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Apr 15th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1,068.2225 Romania
1 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 07:06
the biggest i've heard about was $500
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
4 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 07:15
I saw 1000 dollars ads many times from the big members, i think once there was a 1500 dollars ad too. I'm not quiet sure though.
Traffic Value: $1,038.57717 Poland
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15/04/2015 07:18
What about the groups, as someone asked after me, if I buy my ads now and jump to higher range, am I about to get higher group's ads today?
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
3 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 07:28
If you buy the ad packs before today's ad issue and climb in higher group you will get bigger ads.
Traffic Value: $1,038.57717 Poland
1 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 07:30
Thank you, good news, made my day! smile
Traffic Value: $329.49811 United Kingdom
1 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 07:51

Good news regarding a possible paypal comeback for use with Paidverts, I doubt the transfer to MTV would exist though.

 Does anybody know how to withdraw cash from payza to fund MTV via a safe exchange.

I cannot use bitcoin as payza was funded via a credit card.

Thank you
Traffic Value: $39.03419 Algeria
0 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 07:59
Good morning

good news about the comeback paypal smile
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
7 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 08:02
We're all very excited and waiting for the following:

1. Banking account
2. Hiring for Polish office
3. Starting arrangements Slovenian office
4. Reduce time frame for paidverts ad viewing
5. Security features
6. BAP Multiplayer poker
7. Bid feature for BAP market

Awesome work!
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
37 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 08:06
We've added the option to deposit via bank wire again, the new info is posted here:

For the moment we're limiting transactions to $1000+ ... We'll see if we can expand upon that later.

Cashouts will resume once the account is funded, we're still waiting on the $90-100k PM outexchanges.
Traffic Value: $39.03419 Algeria
0 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 08:14
can we withdrawal also on the bank ???

or only deposits???

Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
1 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 08:17
yes you can withdraw
"Cashouts will resume once the account is funded, we're still waiting on the $90-100k PM outexchanges."
Traffic Value: $39.03419 Algeria
0 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 08:19

thank you
Traffic Value: $16,028.01849 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
6 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 08:40
"""""But I like this idea of making users responsible for their choice of payment processor. As we only accept what the market demands of us... So make responsible choices! As they have consequences.""""

I also dont like this and I belive a lot of people...You guys need to secure our funds and the best way for this I belive is to transfer the bigest part of money to bank account not keeping all on payment processors... You charging a lot of fee for add/wd funds to MTV so I belive that our funds need to be secured if some prosessor like ego pay going down
Traffic Value: $118.29599 Philippines
2 like this post 3 people
15/04/2015 08:48
Webmoney pls... smile
Traffic Value: $7,979.71472 Iceland
0 like this post 5 people
15/04/2015 08:52
Hi guys who explain for me what happen my invest FTQ today goes down from 86% to 8% i start invest 10.04 and now after 5 days is only 8% !!!!!???? Wtf.???
Traffic Value: $2,319.20098 Finland
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15/04/2015 08:53

The percentage does not reflect your own investment. It shows the percentage of all the investments made in that particular week. You will not be paid on a daily basis. You will only get paid the full amount at once when you will reach the top of the fast track queue.
Traffic Value: $1,094.95139 Turkey
0 like this post 1 people
15/04/2015 08:54

I want to ask something. I have send money with Bitcoin yesterday but it didnt come into my account. I have to create a support ticket but what will I write in it? Is there any special information that I have to send ?Its very important please help me. @Jo and @Slosumo you can also answer me

Thank you
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
32 like this post 2 people
15/04/2015 08:56
We already do that...
And it costs a lot of money to out-exchange e-currency. The total deposits for EgoPay are in the hundreds of thousands, but we only lost $65k in the end. A tiny portion of our overall cash assets (Well over $2m)

However, we have to maintain a float in every payment processor. And if one collapses and all that money disappears, that's an additional risk, over and above the regular costs & risks associated with each payment processor.

Furthermore... banks aren't much safer than e-currencies. We've had multiple bank accounts closed in the last 12months. Holding lots of money is a bit of a pain.

And raising the deposit / cashout fees even higher isn't a good option. As then you lose money even if the payment processor doesn't disappear... Just accept responsibility for your actions. If you demand companies accept a given payment method, ensure it's a good option! ... Otherwise we'll forever be at the mercy of the likes of PayPal.

Consumers dictate the world... But you don't even realize it anymore. You give all your power away willingly, as you refuse to accept responsibility for your actions. And instead demand more and more laws and rules to supposedly protect you.

That's a lousy way forwards.
Traffic Value: $1,068.2225 Romania
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15/04/2015 09:01

Write the bitcoin address you sent money from, the bitcoin address you sent money to, the amount you sent in BTC and an approx time and date. that should do it smile
Traffic Value: $16,028.01849 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 09:05
well I can not acept fact that bank account is like e-curency... every legal company can hold cash on vbank account and shure this cash can be blocked by bank but bank do not disapire like e-curency and bank account can be unblocked ...
so what will happens in future.... if let say Perfect money go down customers with Perfectmoney balance will not recive anything back if i understand good ??

Can you protect your customers somehow ? because now everyone should think if here is safe for investing
buy gold,silver,real estate .... smile something...can you please give us some solution
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