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18th Nov - Daily News

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MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
91 like this post 47 people
18/11/2015 13:35

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Just a reality check here guys..
We're a real company, with real staff/overheads/products.
We simply need cash to survive..
As all of you should know, MTV is partly owned by everyone using it.
It's not the company versus the users, we've got a debt based company model and it's up to all of us to keep it going.
In my position i'm the one that should keep the progress and team going, running the company as smooth as possible with as little overheads as possible..
It's your task (the entire crowd) to refer as many people as possible, spread the products and make sure we'll be able to run this company.

Carlos has put himself in serious debt to keep the company running the past few years, he shows to be a real entrepeneur, doing whatever it takes to keep us running.
He was working on getting a multi-million dollar loan to keep us running as he cares more about you (the investors) then his own personal gains.
Sadly, it didn't work.
And to be honest, he shouldn't put himself in such serious debt in my opinion, as we're a crowd-funded company and we can all gain the same profits.

To some of you (including me) MTV has become a daily ritual.
To a lot of you it has become an addiction as well.. A cult, a way of life and a burning light that represents hope.
Hope that we can indeed put a new sort of company on this world, a crowd funded company that pays regular people all over the globe, not a company funded just by angel investors reaping big profits, adding cash to the top 1% layer, while all regular people using the company will lose cash on either services and products and add it to the top layer.

With an userbase like ours we should be able to easily make up for our running costs while in the same time repaying all the people backing it up in a short period.

We really need your help right now.
We're doing all we can to keep everyone happy, keep everyone steadily earning back on their investments etc.
We made a referral contest which until now hasn't got the attention we were hoping for.
We protected the BAP during the swap which resulted in everyone waiting, but noone putting in new cash.

If we do not make our running costs very soon we're gonna have to do a BAP swap as well, with just a 1-day notice and it means we won't be able to protect anyone at all.
This is the reality we're in.

So let's all try to keep this company running without one.
I don't want MTV to vanish or BAP swap but those are the only options we have if we do not make up for our bills.

Here are images of our progress regarding our first multiplayer poker, the ETA is a couple of weeks from now:

Our internal targeted advertising is making some serious progress as well and will be a great product once delivered.
ETA 2-2.5 months (Getting close! grin )

Today we enabled an option for you to make ad purchases through our Paidverts app!

Now that we've made that possible we'll focus on building the Ios app for Paidverts.

I'm not sure if we'll have an ad issue today.
Slosumo is sick and he's unable to be around the computer screen for more then a couple minutes at a time.
As always, if we do not deliver it today, the value will be added to tomorrows ad issue.
But like explained above, it won't be a lot, as the results are not what we hoped for, but i'm sure we'll get there! smile

Traffic Value: $587.45852 Bangladesh
35 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 13:41
May the crowd be with yougrin
Traffic Value: $430.79985 Albania
6 like this post 1 people
18/11/2015 13:44
Hello Mark !
We are with you grin .
Please I have write an idea that i am ready to help you build in your Facebook , Please read it and if you can write me what you think ! (My name is Rubin so you can find it easier in your FB )

Sorry i haven't write it in forum or somewhere else but i do not wot that this idea go somewhere else .

Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
20 like this post 1 people
18/11/2015 13:47
What would you gain with a bap swap? that would not gain fresh Money
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
35 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 13:48
Funny that you talk about Carlos, I though about him today and that would be cool if he could talk to us. He probably wouldn't say much more than you did but just reading a post from Carlos always lifts morale.

Anyway, Marc, regarding some user "talk bad" about MTV you have to understand that there are those that are always following you and there are those that don't agree with your decisions. And there are both! Some people might not agree with you and they say it here in this forum, that soesn't mean they'll leave MTV, they're just exressing their opinion. You are the CEO and we can only sugest, you have the power. There are those that are leaving, and leaving us, the ones who want to stay, the possibility to buy some cheap shares. Though I don't agree with some stuff that you and the staff implement, I reckon that you are taking this project forward, much better than Jo did.

So please don't give up. Slosumo, Carlos, and all the staff keep doing your work

MTV users please do your job. If you can, bring some money to the system, don't cashout unless necessary and bring as many people possible. Let's all make some money.

