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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $50,903.64953 Brazil
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25/11/2015 20:19
i vote yes <3
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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25/11/2015 20:21
Brainy bought at 2c, Passive bought at 50c, I bought at $1, someone else new can buy at $2, and so on.

We each make money, and noone looses. True, we loose potential, but that was our choice to sell at 200% vs 400% or whatever.

We have yet to hit the point where growth isn't possible (there are so many new 18yr olds every year) and the global economy isn't "that" bad vs our membership size.
Traffic Value: $15.60723 Morocco
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25/11/2015 20:40
I voted Yes
why ?
the market movement is so slow 
i'm not a big trader but without limit i have the chance to bay a lot more RPs
as you say the big fish gonna contôle the market and what is bad cause the big fish can bay millions of rps and the price can raise simply cause it will be a lot of demande and little offer so they can sell higher after i have only to jump on the wive and it can be a good start for me ^^
Traffic Value: $1,861.911 Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of)
2 like this post 5 people
25/11/2015 21:19
80% is unfair. Marc should placed under 70%. its enough. 20% is just a few people who don't know anything from this match. they are clicking chancy.
Traffic Value: $12,629.23434 Spain
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25/11/2015 21:27
[Edited by The Moderating Team: Please utilize English in the main forums. If you would like to speak your native language use the language specific topics. Thanks.]
Traffic Value: $1,517.81278 United States
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25/11/2015 21:28
let's not forget that the limit is there due to the many complaints of day traders and road blocks taking the price down to almost nothing. Now people complain about the market not moving. It will move when the profits come in at a greater level. I've said this a lot of times.........when dividends increase to an acceptable level, people will want to keep there rp and take their offers off the list. There will be greater demand to buy them. Until then, the stagnancy will continue, even if the price drops to 0.001
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
12 like this post 0 people
25/11/2015 21:34
You need to remember that it is only 17 million shares that are pinning the price down right now, not all 500 million open to sale
Traffic Value: $4,144.9465 Italy
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25/11/2015 22:00
Thank you Brainy! Ahahahah! : D
Traffic Value: $1,684.73103 Nigeria
2 like this post 5 people
25/11/2015 22:32
i vote YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, all my mind are bent on clicking again on Pv but how can i  do that when all my little funds are tied up in RP, i believe that if the block should be removed that it will give another boost to PV , like me i will reinvest in Pv and continue my normal clicking.Thanks My Vote Is YESSSSSSSSSS
Traffic Value: $26.20595 Poland
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25/11/2015 22:42
The greater fool theory states that the price of an object is determined not by its intrinsic value, but rather by irrational beliefs and expectations of market participants.

A price can be justified by a rational buyer under the belief that another party is willing to pay an even higher price.

In other words, one may pay a price that seems "foolishly" high because one may rationally have the expectation that the item can be resold to a "greater fool" later.
Traffic Value: $409.91053 Italy
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25/11/2015 22:47
I fully agree with what it says "Bill14"
the only thing is that the 24 hours prior to refresh the RP, but take at least 48-72 hours per user. grin
Traffic Value: $402.25802 Macedonia
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25/11/2015 23:31
Daytrading with 600RPs? That's nearly impossible... If you get burned ones, there's zero chance of getting back on the feet. Daytrading is good when you are doing it with a percentage of your RPs, not with 600... He doesn't even have time to cancel the bid if things go south. Not everyone can afford to daytrade... It takes time, patience and resources. Not everyone has those.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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25/11/2015 23:37

I've lost money trying to day trade [BitCoin Exchanging, too] and I have cussed till I spit because every time I take an action it seems the Market suddenly runs the other way.


That's the nature of a Marketplace and I can hold no one responsible for my trading, and consequential losses, but me.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
3 like this post 1 people
25/11/2015 23:59
Yes's are starting to pull away.

If Yes does win, I really hope that the whole team knows this is only a temp fix and looks to figure out more than just outside revenue etc (which is desp needed), but a true long term fix for the RP Market as well.
Traffic Value: $16,445.93893 India
1 like this post 0 people
26/11/2015 00:10

1217 = 83.01%  approx.


249 = 16.99%   approx.

Hope we all win
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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26/11/2015 00:23

To pass a bill is only 50% +1

To stop the President from vetoing the bill requires 2/3, but the President always has line item veto power (meaning he can delete any item in the bill at his own discretion irregardless of the vote)
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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26/11/2015 00:25
I voted yes, but is going under .01 per share legal

I searched a little, but find no actual answer to this,

but since 1 penny is the smallest in terms of US currency, how can you sell a single share for less than 1 penny.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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26/11/2015 00:40
This is not an actual 'Company Shares' marketplace, but simply a self-contained commodities type market with the added benefit of earning a share of the FTQ Investment capital. So, yes, it is absolutely legal.
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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26/11/2015 00:45

If the company plans to become legal and the RP's to become real shares of a real company as stated, then the question is relevant.

I understand that since this is currently a play market, you technically can do anything you want.
Traffic Value: $3,000.38453 Norway
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26/11/2015 00:54
I allso agree with the removing bottom
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