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Traffic Value: $230.82359 Pakistan
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28/12/2014 16:12
if i buy share on monday 4th jan  that share still there or no tell me about share those i already bought plzzzzzzzzzzz
Traffic Value: $892.42899 India
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28/12/2014 16:13
Jo check my ticket it may be important

Ticket no
Traffic Value: $730.85739 United States
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28/12/2014 16:17
Back to betting on football.  At least I have a choice there
Traffic Value: $4,733.96792 Slovenia
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28/12/2014 16:17

you will have all your shares you have now and that you will buy and those that will be converted from BAP. The 5th january is the monday not 4th. 
Traffic Value: $32,608.39303 Germany
7 like this post 0 people
28/12/2014 16:20
Jo, just one question: Why did you even bother to start a discussion thread if you already made your decision?
Traffic Value: $230.82359 Pakistan
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28/12/2014 16:21

Thank You So much
Traffic Value: $203,540.80977 Malaysia
6 like this post 0 people
28/12/2014 16:26
now nearly 0.03
the share market are collapsed
everyone want cash now
Traffic Value: $1,152.97916 France
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28/12/2014 16:31
Anyway, if their is a debt swap on paidverts, we can be sure to lose all ptc members, and more than once invested money in it.

People will not understand what is happening, that move really should have been discussed more before.
Traffic Value: $444.26533 Spain
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28/12/2014 16:35
There is another option that has not been evaluated and possibly leave us all users, more or less satisfied. Jo is talking about changing all BAPS by actions, and I, for example, I am totally against. And I'm in group 6 now !! I do not even want to imagine what they think a person who is in the group 10 or higher, with a large number of BAPs, and now would be with many actions and 0 BAPS.
The option that I propose is to change half the BAPS in shares, and the other left as they are. That way, each user would drop a level (of 6-5 in my case), but would not stay in group 0 (no BAPS)
People do not have to re-invest as continue to receive daily announcements and debt also would lower considerably, making daily announcements would also be higher than today.
Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
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28/12/2014 16:39
That's why I had no guilt using a bot...I knew this would happen...
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
18 like this post 12 people
28/12/2014 16:39
Relax. This is a predictable series of events. Whining included! wink

You're all making money from this. Provided you don't shoot yourself in the foot just to spite yourself.

I wonder if we need to drag this out an entire week. Maybe better off doing this on Thursday. So we can get straight to the good bit!

And I look forward to the about face from all these whiners over the next few weeks as the share price triples in price.
Traffic Value: $203,540.80977 Malaysia
7 like this post 0 people
28/12/2014 16:40
only 1/3 PV users visit to MTV
we may lose 2/3 PV users
Traffic Value: $3,036.0835 Spain
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28/12/2014 16:43
Jo, what  tjtan0929 says its true. You might want to put a big message on PV saying that they need to visit MTV to sell their shares.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
8 like this post 1 people
28/12/2014 16:45
Guys relax. It will be a good thing. And compared to you I have a lot more to lose!
Traffic Value: $582.70427 Lithuania
1 like this post 0 people
28/12/2014 16:45
Ohh yeah grin i'm waiting for big explosion grin i'm ready for it, fire away. Bap swap must be the best present for christmas and new year grin
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
9 like this post 0 people
28/12/2014 16:46
U r right...............My self i came to PV i dont know MTV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I invested in PV not MTV.........Time passed i know about shares and other stuff here............
But simple ad clickers never come to MTV what about them .............................
They will call scam and run away.........................
Traffic Value: $3,774.29458 Poland
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28/12/2014 16:48
Well, maybe we start giving shares for free or for 0.001$ grin

Just waiting grin
Traffic Value: $3,330.3665 Spain
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28/12/2014 16:49
entonces Que se ha de Hacer?
cambiar mis BAPS por acciones¿
Traffic Value: $7,146.80836 India
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28/12/2014 16:52
I think baps convert in $ thats good things 
Traffic Value: $802.77441 United States
4 like this post 0 people
28/12/2014 16:54
Jo, the sooner the better in my opinion.  I see no reason to drag it on as the people who are afraid of this option currently will probably not be any less afraid in a week.
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