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New Project - Sumo Roll

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Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
24 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 18:25
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
11 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 18:31

Our first game funded through Funding Page. You can read more about the specs of the game here.

This topic will be used to post updates on Sumo Roll development. 

Feel free to give us your feedback on it!

Later today, the first updates will be posted as there are some cool images to add grin
Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
3 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 19:48
Thx! vecors!

Question, should the updates be at  -  Project Updates tab?
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
6 like this post 0 people
28/12/2016 20:01
Some updates might be posted on that page but they will always be on this one as well. A forum topic gets more exposure as people see it when visiting the forum.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
15 like this post 0 people
29/12/2016 00:23
As promised, here are some updates. This is what`s already completed but, as important, here are some images from the game itself. More will follow in the next updates! grin

- designed game-backend interface communication, 

- generated client-server interface code

Sumo himself:

General view of the game:

Pause screen:

On the next update I will show you a few more menus and enemies! That`s all for today grin
Traffic Value: $13,804.15918 Singapore
5 like this post 0 people
29/12/2016 01:51
I hope that the sumo is not the static image that really "roll" OR spin 360 degree to roll.. this make us dizzy if sumo "roll" like this.

My suggestion is, when user click on "Jump"/"Roll" button, the character can turn into "SwissRoll" (, instead of the character spin 360 degree just like the previous picture you posted.

The sumo character is quite fierce in my opinion, please make it either cute or funny. Add more face emotion in sumo character when rolling (eg Happy, Scare, Power Up).  It will attract more customer group, male/female/kids/teenager.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
10 like this post 0 people
30/12/2016 00:56
Today`s updates, and as promised, a few more images.

@dragonx996, the image I posted on the first post was created just as an "intro" for the game. It doesn`t mean the game will look like that. Thanks for your suggestions!

We`ve completed the following steps:

- reworking code generating game backend template
- api structure designed

Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
6 like this post 0 people
30/12/2016 04:35
On the second to last screenshot you can see that the Mini prize is the biggest and the Huge is the smallest.

I don't like much the shadow of the letters. They are already brown and if you had shadow, there is too much darkness there. Maybe take the shadow or change the letters color. 

Other than that, looks cool and can't wait to see my project share pay me back while I make some satoshis playing it
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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30/12/2016 04:45
Jpla, you have eyes of a hawk!
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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30/12/2016 05:37
The medi prize is hard to read
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
9 like this post 0 people
30/12/2016 09:26
Animations will be properly done and further improved after first version is ready, as its first good to get a feeling of how the game feels and then improve on the animation/"pimp it". Also the jumping animations of sumo squating/changing face etc., are things to be done at the end. No worries, the roll won't look like on Cesar's banner, although it's in a way funny which can be great to have on a banner!

The prizes/numbers on the examples are not real, they're merely place holders.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
10 like this post 0 people
30/12/2016 22:59

- added data models while generating server interface code,
- added generating namespaces with versioning
- added generating examples
- changed model path handling
- deleted base controller generating

- fixed controllers generating laraver init

Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
12 like this post 0 people
02/01/2017 15:48

- changed sumo game/backend interface:
-- added handling wallet instead of device id and username
- code regenerate
- changed routes generating template to handle laravel routes

- added handling body param in server

Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
1 like this post 0 people
04/01/2017 14:36
In some apps, I watch video ads from
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
14 like this post 0 people
04/01/2017 15:05
There's not a shortage of rewarded video providers for app games. We will likely start off with UnityAds, and later we can add up to 10+ various providers and optimize revenue programmatically, choosing the most profitable ad available at a specific time.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
9 like this post 0 people
04/01/2017 15:48

- change game interface generator:
-- removed default params on behalf of overloading methods,
-- handled compatibility with .net35

Traffic Value: $50,903.64953 Brazil
6 like this post 0 people
04/01/2017 17:16
its like a atari game smile
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
4 like this post 0 people
04/01/2017 19:52
It`s all about Asians grin
Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
3 like this post 0 people
09/01/2017 01:34
$30 were magically added to the funding of sumo roll, or what happened?
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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09/01/2017 07:24
I saw that too! Don't know what that's all about?!
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