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Feb 6th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $64.93552 Slovenia
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06/02/2015 10:38
Just clicked all micro ads and now i am patiently waiting for daily adds grin
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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06/02/2015 10:40
@ Catt

This forum is the only one to my knowledge, that complains that people refuse to read.
And frankly it is not a complaint of mine.  
Because what is the point of having a forum if you really think that? 

We need to look at the chain of communication here.
People post their problem and get the answer:  Read the forum. 
But what is there to read? 

Is the issue acknowledged by the upper line in command? Mostly it isn't. 
Are there explanations why the issue has happened? Mostly there isn't. 
Are there explanations what is done about the issue to provide it will happen again? 
Mostly there isn't. 
In fact nobody tells anything about stuff people really want to know. 

There is a lot of leading going on, but absolutely no pacing.
And therefore no rapport.
NLP 101. 
Traffic Value: $596.36596 Viet Nam
0 like this post 5 people
06/02/2015 10:42
how about a fake "daily news"
Traffic Value: $1,085.59156 Germany
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06/02/2015 10:42

It is censorship, as there is no place for it. As you said:"an orderly society", what do you mean? MTV/PV isn't an orderly society. An "orderly society" is working (or not), cause people also have rights, and they can fight for it.
What you are planning to do is making people unable to complain about things, that happen to them without any chance to do something against it inside the "society". The people you would like to ban aren't members in a "society" with equal rights. they can't fight for anything, and you want to take away the only way to show their opinion. This called censorship!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
4 like this post 1 people
06/02/2015 10:42

I understand your point and you are in the right in a lot of it... then again
Can you REALLY tell me this is legit???
Traffic Value: $190.03665 Pakistan
1 like this post 8 people
06/02/2015 10:45
Not getting ads from last 48 hours.
Traffic Value: $64.93552 Slovenia
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06/02/2015 10:51

If you ask me that kind of threats should be locked after your explanation and that's it.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
3 like this post 1 people
06/02/2015 10:51
they shouldn´t even exist.... if people read before requesting the cashout they would know it takes up to 7 days and not come and post in here about it in the 3rd.
Traffic Value: $3,456.01946 Belgium
9 like this post 0 people
06/02/2015 10:52
I suggest (as probably already suggested by others) for Daily News to be ONLY specifically for admins/staff only. Lock it, so no other users can post here. Then create another category, like "Daily News Discussions" or "Discussions" or simply "Concerns" or anything related to "daily news".

These are the forum categories at the moment:

Maybe, make forum categories something like this?
News - Admins/Staff
News - Members

Just my $1 dollar wink
Traffic Value: $49.67525 Pakistan
2 like this post 5 people
06/02/2015 10:54
Pv admins are not taking reposibilties just they are enjoying their life lol its business not world tour game lol,,, why you all admin are not looking at site even you are visiting coutries lol this is not called business you all are careless 
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
9 like this post 0 people
06/02/2015 10:58
@ Catt

My honest opinion? 
Yes, I think it is legit. 
Because the post is a mirror of the events in the last months.

You can read nervousness and doubts. 
What the user wants is an assurement, that he will be paid.
Because basically he asks between the lines: Is PV still paying.
PLease clear my doubts.  

He gets patronizing and no assurance, but ok. It is a valid answer. 
However I also think that the thread should have been closed 
after your answer. It is a vital function for a moderator that misses here.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
4 like this post 1 people
06/02/2015 11:00
yeah, sadly we can´t close threads as of yet....
And yeah I can see your point of view.. but if you think there are a lot of real issues out there, it is a shame we would have to stop and tap someone in the head everytime they didn´t read the terms before asking for a cashout and feel insecure.

I mean supposedly this is 15+.... people are SUPPOSED to be able to read and it IS written that the cashout will take up to 7 days, its not too much to expect that it will be read.

Anyways yeah, closing topics = highly necessary, no doubt about it!
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
59 like this post 5 people
06/02/2015 11:00
Everyone is taking my post so much out of context and overreacting about it.

I never said I'll be forum banning users for complaining. I've already explained in more detail in the previous posts.

