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Traffic Value: $1,119.64705 Slovenia
10 like this post 0 people
19/11/2015 06:34
This is business. I have 227$ invested in 170% pla and now getting paid out 920 shares. One share worth 0,01$ so i have whole 9$ in a year. GREAT. I am self employee and this is something new for me in the world of Mathematics.
Traffic Value: $311.6985 Bangladesh
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19/11/2015 06:48
@screwedz Damn explanation with constructive way....U just blew it away man ..RESPECT ..
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
5 like this post 1 people
19/11/2015 06:56
Michael Kline

Why are you comparing apples and oranges.

In your case, remember you were gifted a few hundred shares to become a moderator, so the amount of money earned off those shares are counted as money deposited, as well as all future money earned from whatever you did with those shares, which if I remember correctly was around 400 shares at around .20 average, so you had an extra $80 in cash to play and make profit from.

Yes, you eventually gave those shares back(at least from my memory), but that doesn't exclude the income you earned from those shares.

Plus the 4000 shares you got for being a moderator, you need to add the cash value on the date they were given as that is earned income/money deposited, which is probably at an average of .04 per share.

So all in all you are around breakeven on paper, and that is paper only, as it would take at least 30 days to sell those shares to cash and another 3 to 4 weeks in order to get that cash to your hands.
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
7 like this post 0 people
19/11/2015 06:59

with all due respect, it would take these programmers months to build such a game, and the reward is so small that it would be a waste of time, as the game would not make any money.

We do not need games, we need revenue generating products.
Traffic Value: $16,445.93893 India
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19/11/2015 07:07

Yeh bro this is why we all are upset actually i invested in 200% plan and the fees $1000 is also gone from my account
Traffic Value: $114.03394 Malaysia
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19/11/2015 07:10
From my opinion, why not make MTV games more openly? MTV should make a bussiness partnership with others company like Facebook or else. When MTV games become famous, and so many people play the games other than MTV or PV members. Then, MTV can make huge profit and share price in MTV will increase. 
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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19/11/2015 07:22
How can the amount that shows in my PV balance be different than what shows at the top of the page.

If you zeroed out the accounts, then there should be no difference after 1 day.

It is not a time delay, as it has been this way for almost 24 hours, and I nor my 1 remaining active referral has not clicked on any ads.
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
11 like this post 0 people
19/11/2015 07:25

1st because MTV is not a legal company so why would someone want to buy/partner with them.

2nd because google/facebook can buy the exact same games with better coding for way cheaper than our current programmers can program, and with less bugs.
Traffic Value: $752.08775 Belgium
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19/11/2015 08:01
Fire some programmers.
They are to expensive for what they accomplisch and you don't need so many programmers.
You simply don't have the money for all of them.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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19/11/2015 08:12
Don't fire programmers, keep them. If we don't have enough funds, lend them out. We can even gain a small profit with it, and when we need them we can count on their skills.

Just let the programmers do some tasks for other companies too. Laying off programmers would be a bad decission I think.
Traffic Value: $6,650.95153 Finland
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19/11/2015 08:13
Since people are pledging ideas.. I have 2 ideas but it would cost company around 10m-20m rps.. 

Here is what I suggest. Since company is in need of money it should sell some of the assets.

Cut down some costs. Check everything what is necessary to survive... 
CEO shows that he still trust in MTV by making a deposit too. 
This multiplayer poker would be great if it could be implemented in PPMG.. i dont see why it could not be as peoples accounts are PM accounts there. so there is way to make it happen.

1. Portfolio could sell 10m-20m rps at 0.005 with a time constrain in them to not be able to sell these rps for 12 months just like marcs salary rps.

2. Or a split but this time create new rps to be sold at 0.0025-0.005 price in but again with time constraint. Make an announcement to potential long term holders that there is chance to (own). This what many companies do in stock markets too.. when they need new funding.
Problem is ofc that we have quite a lot of rps in circulation already but since the rps could not go lower than 0.01. it would not lower value of already existing rps. Except in % values.

Obviously these rps could only be bought with new deposits only as the idea would be to get fresh cash inside the system. 

Feel free to disagree smile
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
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19/11/2015 08:53
@daphyr: Do you understand those numbers are wrong and over-inflated by Jo's Ponzi behavior? That we were paying almost $100k/month in just hosting a when he was doing his ponzi booming?

Remember Yan? Remember iWeb? Remember Paypal? All those messes were Jo's screws that he had to hide with ponzi numbers that mean nothing. Please, refer to the numbers we have now and give credible alternatives.
Traffic Value: $13.91149 Morocco
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19/11/2015 09:06
if the stock price does not rise paidverts not recognize any success
by observer and member of the site since it opened.angry
Traffic Value: $11,038.09657 Slovenia
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19/11/2015 09:08
remeber when blaming insted taking actions was not good? I do grin
All of you are living in the past, insted of thinking what would be best for future or present u look at past and blame. You could temporary do 1$ membership fee per month and you have all cost paid, you can encure people to just invest 1$ from outside in ftq per month or do it yourself and you have again money to keep website online. Your concept of your thinking is wrong in start...
You wanna be a real company start advertising it as one, most of it is earn for free, thats not how any of this work. All this works if people invest money. Why would a real investor invest into something where you can make money for free, its not logical.  Find business partners, get companies to invest here, make business meetings or events, get people from those events, not only online. So much to do, but isntead you blame the past, which clearly wont solve anything.
Traffic Value: $38,331.49006 Portugal
0 like this post 12 people
19/11/2015 09:33
Please stop with this game or solve the problem!

-$154.8399Coin Flip Game
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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19/11/2015 09:39
Why would we stop Coin Flip? It has losses and wins, but overall losses for the players, wins for the FTQ, even this month:
Traffic Value: $38,331.49006 Portugal
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19/11/2015 10:12
Thank You very much know I understood better and excuse me for my mistake.
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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19/11/2015 10:16
good to see when members here share their ideas to save MTV/PV from another swap... this is what we want...we have strong community here...lot of ideas...

So is your job to choose the best and apply it soon..
Traffic Value: $70.39926 India
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19/11/2015 10:17
I think money should circulate like before in MTV (ponzi) because i will tell y- rohith deposited 20 $ by luck or skill effort i gt 40$ from games (same to BAP), where MTV will give additional 20$?, and we cant tell every one will going to loose and that money is going to some lucky persons , we cant tell like that, now people are thinking Quick, Its just my opinion and thinking, don't know much right this is?, money should circulate then only we can survive, car company owner will get money from customers, if they simply manufacture he will not get, (if anything hurts anyone i am sory) , mtv and pv theme and rules are good, but goodness will not be understand soon or some people will not get this goodness till last of there lifetime. suggestions one should be patience. goodness will comes for sure. thank you.
Traffic Value: $70.39926 India
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19/11/2015 10:19
no this ideas should not give temporary results(saving from swap), every one should think and work for permanent solutions
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