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Traffic Value: $402.25802 Macedonia
1 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 14:43

Why don't you invest those in FTQ, that's where most of the development funds come from. With shares, only 0.5% will go to the development funds, and 0.5% to the portfolio wink
Traffic Value: $382.72816 Russian Federation
39 like this post 1 people
18/11/2015 14:45
Okay, I've been trying to stay positive for a while, but...

How are we supposed to refer people to the place with this much "history" that has just undergone a second swap this year (after a lot of reassurances and deceiving that there won't be one coming), hasn't solved PayPal or cashout issues in months, a lot of people fleeing by selling their shares at min. cost, then leaving negative feedback and reviews all over the Internet + Admin threatening there might be a BAP swap coming now(??), and convince/promise them they won't lose their money? How can we possibly make it sound positive and attractive? It's like trying to lure people on a sinking ship where the captain is screaming: "We're still trying yet we're probably gonna get eaten by sharks, but come join us for the fun!"

Give us some real tools to work & attract new people with before demanding new cashflow just because "We promise you it might work out just because we promise you we're working on some stuff that we can't show you yet but you will see when it's time so believe us and give us your money... or we'll make another SWAP"

BAP SWAP will constitute instant death of both PV & MTV, period.
Traffic Value: $430.79985 Albania
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18/11/2015 14:47
@ Catt

where i have to send this ticket :
1) General
2) Account specific
3) Account issues

is any way to send it directly to Marc ?
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
0 like this post 1 people
18/11/2015 14:47
I normally don't have much love for the FTQ, but I will consider it.
[Too... static for my tastes]
Thanks for the suggestion.
Traffic Value: $4,897.89575 Italy
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18/11/2015 14:48

yeah, right, cause the RP's market is less static. lol
Traffic Value: $318.52242 South Africa
8 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 14:48

"bribe someone at paypal lol!
Thanks a lot you made my day!
Traffic Value: $61.07792 Venezuela
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18/11/2015 14:50

After swap there are almost no paid ads being delivered on PV, it is just me??
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
0 like this post 4 people
18/11/2015 14:50
nope, there is no way to have it go directly but they are triaged and it will arrive to Marc, as I said he reads the news ideas personally
Just send it in general. I don´t believe we have created a category for it as of yet.
Traffic Value: $285.59089 Greece
45 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 14:57
Marc, please take some time to read this.

You are an honest man (maybe too honest), you have been working very hard, and you are doing your best for MTV and PV.

You are also trying to please the users and keep them happy.
That can lead to mistakes.

I will try to write some of them (IMHO), because i really like the way you try to keep this whole thing up.
After all we are all humans and we all make mistakes.

Many users were complaining about market manipulation from daytraders.
What you did (listening to them) was setting rules in the marketplace (minimum price, 24 hours, 1% fees).
It turned out that the same users were complaining for these rules after a while (the same users that wanted them), and the market crashed.

Almost everybody wanted legalization, without knowing the consequences of such a thing.
When you announced the verification of accounts, MTV experienced a trend of "bankrun", "money trying to escape" from MTV, and it became obvious then, that there were liquidity problems (no liquidity report till then), creating big cashout queues.

In November 9, you wrote a big announcement (and out of your heart i must say), giving all liquidity details that started many months ago (wrong timing IMHO) to justify the swap, giving the impession of a half-bankrupt company with no other way to survive but the swap (and it was true indeed).

since this swap was going to affect mostly balances (and FTQ), you should have found a way to attract new money in MTV (i am talking about big investments) before the swap took place (wrong timing of the swap), so that it would succeed.

Instead, we have now a 115% investment plan (less attractive than 170%), a stuck at the bottom marketplace (money leaving), and PV full of baps that without new ad campaigns bought, will not be able to give a satisfactory profit (plus it will take too long for that).

Today, you mention the "bap swap" thing (again being very honest because it is true).
Wrong time again (a few hours after the swap), you just made users fears (many would see a bap swap coming before the balance swap) bigger.

Why should somebody invest his money here now, and in what way?
Buying RPs (when he sees them at the bottom), FTQ (only 115%), or ad packs (afraid to be swaped, and get his money in a very long time)?
And all that in a half-bankrupt company?

Don't get me wrong Marc, i really want the best for MTV, you, all the users, and me of course.

