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Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
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28/12/2014 16:57
So I guess the transfer fees on the marketplace remain after the BAP swap, so we need to sell higher to include the transfer fees?
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
22 like this post 0 people
28/12/2014 16:57
If I had a few K this would have been a wonderfull day for me.
Instead I went to bed 7 minutes before Jo announced the news, then the shares dropped from 5.5 to 4.5.
Then this morning I was in doubt if people would be this STUPID to sell even lower or not so I didn't accept the offers for aproxxomately 230k shares. 
I wish I did.. I could have made an easy 300-400k extra shares today.. 

To everyone who's selling at these prizes right now: You're just robbing yourselves grinw00t
Traffic Value: $41,504.84056 United States
9 like this post 0 people
28/12/2014 16:59
I agree. The sooner the better. Just asking for a big ad today or tomorrow. Then no worries until the new year comes. We don't need all this drama and stress. One big ad. Then swap. Easy peasy!
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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28/12/2014 17:03

Your story is 100% same as mine except I would make around 50k shares profit sad. I wish I wouldn't go to sleep 1 hour to early now.
Traffic Value: $291,721.65544 Netherlands
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28/12/2014 17:03
What a panic! 

Right after the BAP swap a lot users wil buy very cheap shares.  (Im one of them)

The only tip i can give is wait with selling your shares so low. 
Traffic Value: $3,774.29458 Poland
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28/12/2014 17:04
Everyone tells that, if I...

Few people will buy and make a profit obviously ^^
Traffic Value: $4,616.96337 Slovenia
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28/12/2014 17:06
someone who invested 1000$  to get 3 000 000 BAP week ago will now get something like 13000+ shares on swap
If he bough shares today instead with the same amount of $ he could get 36000+ shares

thats just great^^ too bad i belong to the first group... im wondering for how long i will be stuck waiting for shares to raise again...  loaded with BAP ... ops .. shares grin
Traffic Value: $305.428 Russian Federation
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28/12/2014 17:06
People are crazy... Why sell shares so cheap? Stop! Although... no, go ahead, I'll be glad to buy themgrin
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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28/12/2014 17:11
Jo please do the ad issue so i can BAP Sweep the market.

Traffic Value: $605.49135 India
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28/12/2014 17:12
On occasions of  previous 2 "Debt Swaps"  too  most of the members were disagreeing to Jo's decision. But, both that  "Debt Swaps"  brought amazing positive results to MTV members.
The following quoted portions of a thread posted by MarcdeKoning  who is one of the topmost  invested and successful member  are relevant to read on this occasion.

"(1)  there suddenly came a debt swap which I didn't fully understand the "happy" part of, I hated it quite frankly.
  At first I only saw the negative part 
(2) Then about a year? after that we had another debt swap.
This time we had to give up 20% of our shares as shareholders. I didn't fully agree on that part but I knew what kind of benefits it brought me the first time so I liked the idea overall.

(3) By now I realize that I might not always agree on Jo´s actions at first but he did manage to keep me quite happy overall. And his moves work out in the end most of the time! (I wouldn't mind another debt swap in the future at all!)

Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
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28/12/2014 17:13

I am trusting you on this, as you do have a lot more lose than most of us.
Traffic Value: $1,053.10686 Serbia
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28/12/2014 17:16
Jo, do what you have to do but it would be nice to do it as fast as you can
Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
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28/12/2014 17:18

It might be better to do it on Jan. 1st, then we can start the year off with a bang.

I would lose one or two days of my mini upgrade, unless it gets put on hold or extended. If not it would not be a great loss any way since nobody can buy any ad packs. I am already over the 2.99
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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28/12/2014 17:19
Jo, stop calling us all whiners. I'm a customer of your site and I have plenty more money to send to you, but you have to help me too. tongue I will need income fairly quickly to take care of things on my end and not have it hurt my share position and plans to move to group 13-14. 

If everything you say comes true, you better believe I'm taking advantage of it, I just don't like that this will hurt so many people, regardless of the picture you paint. I know PTC users and this is not going to sit well with most of them. Many of us are currently spending a lot of money also on advertising to get your site more users. Much of that will be a waste, but I'm going to have to put together an E-mail to try and calm peoples fears and constantly baby them because that is how you have to deal with the majority of PTC users like it or not. You create more work for me, so I expect to be compensated. tongue 
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
6 like this post 1 people
28/12/2014 17:20
I don't have any cash in my balance and this morning at 4.5 I didn't think anyone would ever be this stupid to sell this low.. I thought wrong.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
10 like this post 2 people
28/12/2014 17:23
Do and get it over with. dont make us wait for you to destroy the program that so many of us loved. By trying to turn it into a money game program. Been thru many PTC site and never seen one yet with a restart feature.

since your not going to listen to anyone idea on how to keep the program going with out doing it.
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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28/12/2014 17:26
Sorry to hear that Marc. sad  I sold all my shares but enough for access to the control panel above 0.045 last night in anticipation for this. It's working out nicely but I'm not sure if the price will keep falling so maybe I will start accumulating little by little now. I have a feeling it could dip below 0.02 after the swap though. 
Traffic Value: $813.41795 Argentina
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28/12/2014 17:29
do not think it fair that measure, since the only winners are the owners of MTV and PV pages long and trusted PV but right now is not whether to trust, change all my bap by shares ??? and then as sell, market shares will be till the brim with so many people selling, since he began speaking truth to this server changes everything till the worst was about to receive announcements 3 days a week (and low value) I hope they know what they do and not that when they have deep pockets do not mind anything, because all that empesamos on this page empesamos with dreams like JO yours only you and you turned and the vast majority you I help fulfill even not so hope you know what you do THANKS

no creo que se justo esa medida, ya que los unicos que ganan son los dueños de las paginas MTV and PV, siempre  e confiado en PV pero en este momento no se si confiar, cambiar todos mis bap por shares ???  y despues como las vendo, el mercado de shares va a estar asta el tope  con tanta gente vendiendo , la verdad desde que empesaron con esto de los cambios de servidores todo fue peor  asta  el punto de recibir anuncios 3 dias por semana ( y de bajo valor ) espero que sepan lo que hacen y no que cuando ya tienen los bolsillos llenos no les importe nada , ya que todos  los que empesamos en esta pagina empesamos con sueños como los tuyos JO solo que tu ya los cumpliste y la gran mayoria que te ayudo a cumplirlos aun no asi que espero que sepas lo que haces  GRACIAS
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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28/12/2014 17:31
PV is not a PTC must stop with this misconception
and there a few years the JBP program also used the reset mode, jo invented nothing with reset mode
Traffic Value: $813.41795 Argentina
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28/12/2014 17:31
I have a question on Monday 4th, we are all at level 0, 0 BAP no level ???

tengo una pregunta el lunes 4, todos  estaremos en el nivel 0, 0 BAP no nivel ???
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