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Traffic Value: $470.67925 Macedonia
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16/04/2015 00:33
Yeah... It was a dumb question and i figured the answer in the meantime. Still new to FTQ and very tired at the moment. I guess i better go to sleep before i do some unreasonable move with my shares.

Thanks, dude.
Traffic Value: $149.33609 Pakistan
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16/04/2015 03:46
good news so far smile
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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16/04/2015 04:51
PV already invest in 240%?...
Traffic Value: $132.46681 Macedonia
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16/04/2015 05:03
Traffic Value: $197.64336 Venezuela
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16/04/2015 05:10
[MOD EDIT : There is already a topic open for shares discussion. If you would like to talk/speculate about shares please post in that topic]
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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16/04/2015 05:27
@bojant really?..cuz i dont see any investment by PV in 240%...just 500k access fee PV pay..hehe..just want to know cuz i want buy more ftq in market place before PV invest
Traffic Value: $132.46681 Macedonia
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16/04/2015 05:31
I don't know. I read in some topic, some user said they did. It's for sure. Whatever the case they will be doing it today,so...
Traffic Value: $3,785.18396 Germany
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16/04/2015 05:34
EB -$5,000.00 Fast Track 240: $5,000.00 invested to return 240% $54,786.21089

So, not that much for now wink

I just want to mention that I got only 2 1%-ads, there should be 7*$0.05 :>
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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16/04/2015 05:34
@Werebeast, PV hasn't invested in the FT240 yet but it already paid for the $500K upgrade so expect that anytime now, PV will be investing into it as well.

Didn't took the time to check PV's history. lol! Looks like tux000 already posted a purchase made by PV.

Based on the small amount, I have a feeling though that the main priority is buying back shares at the moment.
Traffic Value: $1,038.57717 Poland
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16/04/2015 06:27
Here it goes again. Thanks, Brainy! And regedition! wink
Traffic Value: $344.5705 Ghana
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16/04/2015 06:39
Hey I think ccarlosdulce should have won 50,000BAPS on Roulette since he wagered @ 25000 and played just once.. How come he won 11000 even less than yeyeapps who wagered at 12000. Is there a bug.
Traffic Value: $1,038.57717 Poland
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16/04/2015 06:50
You don't have to play black/red. If you bet on something with lower odds, you might win more.
Traffic Value: $505.71692 France
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16/04/2015 06:51
Hi everybody,

I do not know what's going on, but this morning, I have received 2,023 ads for 1.272$ !
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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16/04/2015 07:05
paidverts $45,000.00 $108,000.004 $0.00 / $108,000.004 50 - 71 days
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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16/04/2015 07:26
@cleroy61, you made a mistake of buying the Recycle Upgrade without an ad filter. It seems like you missed the warning message that you can get as high as 2000 X $0.0005 ads. So now that your Recycle Upgrade has already expired, think twice before purchasing it again. Do it only once you have purchased an ad filter.
Traffic Value: $51.66426 Philippines
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16/04/2015 08:41
Hello guys, I'm kinda a beginner and I just wanted to ask some of you. I guess, this isn't the right place to ask this but, I need to burst out my curiosity. Can someone give me an insight about the 170.2% investment plan? I mean, I really would want to try it. Is there any right time to invest or could I just fund my account and put an investment on that category right away?
Traffic Value: $66.28128 Russian Federation
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16/04/2015 08:48
Good afternoon, why have you promised after 2 months we swap good advert you are not satisfy your promise I invested $ 10 get $ 1 Pat 75 cents 20 cents today, tomorrow probably do nebudet if you took responsibility for the fact that every member of this project is to make a profit you need to fulfill these atoms obezatelstva you say that aktsie should grow Pat all sell ads in the price rise? we have waited 2 months to get low again unfairly classified
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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16/04/2015 08:50


50k $ total investment so far

check the shareholder's dividend cut for today smile
looking forward for this weeks dividends grin
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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16/04/2015 08:56
@tupko, I already saw that earlier. I actually posted the same in another thread.
Traffic Value: $505.71692 France
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16/04/2015 10:12
@Yallit Thank you very much 

it's boring because firstly I can not buy the $ 10 filter and secondly I lose my BAPs. But it's a good lesson!

we could click small ads values if and only if they were 3-5 seconds. click a ad of 0.0005 and 0.001 for 30 seconds is too long! It's a waste of time! However, the $ 0001 is precious
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