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Traffic Value: $132.46681 Macedonia
2 like this post 2 people
03/01/2015 19:53
Come on people, give Jo and his team some time. Do you still don't understand that what he did with the swap was to create a sort of balance, so PV and MTV continue growing and paying more. Piksi7 i also am a small investor like you who clicks every day and invests all earned money and been online for 3 months only, but i will tell you what to do, that is my plan and what everyone here that knows what's he doing is talking about. Every now and then the shares go up and down (sometimes very down, both in baps and $). Buy as many shares as you can for the lowest price you can and then you have 2 ways of going: 1. Wait until share price goes up ($0.11 or above 219 baps) to make profit or 2. You buy shares when share price goes down and sell them when it goes up again, so you can make quick profit and have money or BAP if the price goes down again. The swap has been done before and from what i've read soon it will all be back to normal. 
Traffic Value: $4.44552 Peru
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04/01/2015 01:24
que es lo que tengo que hacer para no perder mis puntos please!!  que alguien me responda please S.O.S.   ya que no entiendo nada aqui ._.
Traffic Value: $294.25745 Portugal
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04/01/2015 01:28
Perder sus pontos?
Que quieres decir?
Traffic Value: $5.54875 Viet Nam
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04/01/2015 05:04
so now I do not buy Bap?
Traffic Value: $5.54875 Viet Nam
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04/01/2015 05:05
vì v?y bây gi? tôi không mua Bap?
Traffic Value: $4,129.21683 Netherlands
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04/01/2015 05:11
before you spend yours and everyone's time reading your ridiculous compositions get to inform yourself about the place you invest your money (MTV) , analyze why,  get to know the answers
most of the crap you wrote is based on pure ignorance
Traffic Value: $125.11542 Serbia
1 like this post 2 people
04/01/2015 08:48
Before I started at PV, I was analize what is, and what is presented, and  wroted in FAQ TOS now is everything stolen from us! Blka bla about stabile biger and what you try showing is just mark of unsuccess nad on MUST DO getting members at MTV with no chance getting ALREADY EARNED MONEY to small and no investor at PV?..Again, big investor get all money becouse they can onvest for high group nedlook at small investor how they crying on situation,m they can not get his earned 10 - 20- 100 usd.. In same time you "learn" small popel thes are stupidn and they son't know how can trade on MTC,., hahahaha, you are really arogant pople! YOu should start repsect all that small investor, becouse without that people and their clicking, you wll in problrem with your 1000's ads,.,. ..And I do not intendt play on share market.. Also, please, Jo and your team, you're get off our earned money..And put in Some market where we MUST wait maybe sell for TRUE or what is JO thinking is value?!?! Please.. NO WHERE in the world, noone put on market share for something what is in that moment value of 0.03USD, do swap some value (like BAPS in the case of PV) and give us share with almost 5* bigger value than real value on market.. Please, obviusly, Jo intendt fuc*ed up everyone of small investor, becouse they people try reinvest all earned money reaching higher group in same time big investor get in same time, already do ROI min 200-300%  and take our ba*ls in hand to laugh every small investor or just clicking people! Great.. You should respect people.. I know how work nad do share market.. But I do not wanna play with my already earned money.. Jo like you are loved in share market, and both are "sure" in your share, if Jo have a maoney reach group with 100's thousends US (I wonder which money helping him to be on most higher group?!?!?, I am sure, he ddidn't have that money few weeks erlier) also he's program work well.. Hmm..interesting, how it's work for him?