To put short, I won't be banning anyone without thought/randomly - just what is unrelated to the forum (and even that not in every case, i.e. if it's clearly a user who posted the first time i.e.) and can only be solved via a ticket or people who spam the same thing over and over again.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
3 like this post 1 people
06/02/2015 11:00

There is a time and place for all language. Back in grade school, you couldn't
talk in class during a lesson. Is that Censorship?? You're preventing my
"Free Speech" by not letting me interrupt this lesson. Bull Crap.

Not "all" language has to be tolerated. Put rules in place for what is
permitted and abide by them. Plus MTV isn't saying they can post "Wear My Addds?".
They can make a Google group and post it 10,000 times in a row-They're saying just don't do it repeatedly in
the Forums and most importantly in the News.
Traffic Value: $1,085.59156 Germany
6 like this post 0 people
06/02/2015 11:03
I understand the intention behind the idea of deleting posts, and i think it's good for the Newsthread. I also think it's good to delete all this "no ads"-posts, cause this posts aren't a good way of communication.

I think this complaining-posts are a way of communicate people's frustration, and i can understand it. And i think, it's JOs part, to do something against it (DailyAds instead of maybe or maybe not). PV is growing like hell, and it's JOs part to handle it, and he doesn't do it at the moment, i think. And I think, all the complaints shows that. People need the feeling, that PV is stable and rocking. And this is not, what people feel at the moment. It's a nice idea to make BigAds, but it's absolutely unimportant, if after this everyone is waiting again. Most of the complaints showing this, i think.
There always will be people, who complain, and it's good to regulate it. But at the moment, people have reasons to complain i think. And to ban this people is nothing else than "oh we don't want to hear it anymore", and this is the wrong way in my opinion.
Traffic Value: $370.49672 Poland
3 like this post 9 people
06/02/2015 11:08
We expect issue from Thursday and Friday - should be minimum 400 000 $ today. 

I am waiting few days, if situation won't improve I'll take all my money from MTV $ PV.

Guys just think... even Jo give us huge issues (like he said) it won't be something special. Because almost 10 days without normal ads made huge savings.

So if Jo want align this situation should send us 3 or 4 daily ads equal 400 000 $ and then normal ads issue - 100 000 $ - 200 000 $ per day.

We must claim our issue because we invested money here! Some of us a lot of money.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
3 like this post 1 people
06/02/2015 11:09
Nobody wants to censor anybody. We're not talking about genuine reasonable complaints made up of 2 or more complete sentences. We're talking about 3-6 word phrases that have no bearing on the topic and are just random rants like graffiti on a wall.
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
0 like this post 3 people
06/02/2015 11:12
I just removed my post, and edited myself. You all have a nice day. 
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
5 like this post 5 people
06/02/2015 11:12
In case anybody hasn't noticed.

NONE of the larger member post in the Forums on a regular basis.
Think to yourself why that is, and if you don't know the
answer, just ask me because I most certainly do. 
Also ask yourself if the overall long range health and sustainability
of MTV would be better if those folks were more involved again.
Once again, I have the answer if you're drawing a blank.
Traffic Value: $803.44199 Greece
11 like this post 0 people
06/02/2015 11:16
I'm reading hundreds of posts daily so I know exactly what's going on with the business. That's the point of reading. Stay updated!
I do find usless posts anywhere on this forum in any section of it...

Now, as we all know, today we did not recieve any ads. That is very bad and frustrating for everyone. Especially for me that I bough 160$ ads worth in the last days so my 1% is not returned at least for this day. Unfortunately the past experience proved that the chances of getting these ads back, even tomorow or the day after are very low. If 1 day is skipped, remains skipped. Wich is very unprofessional.
The only thing I ask if @slosumo is aware of this fact. Probably he is, and that's all I need smile.
I'm sure he will take the necessary actions.

As for all this bla bla happening day in and day out on the daily news section it is so useless, that browsing 20 pages it is a pain in the a** most of the times as you won't be able to find anything interesting exept the first post.
If I would be @slosume or @Richard?! will go ahead and ban every spammer of this forum for 1 week as a first warning, and permanent ban if second time occurs.

This should be a place where you can read important updates and getting or being helped when needed.
Nothing more!
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Forum - News - Feb 6th - Daily News
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