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MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
101 like this post 0 people
15/05/2016 16:53
Todays fast tracks have been sent.

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Hello everyone,

As promised you're getting a liquidity report, today the 16th of may, which is exactly 6 months after we did our never used before "Friendly Sw@p".

I would like to start off with the only things that could be thought of as "negative" in this report, followed up by all of the great things/progress we made.

1. When we sw@pped, we never mentioned how much debt we already had, we were in fact running behind our office bills about 3 months.
This wasn't mentioned during the sw@p, for obvious reasons.
I am very proud to announce that we're no longer behind on our payments! smile

2. 2-3 months ago I did a thorough investigation as I noticed some illiquidity and found a few things which were still "old wounds" of the previous management, being:
A) Jo had a deal with one of the programmers regarding skrill payments.
The programmer would receive the skrill deposits, add it to the user's balance and deduct the total of the office bills.
After Jo got kicked out, the programmer failed to do so and it piled up to quite a considerable amount of money.
I found the breach, made a deal with the programmer and deducted the skrill total of the upcoming bills.
Now it's all accounted for, which is what the "skrill compensation/skrill" means on the expenses report.

B) The offerwall accounts were still connected to the Paypal account.
Even though Carlos was sure it was impossible to send cash to the paypal account, the offerwalls were able to do so and the money got frozen.
This illiquidity has also been accounted for.

Whatever money comes in, I spend.
The development funds are not meant to pile up and go to waste, I use it in the most efficient way to propel our business forwards.
I am constantly adapting the costs/bills to what we can afford during that month.
We came back from a 3 month delay in bills to having all bills paid within a normal time period.

Lately we have a bit more budget, so we hired Remedcu, Jeroen(Ratje2000), spent a bit of cash on marketing (Which was totally worth it for PPMG).

But we are not only increasing our costs, we are also cutting many costs while trying to run the company just as smooth.

A few examples:
A)We made a change to our website security this week, which will save us $2k/month while still being protected against the same threats as before!
B)We made an adjustment to our email server which will save us $400-$1000/month (Normal month-Month with more marketing-emails)
C) We lowered the salaries of all of our full-time workers/let a few people go.
This saved us $45-$50.000/month
D) We reduced our hosting bill from $30.000/month to $8-10.000/month

These are all the bills I paid in the past 6 months in a "somewhat" chronological order (These stats were never made to go public but were my personal notes, so there are some irregularities in the wording/receiving party)

$8365 Amazon
$7500 FBGP +$293 fees
$980 Bogna + $39 fees
$4500 Kamil
$100 Bidvertiser
$100 Remedcu
$5000 salary to Marc in his balance
$1347,5 Reyner+ $53 in fees
$7500 FBGP+ $83 fees
$7190 Gamex studio
$10000 Gamex Studio+ $85 fees
$1200+$47,5 in fees to Bogna
$1737+ $15 fees to Alex
$1280 +$19,5 fees to David
$6000 FBGP
$2050 +$18 fees Incapsula
$5000 salary to marc in his balance
$14005 Slovenian office+ $35 fees+ $350 fees exchanging PM to bitcoin
$5000 Malaga office payment
$5000 Referral contest
$500 Remedcu
$9000 Kamil
$78x2 Livechat PPMG
$12000 FBGP
$12838 in staff payments+ fees, data lost during computer crash
$5000 Salary to Marc in his balance
$15000+$400 in fees FBGP (calculated at $390 btc rate)
$8864 Amazon
$2050+$80 incapsula
$2500 charging costs Payeer card
$1200+ $47 fees Bogna
$10005 gamex December bill
$40 Site registration/Fb post
$8511 Amazon January
$5000 salary to Marc in his balance
$14400 FBGP December
$3000 Alex
$5600 Kamil
$8040 David
$2060 Incapsula
$2193+$32 David January
$697 Bogna
$2500 1/2 salary Marc
$10050 Spanish office February
$8400 FBGP January
$12502 Gamex
$702 Rayner
$4100 Kamil
$8004 Amazon
$11500 Skrill compensation
$6500 micro ad pack compensation
$3032 Alex
$4500 Kamil
$14000 offerwall compensation
$13510 Carlos
$502 Remedcu SEO
$14065 payment to the slovenian office
$200 BMF SSL
$5000 salary Marc
$12500+ $244 fees paid to FBGP
$750+$30 fees Bogna
$1512+$60 fees Rayner
$175 misc (payment)
$160 conversion costs okpay> BTC
$2050 Incapsula
$8797 amazon
$3060 Paid to David/February's invoice
$1471 cost exchanging Perfect Money to Bitcoin
$96 cost exchanging Perfect Money to Bitcoin
$80 conversion costs PM> BTC
$7400 FBGP March
$5000 Marc
$625 Jeroen
$10000 Carlos
$12872 Gamex
$78 livechat
$80 fees
$6500 Micro ad pack compensation
$832 Bogna
$4000 Kamil
$4400 Skrill
$97 Digitalocean
$210 Bidvertiser
$2108 FBG spain
$730 Rayner
$605 FBG spain
$8890 Amazon
$2050 Incapsula


