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Traffic Value: $2,592,904.1508 Spain
65 like this post 10 people
23/02/2015 16:08
There'll be no restrictions on the FTQ marketplace.

And my advice right now, is don't panic, and don't make any rash actions that may result in you losing money. If you have a good understanding of what's going on, and likely to happen. Then make the most of it.

Otherwise, my advice to you would be to do nothing! Continue business as usual, and you'll automatically move with the currents. And those movements will be profitable for you, as you let events unfold.


People are going to be in a bit of a panic right now. Despite the fact we've done this 4-5x before, and the general trend of things, is that they work super well! Everyone seems to enjoy the drama of spooking themselves & others with fearmongering and what not.


Fundamentally, the business is awesome. We have $800k+ available dev funing right now, our Polish office is only a week away. The programmers are super busy behind the scenes trying to restructure everything to handle the upcoming flood of traffic the debt swap will create. We're about to go crazy hiring additional programmers and other staff.

And i'm fully expecting this debt swap to generate $3-$10m in additional dev funding within a few months... Then we'll see what we do with that!?


If you're worried that nobody will use PV/MTV anymore because of this swap. You're mistaken.

We may piss you off with this move. But in the process, the company goes debt free! Our entire portfolio +800k unused dev funds (and all of PaidVerts) now has nobody to pay! So any new user that accidentally invests after the swap will get paid super fast. And then word will spread!

There's a huge imbalance between the money our portfolio is making, and the debt it has to repay. And that void will be filled ASAP. And with our strategies, we're aiming to fill that with the most number of people possible. I'm not interested in big investors; I want hundreds of thousands of little ones! As that'll add more [traffic] value to the business, thats more easily monetized than one big investor.

We'll then spend the rest of this year applying that $10m or so in available dev funing to expand our portfolio. And see how big we get it!
... Then we have another swap in the bank (via 70m+ shares) , anytime we need it in future, to take the portfolio from ~$10m+ in assets, up to $100m+ in assets. And at that point, I think the portfolio will hold it's own. The company will be big & established enough to not need to take such radical leaps forward. We'll then just snowball more "normally", as our very impressive portfolio underpins everything. And guarantees a minimum level of turnover to satisfy everything.

Anyway, believe me, don't believe me. It doesn't really matter. This is rolling; and I am very confident it will achieve something in the direction of the desired outcome for the business & ultimately growing the portfolio + share price.
Traffic Value: $172.44505 France
2 like this post 1 people
23/02/2015 16:11
So the shares will be transfered at a rate of 0.35 for BAP and FT but how much the price is actually gonna be ? 

0.02 ? 
0.05 ?
I mean , the roadblock you will put.
Traffic Value: $2,081.35489 India
2 like this post 1 people
23/02/2015 16:12
Traffic Value: $101.71589 Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of)
5 like this post 3 people
23/02/2015 16:13
oh no no no....i remember in last bap swap in new year jo said pv go better than last...but now we see no bettersad...i cant underestand...why our money should lose and lose in your handsad
Traffic Value: $519.84867 United States
10 like this post 2 people
23/02/2015 16:16
Something about this doesn't make sense to me.

We're being asked to hold on to our BAP to later get it exchanged for a share per 700 BAP.

But right now I can literally liquidate all the BAP I have for 1 share per 446 BAP. So...

~800,000 BAP.

Sell everything now: 1793 shares
Wait for you to do a BAP exchange: 1142 shares

I'm literally getting robbed by waiting. Am I confused here, or what?
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
0 like this post 0 people
23/02/2015 16:18
jo i have doubt ....
is there any chance to get back paypal  or not.....question

if not tell me what other payment processors are going to add in here....
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
24 like this post 10 people
23/02/2015 16:18
Furthermore, I am thinking to turbo-boost the debt swap via releasing $500k of our dev funding, in the form of PV buying the 240% upgrade shortly after the swap. This will permit it to re-invest straight away (whilst everyone else is limited). And it'll flood the system with revenues. Generating instant crazy turnover for LOOOOTS of users; seeing as no one big user can take the entire pie!

