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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?

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Traffic Value: $17,409.62296 Romania
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27/11/2015 11:49
10 minutes to go.
Traffic Value: $1,973.85765 Brazil
1 like this post 0 people
27/11/2015 12:00
The crowd spoke:
RP market is going to crash to later (good knows when) recover.
The point is: Company`s value is not set up by the owner (the fisical one I mean the one who controls all the tools) but by the market itself if/whem you seel it to the people. Lack of good results are in my view the reason  ist value has decreased so much.

Good luck and good profits from the fall to you all
Traffic Value: $4,782.87809 Germany
8 like this post 0 people
27/11/2015 12:03
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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27/11/2015 12:03
still waiting.
Traffic Value: $17,409.62296 Romania
1 like this post 1 people
27/11/2015 12:03
The limit is still on.
Traffic Value: $912.66606 Argentina
3 like this post 0 people
27/11/2015 12:18
we are freee, good luck to all !!!
Traffic Value: $311.6985 Bangladesh
2 like this post 1 people
27/11/2015 12:34
haha ..price is rising !!!!!! grin 
Traffic Value: $442.0653 Slovenia
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29/11/2015 09:17
one suggestion. 

Join all RP's from same user that have same price on market. We can all see that one user is selling
54 RPS for $0.002 then
654 RPS for $0.002 then
10.453 RPS for $0.002

why not join this RPS on one like
11.161 RPS for $0.002 from lets say "John"
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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29/11/2015 09:26
would be good for making list tidy, but where should we place them in the queue? there can be million of RPs of other users listed in between these.
Traffic Value: $517.94351 Andorra
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29/11/2015 09:51
@avx91, if you bought it from diferent accounts, it's not posible to sell all at same time. You have to put so many sell orders as accounts you used to buy
Traffic Value: $334.18229 Australia
3 like this post 7 people
29/11/2015 10:08
I think it's disgusting, my $630+ balance I have been plowing money into was changed to useless royalty positions which were at a pitiful $59 and now they are worth less than $10....  this place gets a DO NOT REFER from me from now on, it's pretty much the same as theft.  now if I lose my $10 for saying this I won't miss it as it is barely worth logging in for any more!
I notice that user paidverts has another massive payout in each queue, what a surprise!  That's where MY money has gone....  angry!
Traffic Value: $477.38965 Poland
6 like this post 1 people
29/11/2015 11:20
Where have you been, when every thinking member of MTV was yelling: "THERE WILL BE A SWAP! USE YOUR BALANCE!"?
Traffic Value: $11,038.09657 Slovenia
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29/11/2015 11:49
Next step is cancel buy bid grin , price would go up and down way more. Meaning bigger chance for making profit, since its not limited to do down. It would be very nice if we did not have it. At least active users would get some kind of reward, and people would more often check whats going on isntead coming once a month and asking where is my balance etc.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
29/11/2015 17:46

Just don't sell this low, if more ppl stopped selling so low, eventually the confidence would grow and ppl would buy higher and higher.

Also, the PV FTQ that is at the Top of the Queue is for helping the ad Issues for all BAP Group Members. It's not for anything but right back to the members.

Also, PV had a lot in the FTQ, in fact, for the past few months, it was by far and large the only reason we were getting dividends when we did.

Also, would you rather come to a blank screen where there is no chance to get back your assets?
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Forum - Brainstorm - Remove the $0.01 limit on the market or not?
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