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Traffic Value: $122.20448 Argentina
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15/04/2015 03:12
Any advance on Payoneer?
Traffic Value: $396.19864 Peru
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15/04/2015 03:25
Hi.! admi some help me, I want to add funds to Paidverts or MTV via bitcoin but does not accept me .. or I have to send money to your wallet? but as you know I am the user?
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
2 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 03:34
go here

then choose the amount you want to deposit IN DOLLARS
and follow the instructions
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
3 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 04:35
Finally the chairs, took very long. No Ikea in Polen?
But cheers anyhow smile

For the rest good news, hope that adjustments in MTV do help
for PP.
It is probably above all FTQ, where it can be seen by everybody.
PP cannot look into the accounts, but they may have controllers
that take an account incognito, so make sure to cover that probability.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
7 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 04:37
"Paul also tells me the hiring process has begun for the Polish office. He has a few applicants requiring interviews. So we'll see how that goes!"

Let's not overlook this piece of news!
Traffic Value: $613.52616 Poland
6 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 04:41
Chairs came from the Netherlands, that's the way it took so long! deviltonguegrinwink
Traffic Value: $801.29869 Pakistan
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15/04/2015 04:58
share price decreasing instead of increasing

its not good for us
Traffic Value: $125.53795 Poland
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15/04/2015 05:13
Please settle my account. There is a difference 4 cents. najorx
Traffic Value: $2,194.18215 India
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15/04/2015 05:14
holy crap becoz of egopay we lost some moneycwy bad news today
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
0 like this post 2 people
15/04/2015 05:26
I never used EgoPay, but:
All processors charge fees, and MTV charges higher fees than that, to cover possible losses, afaik. And now, you want to charge the users _again_ for choosing that bad processor. Imo there are two options:
a) Charge higher fees than the processors have, that's what currently gets done.
b) Make the users responsible for their choice

You can't do both options at the same time, sorry!
It's like you sign up for insurance, pay your bill, and in case of an accident, you pay all yourself.
Traffic Value: $906.05753 Hungary
4 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 06:14
Hi Jo!

"Check out my facebook page, to see the latest office photos. Our very cool chairs have finally arrived!"

Where are guys from the photo?
Why we can not see them?

Please the photo with guys!
Thank you! cool smirk

[MOD EDIT : remove excessive unnecessary formatting]
Traffic Value: $6,326.35424 Italy
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15/04/2015 06:18
Ever heard of the word privacy ?
Traffic Value: $344.5705 Ghana
2 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 06:37
Oh My God! Play Bap Games is bad for the heart is till beating...@Jo can I please get a lock for Bap games can keep the code.Just look it for me....Hahahaha. Now am scared am gonna lose these Baps anytime soon if i keep playing. Stopping isnt easy. Too much Anxiety
Traffic Value: $40.15569 India
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15/04/2015 06:41
i undersood that we cant see mtv balance on pv and vice versa after changes implemented , but can't we transfer it paying some fees.other wise i have to cash out and deposit........
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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15/04/2015 06:44
Before the swap we had about 11000 unique investors.
Traffic Value: $432.67654 Philippines
5 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 06:55
That's right we need to see the photos of programmer and other stuff. To make sure not doing a ghost employee in there. We only see the elegant office but not seeing the employee. Don't be shy and you should be proud of being employee/part of MTV. grin
Traffic Value: $308.56838 India
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15/04/2015 06:57
Jo please do the Cashouts...
Traffic Value: $1,038.57717 Poland
1 like this post 3 people
15/04/2015 06:59
Hi guys, when are we assigned to specific groups for each issue? When Jo/Slosumo sends it or on new day of server's time or when is it exactly? Was googling it wink and believe I found a huge bullshit as "the biggest ad ever assigned to a member of highest group".
Traffic Value: $1,068.2225 Romania
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15/04/2015 07:02
When the ads are sent. If you climb up to group 6 for example just a few minutes before slosumo starts sending ads, you'll get group 6 ads
Traffic Value: $432.67654 Philippines
1 like this post 10 people
15/04/2015 07:04

It's Fake! Used Inspect Element on browser you can change the amount display. $200 is the highest value per paid ads not $1,000.
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