If i have a suggestion to make now, that would be, try to reach the big investors that are taking their money out, talk to them, ask them why they don't want to be here anymore.
What you 'll get from their answers will lead you to make the right actions now.

I really wish PV and MTV will make it.
And i know you are the man for it.
You can make it.

Sorry for the long post.
Traffic Value: $1,736.13358 Morocco
6 like this post 1 people
18/11/2015 15:06
Relaaax friends and try to be calm, Marc Just said "If we do not make our running costs very soon we're gonna have to do a BAP swap as well" , and you know the first one who hate this SWAP is MARC smile, so let's fund some $$ , make some FTQ with less words that let people panics and be sure that the machine well ROOOLLL  again
Traffic Value: $318.52242 South Africa
8 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 15:06
Wise words Stra.
Traffic Value: $588.70285 El Salvador
5 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 15:06
1-How many members do we have here? What do you think is going to happening if every of us invest $2.1 0r $3.15 to put a new money in the company? Maybe we could get around $100000 or $150000 fresh money to work. 
If we colaborate with the cause maybe we could fix the problem here...
2-All of us talk about PV and MTV in their owns blogs like: "Get free money without invest". 
I think we must sell the idea like: "Invest and get money". Maybe we would have least angry people becase some of think in earn and not invest...
3-MTV with games, but PV without games...
4-We must have a different bussines out of the internet in the real life... ( I didnt get another word to express that idea).
5-Everybody!!!! Please dont cashout right now, bring time to better the company
Traffic Value: $437.32954 Portugal
6 like this post 2 people
18/11/2015 15:10
Ok, guys, let's join our knowledge to help our MTV a bit. We need some new investment and it is maybe easier for recruiters to bring new users to us if they can teach the new users easily. I suggest we join to make some voluntary work to MTV starting right now.

We can make some promotional material. Lets make a complete "How It Works" page, with a professional explanation, both written and in video, if possible in more than one language. We can jon our knowledge to do it professionally. I can do professional audio related stuff, so I can work on the sound for a video, for example. I can also do some design, but I'm not a professional designer.

Let's make a professional, complete, and multi language "how it works" and "introduction" page for PaidVerts and for MTV. We can put it on MTV and PaidVerts, if the admins approve it or we can do an external web site for that.

Want to join and help MTV? Call me at
Traffic Value: $6,673.1326 India
16 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 15:10
A Great Initiative...

Marc, I want you to add a donate button in the MTV member's area. With an active membership base of around 300k we can easily pay off for our monthly site expenses, hosting, etc. (As you mentioned about $85k monthly)

If every user pays only $1 a month then we'll have enough funds to run the site without any worries for the next few months, even if there is no dev. funding. Not every user can afford or may not wish to give $1 a month. So whatever members wish they can give it to the site.

I'll happily pay $1 every month, may be more, for the next 12 months to see MTV alive. Lastly, I don't want to use the word 'Donate'. I consider it an investment in my own future. I'm sure many will agree and will want to see this feature on the site soon.

I'll open a new topic for this!
Traffic Value: $190.63036 Turkey
3 like this post 4 people
18/11/2015 15:10
got my ads, thank you
Traffic Value: $430.79985 Albania
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18/11/2015 15:12
@ Catt

sorry so the idea will stay with me until this can be able , (the only one reason that i can not write it in tickets is that lot of peoples will use it personally ant i want that this can be used only through MTV. every one can do that individually if they know how and have enough money, but this will do the opposite effect to MTV..)

It was an good idea anyway

Hope one day bureaucratic barriers will be removed smile
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
2 like this post 1 people
18/11/2015 15:12
I guess my first focus is buying out the ptc killers and clearing the RP market for business again... but perhaps the FTQ is a solid investment right now. I will weigh them both while I wait to get paid.
Traffic Value: $203,540.80977 Malaysia
15 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 15:17
i am sympathize for carlos but he should explain why paypal locked $1m again after they had unblocked $1m to allow him cashout a little money
any proof of paypal blocking info?
Traffic Value: $402.25802 Macedonia
3 like this post 0 people
18/11/2015 15:17
For the site, it's better to invest in FTQ, as it needs funds to run now. For you, well... If you believe in the site, then it shouldn't make any difference. If the site cannot cover the expenses, the RPs will be worthless anyways, and that $0.01 block will not be gone soon.
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
0 like this post 3 people
18/11/2015 15:17
@seifersouls: The FTQ is not closed.
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