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Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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15/04/2015 14:08

On the portfolio page, the products created after the previous debt swap are still showing a cost to build. Shouldn't this be changed to zero with the swap from last week? Atleast, that's the way it was done when the previous swaps happened... I posted this yesterday already, but I think anyone who can answer this question, missed it in the flood of messages on the forums wink

Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
3 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 14:11
WOW, Bookmarking that post, lots of very good information in it!
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 14:15
Unique Investors: 15,794

Went down about 300+.
Does this mean the total is based on Active Investments only, not all time?
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
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15/04/2015 14:45
I have a doubt , if PV & MTV separated ,what happen to the shares bought with PV earning Balance ....?????
my suggestion is just transfer shares to MTV Earning Balance ......grin
Traffic Value: $18.38469 Algeria
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15/04/2015 14:51
Every time i log out and come back later and login my captcha change to google capatcha «recapatcha» and i like solvemedia for capatcha. So i go in account data and changed bit every time it go to google capatcha again how can i fix it to solvemdia always the time?
Traffic Value: $2,319.20098 Finland
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15/04/2015 15:12
@ druth8x

I think that this decrease is due to the fact that few people bought a lot of investments on FTQ market. Right now there are users who have tenths (if not hundreds) of investments, so the number of unique investors dropped down.
Traffic Value: $470.67925 Macedonia
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15/04/2015 15:14
Guys, i'm brand new to FTQ. Now i'm thinking of investing in it, but first...

I see that the active debt is ~560k. I know paidverts is gonna invest and will pay 500k (for access , i think?) - therefore all those investments untill 500k mark will be payed off immediately, but the rest 60K will have to wait. Also, round 63 is being mentioned as the "point of clearance" - meaning invesments in round 64 and above are past the 500k mark and will have to wait longer. Am i getting this right?

Anyway, if i'm about to invest now, how can i check (before i actually invest) which round my investment will fall under? Also, where can i see the current round which is being paid atm?

I hope these questions make sense wink
Traffic Value: $1,068.2225 Romania
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15/04/2015 15:21
You can see that in the fast track queue:

if you invest this week (13-19apr) you will be in round 64:

which is the 64th week this year
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
6 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 15:29
Actually, it looks like we have at least Roughly $625K Revenue (once the site buys the access fee).

The site does plan on buying $40-50K 240% FTQ , creating 96K-120K debt. Not sure how quick they will buy that after they buy the access fee.

$625-560 = 65K... Which means ALL current FTQ will clear in 8 days. And, even ~65K more.
Now, if the site creates that 96-120K debt, right after, then not only will the site have to wait for it's own to mature so will anyone after. Though. the revenue should be pretty good, relatively speaking, and be able to be more reasnoable on maturity, at least the first few after. It won't be next day, but a week or 2 is expected.
Traffic Value: $23.58385 Venezuela
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15/04/2015 15:55
Hello admins, can you guys have spanish version of web?
Traffic Value: $396.19864 Peru
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15/04/2015 16:04
Hi.! some admi can help me, I can not add funds to paidverts or MTV for bitcoin, I get the following

Traffic Value: $132.46681 Macedonia
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15/04/2015 16:05

Haha i also bookmarked it the minute i read it.
Traffic Value: $1,068.2225 Romania
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15/04/2015 16:08

and what is the problem? login to your bitcoin wallet and send 0.0457 to that bitcoin address
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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15/04/2015 16:16
it is pretty straightforward.. you are to send the value in bitcoins to that address.
Traffic Value: $1,068.2225 Romania
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15/04/2015 16:29
lol Catt. and i've searched the scp for nothing :>
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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15/04/2015 16:30
some things just BEG to be deleted
Traffic Value: $1,068.2225 Romania
12 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 16:44
did that traffic value fell out of the sky and landed in your account?
Traffic Value: $145.02984 Tunisia
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15/04/2015 16:47
perhaps he is thinking to add 10 BTC not 10$ value of 0.047 BTC
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
2 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 16:49
LOOOOL, that was really funny i have to say.
Traffic Value: $1,793.38751 Italy
12 like this post 0 people
15/04/2015 16:52
My holy god, these 10000+ post/topic about share's price are so...

Always same questions, I guess it's becoming spam...

Anyway this is the answer:

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