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Feb 2nd - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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02/02/2015 06:28
why are we missing the main issue at this point of time, the cron is not working and need to be improved, it has been 48 hours now that ads dont get delivered as they should. It seems like i am only able to get 0.001 recycle ads ATM
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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02/02/2015 06:28
@pflip i think he is referring hacked a/c investigation befor to start cashout
Traffic Value: $1,491.12314 United Kingdom
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02/02/2015 06:31
Morning all. I received 3 x $1 ads at 19:30 server time yesterday and nothing else has appeared so it seems the issue is nowhere nearer being fixed. Has there been any update on it as Jo hasn't even mentioned it in the first post on today's news? I would have thought an update on that, given the current issues, would be more important than the other news but that's just me....I've been in bed and haven't the energy to read through 10+ pages of yesterday's news to see if there was an update. Anyway, I'm not complaining as I have more important things in life to worry about than not having a few dollars but it would be nice to at least know what's happening or if there's been any progress in fixing it.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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02/02/2015 06:32
there has been no word about cron, positive or otherwise. We all assumed it was fixed when we started receiving friday´s belated ads... but it does look like it got stuck again, I haven´t gotten any 1% ad myself tonight.
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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02/02/2015 06:37
after jo's detailed update all whining disappeared & all members got confidence twice
Traffic Value: $15,174.80528 Netherlands
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02/02/2015 06:39
@tupko: i couldn't agree more with you, It's my point exactly: ads will come eventually! Delete all the "no ads" "low ads" "i want my big ads" stuff.

Damn i wish i could do that. Great work
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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02/02/2015 06:41
@catt i got my 1ad of 1% recently so seems cron awakes
Traffic Value: $2,592,904.1508 Spain
13 like this post 1 people
02/02/2015 06:43
Updated the first post again.

* And the cron is really slow / as good as stopped I think; i'll ask Daniel to look into that when he wakes up. Likely still issuing ads from yesterday, nevermind the 1% ads.
Traffic Value: $312.03684 Philippines
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02/02/2015 06:44
Baby Cron, wet his diapers that's why he woke up. Now, he resumed his habit...SLEEPING. lol
Well atleast, we have something to make fun of, even ads are somehow delayed. grin
Traffic Value: $312.03684 Philippines
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02/02/2015 06:47

I just have a little question, my 1% Mega and Mini upgrade went bye bye last saturday before the ad issue started, would it still be a count for this issue? Or will it be void? Just asking though. grin
Traffic Value: $593.70484 United States
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02/02/2015 06:52
@ nhice_01 Hate to say it but if you SU Upgrade already expired then no, you won't get any more 1% ads for tonight and this is creating problem for me too and others where our SUU ends and we  miss out on 1 day or more of those ads because they don't come on time due to cron issues, or whatever the case may be. Who knows?? This is not fair JO!

Edit: Maybe feed the cron some chocolates to keep it awake longer. LOL
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
7 like this post 0 people
02/02/2015 06:55
The cron is probably the same issue as last time.

millions of recycled .0005 and .001 with no one to issue them to, so the endless loop until someone lowers their ad filter, and when it starts issuing the stuck ads, it also issues a couple of other ads.

But while it is in its endless cycle of trying to find an ad to deliver, no ads get sent.

That is why it is STUPID to have the .0005 and .001 ads recycle, as they continuously clog the cron and stop it from working.

Like I said right after the 1.05 ad pack was released, expect the cron to stop working tomorrow, and guess what, it did.
Traffic Value: $1,491.12314 United Kingdom
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02/02/2015 06:56
@Catt: Thanks for the reply....didn't think I'd missed an update. I have no idea what ads I'm missing or idea what the $1 ads were but I just click on whatever appears.

@Jo: Thank you for the update. Would it not be prudent to suspend ad purchases (given the changes to the ad packs are what started this issue to begin with) to allow the system to deliver all the stuck ads and allow the programmers the time to fix the issue? With ad purchases still active, it is just adding more and more ads into the already broken chron. Just my thoughts on it
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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02/02/2015 07:09
the cron is working but I think the priority is the problem. I put my ad filter to 0005 and many 001 recycled ads are coming/ so the priority of recycled ads need to be the last and daily ad issues to have primary priority/ it's my opinion
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
0 like this post 2 people
02/02/2015 07:12

You should have the programmers change the new issue to something like this:

Take 5% from the upline commissions and apply it to the .05 and send the following:

14 .005 ads
10 .003 ads

the .10 is then paid for with the less commissions paid, and you send ads valued what a PTC clicker would be more than happy to click, and would still get debt clearance, ad issued, and less recycled ads.

Once the total undelivered ad clicks get down to under 200 million, you could change it back to the 10% upline commission and change the deliver to send just 10 .005 ads on every new purchase.

Remember the 3 days (before the 1.05 price change)when the site ran rather smoothly, that is because you were issuing mainly .005 (with some .003 ads tossed in), and trust me, if you tell the lower level there are very few .0005 and .001(except micro pack ads) ads in the recycler some would buy the recycler, and it would get the recycler continuously moving and more overall clicks.

You would need to actually send an email announcing the change, as 90% do not read the forum or the 1st post.
Traffic Value: $312.03684 Philippines
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02/02/2015 07:13

Unfair for us who should be prioritized for those 1% ads that Baby Cron forgot to give, well, anyway, we shouldn't be whining for that since it will just flood up the forum. Let's just deal with it, and hope that it will be fixed ASAP. grin 
Traffic Value: $2,386.03467 Slovenia
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02/02/2015 07:14

What about Skrill? Is still in your plans?
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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02/02/2015 07:17
@ Jo

Thanks for finally replying about the cron that is stuck for some time. I guess you must search for a way that the cron doesnt get stuck. a little over a week ago you were talking about lowering the timer to 5 seconds, i bet that it will definately encourage members to click on the lower valued ads means less amount get recycled and members will lower their adfilter as well to get rid of the smaller ads and the cron will more then likely not stop so many times 
Traffic Value: $312.03684 Philippines
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02/02/2015 07:18

That'll be completely unnecessary, if that will be the case, if Jo would implement all he plans for the system, we won't really would feel the 10% for ads purchased by referrals(since bulk ads will not be that prioritized during that point, but maybe on the long run.. It will just make us say, ooohhhh that tickles. lol.
Traffic Value: $432.69625 Saudi Arabia
0 like this post 6 people
02/02/2015 07:22
where is my ads today???? i get very little ads yesterday and today its still nothingsad
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