Total development funds as of now: ~$441000
A detailed report of all of our numbers can be found here: Link

Here are screenshots from our payment processors, taken on the 15th, (yesterday) except for Neteller, which I got from Carlos on monday the 9th (Ip restriction, so I can't log in there either)

Obviously, I erased some data due to security reasons.




PM casino:

PM mtv:



MTV's bitcoin server:


Blockchain wallet:

MTV/PV/PBG server


Tip: To get a better view of the payment processor screenshots, open this topic on your mobile phone.

Accounts I did not include:
-FSC creditcards: $15-$17k (Only Carlos has direct access)
BMF LTC server: $1200
BMF Bitcoin server: $4500
$4-5k in pending offerwall payments
Payments made through skrill this month: $2500 so far

Total ~$120-$122.000,-

Unaccounted costs:
$3.9k micro ad pack debt (We're currently not adding debt here anymore and will cover this small difference over time)
Frozen balances of banned accounts/bots (Will be dealt with soon)
Bitcoin fluctuations
Pending external banner payments (adhitz/a-ads etc)

User balances: ~$97.000,-
Bids in escrow: ~$10.000,-
Fast track results of the past 7 days: ~$14.000,-

$121.000,- total (- 3-5% cashout costs)

All in all, we're running a very tight accounting/liquid business.
And with the current pace of development funds flowing in, we will be able to continue business as usual.
Allthough, I expect business to pick up from now for multiple reasons..

1. Gained trust by this report
2. The ever reducing debt in Paidverts, resulting in a bigger cut for the active clickers>more users>more advertisers>bigger ad issues>more ad pack purchases
3. BarterMyFunds. If all goes well, this is gonna be the week that it will be launched.
4. The ever increasing activity/profitability of PlayPerfectMoneyGames
5. Log in ads/Forced view etc.
Brainy and a few others have shown me great interest in using these and other advertising products.
6. We are always building more revenue streams, which are already paid for and most of them got no running costs.. So as time passes, income goes up, while our running costs remain about the same.

In the past 6 months:

-Our portfolio generated $235.000,-, based on real products, we are far more liquid than your bank is and we pay better returns< LOL
-We removed $610.000,- debt on Paidverts
-Our userbase has greatly expanded and we gained the attention of a number of bigger investors
-We built a number of external products
-We revived Paidverts
-We're growing: Click


Polish office update:

Last week we focused on testing our latest multiplayer game - Texas Hold'em by all the team, as programmer responsible for the task said that it's finished. We pointed several tiny things to fix, like error when user saves settings but did not choose avatar or error when browser window was not visible plater timer stops. Also found a few gameplay bugs, for example error when betting round did not ends when player behind dealer goes all-in and this amount is called by other players. Furthermore we added information about min and max stack on validation error while sit in, added admin space to review tables on controversial issue(s). All bugs were ironed out, as you can see, several days of testing was necessary, as it's impossible to test all cases, gameplay etc by one guy only. Finally, we integrated the game with PV system and database to keep records and history. We can go live in our opinion, however now there's time for management to test it and send us a feedback.

In the same time we were taking care of captchas - we built captcha helper to easily manage captcha systems. We implemented it into ad viewing and login page. After that we added captcha to registration page on PV and MTV. It sounds pretty easy, but we also had to rework both mobile apps.

We were also able to check Jacks or Better game on PPMG casino, it looks like everything works fine, but we're waiting for any reports saying it's not. We also started working on login ads task, got familiar with specification and prepared an approach.