I'm one of those that wanted to split before the swap was anounced. But then I understood a lot of stuff and that made me change my mind. Now I just want to make some money. Let's all make some money!! wink
Traffic Value: $5,436.9706 Myanmar
16 like this post 2 people
18/11/2015 13:49
Hi Marc,
Thank you for the update.
To be honest,I have lost about 150USD for buyig FTQ.I am not rich.But,I have invested 178USD for buying Ad Purchase today.I wish PV and MTV could be progressing so fast.  angel
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
0 like this post 3 people
18/11/2015 13:53
That would probably result in new deposits/campaigns bought from outside money @Hoppa61
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
10 like this post 1 people
18/11/2015 13:53
Marc so why don't you open the market again? The revenue was higher when people had the posibility to trade. And by the way I think we really need a regular book keeping, I know that's normaly not the work of an CEO. But on the trust side it is best what we can have if every month we could see where we stand.
Traffic Value: $579.09797 France
11 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 13:54
From my point of view, we do not just need users, we also need some real companies that would invest in MTV and why not also PV.
Marc as CEO should also be looking for a real partership some companies who would supply us and push some fresh new money into the old getting MTV.
Benefit is not just there, and I can understand the users frustration. I'm here since more than a year now, and saw 4 swaps (all kind of them though... LoL) and I still believe this site can make it through and see the light again... Oh dear, I'm a steerhead!
We need a good strategie in running this companie. We also need some serious work between staff (developpers and maintainers). In other words, volenteers might also help. If so, I'll be the 1st popping up! Every idea should be analysed and a roadmap with a real process and a real stragie should be put in place...
I wouldn't mind having a workflow stating the following:
January: BAP SWAP | check and what so ever | November: Debt SWAP | another checkpoint....
In this way, all of us will have a clear view of how the companie will behave and what would be the next move if any, and that would also help investors in their daily dilema smile

This was just a little tought and I hope I didn't afford anyone's mindset!

My 2c.
Traffic Value: $77.7445 Sweden
3 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 13:59
Hello Marc from Sweden.
I think you are doing a great job with MTV/PV but i have a problem not being able to make ads purchase through PayPal.
Hope this will be resolved very soon as it`s the easyest way for me to invest in PV and thus being able to invest in MTV.
Best regards Heb61
orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
2 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 13:59
Awesome layouts of the poker game. You should launch an App too wink
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
45 like this post 5 people
18/11/2015 13:59

Funny that you say so, I actually did take that responsibility from Carlos and i'm taking on more and more tasks..
Keeping an eye on liquidity, keep an eye on the money we're gaining vs what we're spending, I took over the payment processors which i'm trying to master now (API, check false cashouts, shift money between processors) after that i'll start paying cashouts.
And at the same time i'm thinking of and writing new products, keep an eye on the staff, report bugs etc.
I really do all I can to keep us going, but it's not a 1 man job.

Something I noticed btw.. Rp's are at $0.01, but BAP/RP never got down to the 30 BAP-bottom.. wink
Traffic Value: $6,867.67145 Portugal
33 like this post 1 people
18/11/2015 14:00

If you want people to actively refer people to Paidverts and Perfect Money Games, you should make the referral contests A LOT more visible. Not everyone reads the forums. The contest should be everywhere if you want more of us to participate. 

Also, let people bid below 0.01. Allow the market some activity. Perhaps from 0.008, if you must have a limit. Right now you're only allowing for a select few to profit. How is that fair? The market is stuck. Keep the minimum sell rule at 0.01, but allow people to bid a little lower. 

You must agree that asking for more money is kind of a stretch, after so many people were left with nothing but imaginary $$$ that may or may not end up in our hands again. You want us to put fresh money in, you want our trust, but what have you done to deserve that? Empty promises? I've stuck with this program through 3 swaps. Even though I want to believe it will get better, I'm finding it harder and harder to believe that it will. A lot of us can't afford to wait. /endrant
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
2 like this post 17 people
18/11/2015 14:01
we are currently not working with Paypal and we have no ETA on when we will be able to at this moment, take a look at our other payment methods, I might be wrong but we are probably the site with the most options in terms of payment processors, you may find one that will please you
Traffic Value: $250.6889 Morocco
32 like this post 1 people
18/11/2015 14:03
the challenge is Not bring new people . its to keep people here 
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
8 like this post 1 people
18/11/2015 14:04
Marc: I know and I think it's to much for one person. And for the BAP market well with that big 15% fee trading there is pretty much impossible except maybe like today when people fear a new swap.

And the swaps are really the biggest problem everytime we have one I lose a lot of my refs. And it costs money to get them too. But I think you know that.
Traffic Value: $174.39468 Venezuela
4 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 14:05
I am Kinda new in PV, but i like the way it works and i have faith that this is a legal business and in the future will represent a daily income to me.

I just want to make a suggestion about the Poker (First, Nice addition to gain people here) is like playing in a poker site but different, and why not implement Hold Em, is more famous and easy to learn and play.

Good luck and happy day to everyone 
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
12 like this post 5 people
18/11/2015 14:06
If only each member would deposit $1 or $2 to invest on FTQ, that would make a pretty decent amount and MTV would be running pretty much well and with faster results. 

I will give the example and I dare more people to do the same! 

$5 for FTQ!

Don`t we all want MTV to be the best business? It just had a fresh restart. No more fake results! Lets do our part and show our faith!
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
27 like this post 2 people
18/11/2015 14:07
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
22 like this post 18 people
18/11/2015 14:09
It NEVER got down to 30 BAP after the swap wink.
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