Troll :') 
Swapping just before I get paid my $432.000,- fast track to release $500.000,- just after that.. 
I feel violated.
And now the swap will be at an even higher rate.. Are you kidding me? :' )

Creativity and the use of the fast track queue/Paidverts is being punished.

Generating instant crazy turnover for LOOOOTS of users; seeing as no one big user can take the entire pie!

Especially this line made me sick. I made a great move, I would become the biggest shareholder of MTV if he paid me my fast track and this feels like a punishment.
Traffic Value: $156.93866 United States
1 like this post 0 people
23/02/2015 16:18
@JO  So your advice to us is to NOT sell our shares and wait until we're given .04 to .05 for 700 bap instead of getting shares for around 300-400 bap? How do you figure we wont lose when everyone know the price wont go up much higher,even SloSumo has roadblocks of 20k,30k and 50k shares holding the market down.
Traffic Value: $564.96146 Venezuela
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23/02/2015 16:19
kennedyph1 lo que tienes en tu balance en efectivo no sera tocado.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
1 like this post 0 people
23/02/2015 16:21
The price will get lower then this when people are trying to get as many shares as possible for their BAP shortly before the swap.. That's what the waiting is about.
Traffic Value: $395.6501 Romania
0 like this post 1 people
23/02/2015 16:21
@ paidverts - Administrator
What about people who invest now in shares?
They will get dividends next monday?
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
3 like this post 0 people
23/02/2015 16:24

it`s a quite interesting day so far grin

can we get some information about Ad issue...for today?

Jo ?
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
0 like this post 0 people
23/02/2015 16:25
Theres a bug in the bap share market.
Traffic Value: $858.4344 India
3 like this post 1 people
23/02/2015 16:25
i don't bother for the future, i just want to stay with my present. So where is today's ads. We are not getting our ads from last 2 days. plz issue today's ads as early as u can
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
8 like this post 0 people
23/02/2015 16:27
FTQ market:

MikeMazzone $1.00 $1.86 47 $0.75

Edit:  Already sold!  Some folks just can't read news and do math.
Traffic Value: $2,592,904.1508 Spain
63 like this post 9 people
23/02/2015 16:31
Todays ad issue will roll ASAP. Just waiting for the cron to clear.


If you want some re-assurance, click on "Forum" >> "News" >> At the bottom, click on "Page 40". And read all the forum posts with our last BIG SWAP over a year ago. - this post amuses me. I mentioned $8m of turnover as our "wildest dream" forecast / it'll never happen... But to date, our turnover is over $14million from PV.

It's ashame we don't have the forum posts from right before that swap. As you'd see the same questions being asked like now.
.... I have to say, all this brings into question the whole idea of free will lol. You seem to react with the same precision every time!


You're talking paper numbers and fantasy. The reality is what it is. And I'm pretty sure you made similar comments with previous swaps -- everyone does if they're FTQ investment didn't quite mature.

But ultimately, you turned a $20k-$30k investment? Into $450k via my unpopular an incompetent actions... And you're still complaining LOL
Traffic Value: $11,038.09657 Slovenia
0 like this post 1 people
23/02/2015 16:32
Omegaredding just sell them now if you dont wanna wait what happens latter, anyway you will probably do the right call sicne i am quite sure swap wont be lower then 35 cents per share.
Traffic Value: $156.93866 United States
0 like this post 1 people
23/02/2015 16:32
Go figure,we start selling our bap for less than we will be charged at swap and suddenly there is a bug in the BAP stockmarket
Traffic Value: $613.52616 Poland
0 like this post 0 people
23/02/2015 16:32

Mike, what do you think about this swap.
Why current MTV members have to lose on this unfavourable swap, if the system is so healthy and liquid?
Traffic Value: $41,486.01161 Poland
0 like this post 0 people
23/02/2015 16:33
FTQ will be limited or not ? Because I saw two version today. Which one is true Jo ? 
Where are going earning money from fees of trading BAP SHARES ? It is almost 100 000$ who is getting that money ? 
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