009
24k to 48k …........ 0.020 …........ 11 …........ 0.126 …........ 0.004 …........ -0.001
48k to 96k …........ 0.030 …........ 14 …........ 0.258 …........ 0.009 …........ 0.011
96k to 180k …........ 0.040 …........ 22 …........ 0.528 …........ 0.018 …........ 0.010
180k to 360k …........ 0.050 …........ 31 …........ 0.931 …........ 0.031 …........ 0.032
360k to 720k …........ 0.100 …........ 30 …........ 1.795 …........ 0.060 …........ 0.047
720k to 1.5m …........ 0.200 …........ 30 …........ 3.589 …........ 0.120 …........ 0.095


PaidVerts will buy the FT240 upgrade first thing tomorrow and thereafter invest $40-$50k. We've waited with this for a week so that PV wouldn't immediately block the queue and rather give users a chance to cash in some profits before the FT ETAs start slowing down to more "realistic" levels.

FT240 upgrade will bring $500k revenues, which means that it will basically completely empty the current queue, expanding the opportunity for quick profits. Moreover, PV investment tomorrow will be at the end of what this $500k injection will clear in a week's time.

So when PV's fast track matures next week, it will allow us to issue bigger ad issues for 2 weeks or so, and in the meantime buy new fast track investments every day with about 10-30% of daily ad pack purchase value, the rest (20-40%) will go into buying shares. Expect the ad issues to increase temporarily as first PV's fast tracks begin maturing next week, and PV should then have fast tracks maturing on a regular basis.

But keep realistic expectations - we can only issue the money we have available via 5% of previous two days' ad purchases, and the money from any maturing investments.

I'll also post more thorough development news later, as we're working on a lot of things.
Traffic Value: $10.52321 Poland
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15/04/2015 09:56
That's because we face some restrictions regarding ad purchases. But do not worry. After 60 days you will be able to maximize your ROI.
Traffic Value: $2,066.50335 Korea Republic of
11 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 10:05
learn the system before make complaints and silly questions.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
7 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 10:06
Can you people not read and comprehend??
Traffic Value: $412.53078 Bulgaria
3 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 10:08
It is normal.

People will not invest until they get their first investment before the swap. The only way to happen is the see share price at least 0.25$
So now everybody waiting including me.

When the price reach 0.25$ and more everyone will sell his shares and start invest again

Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
2 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 10:33
Were are the $500k coming from? From ads that were sold since the swap or from development funds?
Traffic Value: $760.96411 Slovenia
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15/04/2015 10:37
I can understand why the low ads. But I think that 10% return is not really correct. We never get 10% return in one day smile
Traffic Value: $417.20626 Morocco
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15/04/2015 10:37
i believe Development funds .
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
0 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 10:39
yeah I guess too.
Just for curiosity ...
Traffic Value: $1,094.95139 Turkey
0 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 10:39

How the Monitors' system are ? I have invested 0.02 when I invested it it seems "every 0.001 investment return 2,78175 $ with NO" but now its different (0.04..). Which is true ? Can you expalin about monitors

Thank you
Traffic Value: $1,368.66418 Spain
1 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 10:55
My % of mi invesment área decreasing instead of increase 2 days algo all my invesment áre up of 50% and today mi invesment are ALL under 10%.

Why happen this?why 1 investigar go down instead of go up? I cant believe it.....
Traffic Value: $11,038.09657 Slovenia
8 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 10:55
Well I am happy that share price wont go up and Jo wont try to pump it up. Its true that this means 3-4 months will suck badly(feb-may).But there are limitations for reason this 2 months and after that all will be ready to explode smile Both offices should be fully functional with staff by that time and games will be made very fast, we will have more members, bigger revenues, share price will rose.

The best thing is to have share price as low as possible during limitation, since people wont have money then to buy bulk ads or invest into plans, which will buy company all that time that it needs.
Meaning lower debt, swap wont be over in 15 days like that one in January when share price reached 7 cents in 14 days but i might take 3-4 months to get to 0.2$. Which is still great.
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