Today's ad issue:

BAP Group …... Percent (x100) …... $Available …... No. Users …. $ Ads /User

100 to 1599 …........ 0,000 …........ 0,000 155 12178 …........ 0,0000
1600 to 12k …........ 0,167 …........ 50.1 …........ 15626 …........ 0,0032
12000 to 24k …........ 0,078 …........ 23.4 …........ 4877 …........ 0,0048
24k to 48k …........... 0,070 …........... 21 …........ 3623 …........ 0,0058
48k to 96k …........ 0,090 …........ 27 …........ 2720 …........ 0,0099
96k to 180k …........ 0,110 …........ 33 …........ 1877 …........ 0,0176
180k to 360k …........ 0,110 …........ 33 …........ 1098 …........ 0,0301
360k to 720k …........ 0,110 …........ 33 …........ 620 …........ 0,0532
720k to 1.5m …........ 0,083 …........ 24.9 …........ 325 …........ 0,0766
1.5m to 3m …........ 0,055 …........ 16.5 …........ 139 …........ 0,1187
3m to 6m …........ 0,041 …........ 12.3 …........ 55 …........ 0,2236
6m to 20m …........ 0,048 …........ 14.4 …........ 43 …........ 0,3349
20m+ …........... 0,015 …........ 4.5 …........ 7 …........ 0,6429
50m+ …........... 0,009 …........ 2.7 …........ 2 …........ 1,3500
100m+ …........... 0,014 …........ 4.2 …........ 2 …........ 2,1000

Ads were sent as:
v Default $/ad (Quantity) 1x Ad 1x Ads Remaining

100 to 1599 …........ 0,002 …........ …........ …........ …........
1600 to 12k …........ 0,005 …........ 0 …........ 0,001 …........ 0,001 …........ 0,001
12000 to 24k …........ 0,010 …........ 0 …........ 0,002 …........ 0,001 …........ 0,002
24k to 48k …........ 0,020 …........ 0 …........ 0,002 …........ 0,002 …........ 0,002
48k to 96k …........ 0,030 …........ 0 …........ 0,003 …........ 0,002 …........ 0,005
96k to 180k …........ 0,040 …........ 0 …........ 0,006 …........ 0,004 …........ 0,008
180k to 360k …........ 0,050 …........ 0 …........ 0,010 …........ 0,006 …........ 0,014
360k to 720k …........ 0,100 …........ 0 …........ 0,016 …........ 0,011 …........ 0,026
720k to 1.5m …........ 0,200 …........ 0 …........ 0,023 …........ 0,015 …........ 0,039
1.5m to 3m …........ 0,250 …........ 0 …........ 0,036 …........ 0,023 …........ 0,060
3m to 6m …........ 0,500 …........ 0 …........ 0,068 …........ 0,043 …........ 0,113
6m to 20m …........ 0,750 …........ 0 …........ 0,101 …........ 0,064 …........ 0,170
20m+ …........ 1,000 …........ 0 …........ 0,193 …........ 0,123 …........ 0,327
50m+ …........ 2,000 …........ 0 …........ 0,405 …........ 0,257 …........ 0,688
100m+ …........ 5,000 …........ 0 …........ 0,630 …........ 0,399 …........ 1,071
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
23 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 09:30
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
2 like this post 13 people
16/05/2016 09:41
does not excuse your obligations to your investors
Traffic Value: $11,007.43755 Albania
9 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 09:41
Just a suggestion regarding bitcoin wallet being blockchain, the one who had the most hacks so far, it would be a great idea to use a hardware cold wallet although this can make withdrawing time slower, but is a sure thing the bitcoin wallet never gets hacked. Just my suggestion.
Traffic Value: $3,330.3665 Spain
8 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 09:42
Hello, guys and gals!
Finally, with the help of DomingoX6, we completed my english blog

We will keep updating the blogs as soon as possible when there is new information which have to be explained.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
19 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 09:49
The blockchain wallet isn't even showing on our websites anymore, but some people on pv still use it.. LOL
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
23 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 10:03
Well done Marc (and all FBG team)!
When I look at these numbers, I see that you use available funds carefully, spending only what you can afford to spend and taking care that you always have enough money for current expenses. 
If we really have enough liquidity to cover all user balances (+ bids and one week FTQ payments), then we really have nothing to worry about. Of course, it wouldn't be the case if you would have not cut all possible expenses during our most difficult time ever, which is finally behind us.
I'm looking forward to see where we will be in a year from now, because the future looks bright.
Traffic Value: $7,982.98431 Germany
12 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 10:08
marc & the team! thx for this great work in the last year! you keep mtv and pv alive!
Traffic Value: $56,564.16117 Germany
26 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 10:14
When I see this numbers I am wondering why people aren't buying rp's. The price is really cheap when we take the products + earnings into consideration.

