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Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
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28/12/2014 17:44
Jo ....................
Send the freaking ads..................
Traffic Value: $1,823.14127 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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28/12/2014 17:46
will you stick with the original plan and wait for monday or will you just swap it all up on thursday
Traffic Value: $862.68812 Romania
3 like this post 5 people
28/12/2014 17:49
"Create debt. Remove debt. Grow rapidly. Repay original debt. Repeat. We've done it 3× before. It works."

It works for you. Right?
Traffic Value: $8,965.30221 India
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28/12/2014 17:49
@Jo:Just 1 question, who will buy these shares for 0.11 if all have only shares left.
Traffic Value: $25.13495 Romania
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28/12/2014 17:55
@yasirxx: I will not buy your shares. smile
Traffic Value: $7,007.68709 Switzerland
7 like this post 2 people
28/12/2014 17:55
Jo, telling everybody here how great the things are just a week ago, you now made yourself quite inconsistent. Simply, I do not know how to take your words anymore. Please, take into consideration that you are forcing People into speculation market without their WILL.

People want stability and consistency, not massive growth.
Traffic Value: $6,128.74944 Portugal
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28/12/2014 17:56
Jo, I wrote in the other post and I will wrote again in this one, not the same text but at least I hope you can answer me or give me directions.

How can I give you ideas without putting them on forum? I wan't to know what is the language used in MTV games and try to build a game for you for free (short version of the story). I have some ideas in mind that can help PV grow to.

BAP debt swap is good but it's to early now. But, I agree with you. Let's rocket the business till the infinity and beyond.
Traffic Value: $127.20102 Philippines
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28/12/2014 17:57
Can you give us an will this work...just an estimation..because everyone is in panic..
Traffic Value: $1,467.79978 Netherlands
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28/12/2014 17:57
i think we make profit of it the shares will grow
Traffic Value: $63,951.00584 Germany
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28/12/2014 17:58
well....if you tell us that we are funding your business....why dont you listen to know what this will mean?! the death of paidverts...why the hell your are forcing ppl to receive shares in mtv if those ppl just are using paidverts?! what should i tell my refs why their BAP are gone?! wtf hast MTV to do with paidverts?!?!?!?!?!?!

Why do you steal my earned and saved BAP?! Damn you buy a new HP notebook for 3k of dollars..if thats you so angry.......
Traffic Value: $72.66216 United States
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28/12/2014 18:01
I'm new here and don't understand shares or debt swap...The question is every time pv has debt will it do a swap?because there will always be 2 cents...
Traffic Value: $862.68812 Romania
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28/12/2014 18:02
450 shares for 102600 BAP is a good price?
Traffic Value: $239.31754 Slovenia
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28/12/2014 18:04
How about setting a minimum share price. I personaly have no problem that my BAP will be exchanged to shares (at least I will get devidends if nothing else grin), but I have a problem with people who undercut the share price. If the minimum share price is set at for example 0,10$/share, than there woun't be any risk that we wouldn't profitable from this ''BAP Exchange Guide'', the undercutters would have to wait to get their money as everyone else and the 3-6weeks wound actually be 3-6 weeks, otherwise it can takes us 2-3 months.
That's my personal opinion on this. Have a nice day everyone smile
Traffic Value: $400.67513 Philippines
3 like this post 1 people
28/12/2014 18:08
"I Changed all my BAP's to share.

1. Now how will I profit again? only for selling? Answer: Yes! sell it in higher price"
Answer: Yes! you can profit from it
By selling your shares in profitable manners not in a risky manners!smile

"2. PAidverts start again so I have to sell all my shares to get leveled? and we will have ad issue?"
Answer: Yes! you can get your BAP back by re-purchasing ad pack to get $__ * 3100BAP = ___BAP

"3. If I bought tomorrow ads what happened? (with pay pal)"
Answer: No. You can't buy new ad purchase. Because it have been disabled right now
Anyway As Jo said you can buy again on January 5th next year.

"who will buy these shares for 0.11 if all have only shares left."

Answer: Members who  stayed, understand and believed about the program smile
Traffic Value: $2,697.0796 Denmark
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28/12/2014 18:11
How small is small Jo? I want to know what the ad issues will be like 
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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28/12/2014 18:17
I will f***ing bring this post up on the 5th March (to allow two months after swap) and then we`ll see the results! grin
Traffic Value: $64.96351 Bangladesh
5 like this post 5 people
28/12/2014 18:22
Ok fine....but Jo Should not do it with every single member! From group 1-7 should be out of it. Start swap from group 8-14. Then you will solve your problem & new members & the members who can not invest more right now but want to work daily & happy with that tinny income, you should let them do it. If the members from group 1-7 think they should go for the share then then will go for it willingly. Don't force please....

You can do one more thing... like daily add issue formula...
group 14-1
14- 75% of their BAP will be converted to share
13- 65% of their BAP will be converted to share
12- 55% of their BAP will be converted to share
11- 45% of their BAP will be converted to share
10- 35% of their BAP will be converted to share
9-  25% of their BAP will be converted to share
8-  15% of their BAP will be converted to share
7-  10% of their BAP will be converted to share
(1-6)- 5% of their BAP will be converted to share

Please Jo rethink about it.
Traffic Value: $1,859.69963 Canada
4 like this post 1 people
28/12/2014 18:26
i will have to wait for people like you to buy my shares for cheap u can get rich,since almost three months,i lost more than i gained from your supposed problems...of your servers...i really doubt of your integrity... wow lets scam everybody... happy new year members...Jo take care of your money for the top
Traffic Value: $7,130.35531 Lithuania
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28/12/2014 18:29
And how people will be able to sell shares on january 1st if they dont have any BAP, since they will be converted to shares?
Traffic Value: $1,252.14146 Spain
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28/12/2014 18:30
@Jo then you're not going to make the "huge add issue" you promissed time ago?
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