This literally is a gold mine right now and most people don't even realize it...
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
16 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 10:19
Future is here...that why our MTV company name is Future business Group......we are looking for future

Nice report btw..transparent... we know where we are now... Good Job MTV team and Marc as Ceo...
Traffic Value: $5,754.7008 Finland
15 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 10:20
@freak300, I'm at the moment waiting for my bitcoin transaction to get enough confirmations to get my funds in and to be able to buy more of these cheap rp's! wink
Traffic Value: $14,164.7049 Spain
29 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 10:37
This is what a real and serious company should do, not the trash we were accostumed to seeing before.

I think I don't miss any detail, everything what I need to see is shown. For me it has fully transparency. Obviously many companies might make up their numbers. But I doubt this is the case.wink

Indeed you gained my trust again, so it's time to make my account biggergrin
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
19 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 10:58
PPMG results will be added later today, PM is currently in maintenance.
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
1 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 11:34
there are some problems with fast track? one of my investment yesterday had 4.9k debt and today too, but should be around 4k because the negative days has finished, am i wrong with math?  
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
34 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 11:35
I must say I'm really, really happy with the progress we have made so far.

Going from almost bankruptcy to a liquid company, with a bright future ahead and full of hope from many users in just some months... sound like a miracle, isn't it?

I'm investing everything I can here and buying as much RPs as possible for the future, I have been in these online business for a long time and after so many deceptions, MTV has been something that changed my life, and I know it has changed many members' lifes too.

We have had many tough times, but I'm really happy to have been with MTV after all. I enjoy every second I spend on MTV, reading the forum, helping users, managing the FB page, talking with friends about this huge opportunity...

I have been a mod for almost 2 months now, and I can tell everyone I have had a closer contact with Marc and some of the staff, and I can assure you they all are really nice and honest people, and everyone is working really hard to make this company as huge as it can (and will!) be.

But, I haven't been a mod for a longer time, and I always tried to learn and help with everything I could, because that's why we are here, because of nice people always willing to help and invest in this crowdfunding company, because without every single user that helps, invests and promotes, we wouldn't be here.

That's why I would like to thank everyone for making this dream happen, from the staff to every single user of this awesome community that helps in any way they can, together we have showed everyone that it is possible, that we can create something beautiful in the right way.

There's still a long way to travel, I will always be in this amazing trip, and I hope to see many more traveling with us happy
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
20 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 11:37
Likely the first investment's already paid amount is not properly taken into account in the debt estimation, i.e. seems like Marc's investment stat got bugged, so we'll look into it.
Traffic Value: $4,969.3683 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 11:52
Hey! Got a lil question. The exchanger will allow to buy BTC directly? I want to make a deposit but usually what I do is give the money to an exchanger, then it gives me the BTCs and then I send it to MTV. With BMF will I save this step? It might look a bit silly question but I'm not into this and Im pretty lost. Thanks in advance!
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
26 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 12:10
The exchanger will be an exchanger. Not have a direct link with MTV/PV. So even if you'll exchange for bitcoins on it, you'll still have to send it to MTV separately.

Or simply when exchanging, set your BTC address to be your MTV deposit bitcoin address. In that case you'd exchange "directly". But that you can do with any exchanger really, now that each user has a fixed deposit address on PV/MTV.
Traffic Value: $4,969.3683 Spain
3 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 12:16
Thanks so much slosumo. Just the last question; about the time it takes. The exchanger I use takes up to 3 days to send you the BTC. What about BMF? It takes just 2.5% comission. Thanks! I'm so excited for the exchanger
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
6 like this post 0 people
16/05/2016 12:31
I was testning BMF and its fast. fastest time was 15 minutes I belive.
so dont worry, BMF will be faster than exchanger you use wink
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