Bonus Ad Points: 0
Proven Traffic Value: $5,138,723.49004 Rank: #1
Ad purchases: $78.00 Rank: #12292
Referral Commissions: $146,458.69896 Rank: #1 with 95782 referrals, 20759 currently active
Paid Ad Interactions: $561.47568 Rank: #1129 from 126 paids ad interactions
Money Gaming Volume: $161.68 Rank: #437 with 143 plays, 5 games
BAP Gaming Volume: 1919854 BAPs Rank: #11129 with 212 plays, 14 games

Interesting base for Jo+s earning.. Even without investment, even he didn't earn from his referral.. But.. that is no metter @mytraffic34.. problem for members: Someone took money of members, EARNED money, and put in share market, with hope in Jo, the members make mistakes and lose min50% maybe more trying get some cash.. If Jo really have trust in his share, I no see what is problem, he can offer 0.11 and I am sure, he will be reacher min 10 times tha yesterday with his share.. Or he don't like that idea?!? Why? If he can still our money and put somewhere where is his souluton for his problems with income, profit, BAPS, payouts issue, etc.. Becouse he intendt (and already do that) kill value of OUR ALREADY EARNED MONEY,, and he know very well, bigger up cost of share is impossible reach.. Simplicity, too much seller, and after situation, where some "Jo" freely take money of member and play ,  drop to the drain.. Just easy like 3 steps.. without any punished.. He that planned enough earlier, when prergister company to coubntry which do not punish that what happen last days at Paidverts.. He know very well why he do that.. I hope Jo, you will keep success enough money for drugs, medicament.. For your family, and Do not worry about pople, small investor, or just clicker, who work too much on your site, and now must lose 1/2 or more, probaly more from ALREADY EARNED MONEY! Lucky for that people, they do not need money, and that people happy giving to you their money (look, I didn't wrote YOU STILL) And do not need for their family, or relocate or something like that, new Laptop, new Android or something.. They really happy look you at PV and FB how are you and your family happy with money of members.. Right? thats is enough for your members, lucky you.. Their are really without any kind of needs, that people and their families.. wink
 They just wanna give their money to you and to your couple friends.. Jeeee.. Honest and trusted.. Yes, whatever.. 
Traffic Value: $125.11542 Serbia
1 like this post 2 people
04/01/2015 08:51
And dear @mytraffic34 with short needed..
I DIDN'T INVEST TO MTV! JO WAS TAKE OUR MONEY WITHOUT AKSING OR GETTING OUR PREMISION AND INVEST TO MTV.. Ok? That is huge different in action, If you no idea what is meaning that action, you must go down from that Holland grase and start thinking on people, which is here in 85-95% maybe..
Traffic Value: $421.56472 South Africa
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04/01/2015 08:59

Never before in my time on this forum have I read a post so offensive, idiotic, uninformed and ignorant, all at the same time.  My god, If you spent half the time you spent on this crap thinking about a strategy, you would be a millionaire by now.
Traffic Value: $125.11542 Serbia
2 like this post 1 people
04/01/2015 09:46
What strategy dear Friend? 
Are you come to Paidverts or MTV? 
People are come to PV becouse what is,. Not with will tomorrow someone take earned money and drop to some other site.. ok? What strategy? If you wanna play at market, OK, I respect.. I don't wanna play at market? THis is hard take to your brain? Why I must play what you like?!? Why 85% memebres from PV must play what you like play? What strategy? STrategy is cleraify.. Kill ti members value of shares.. If that no true.. Why he diddn't made share of PV in true value what have on 31st december?  Becouse he MUST kill some money from our earned money.. You can play and make strategy.. Like Jo, how screw people here.. I was pation, until see how you couple like Jo play with members making them stupid and against all ethnich principal giving them huge different oposite  talk (like Jo, "if you need money sell share at MTV, but do not hurry, wait couple weeks (probably years) for better price", but next days told, "YOu don't have money (fresh for me? - my comment) no problem, sell your share and you can buy BAPS! hahahahaha.. what strategy? There is strategy only for people with huge investment potential without problem for loosing.. For small investor or working by clicking people this is PISS off strategy.. What strategy you write?!? After clicking all days couple houndreds or more ADS at PV they must play with share trying save some of theoir laready earned money? Are you get a  madness? Do you think people have all days sit at desk and look in comp and MTV and PV and living for that 2 sites? What you talk about?!?  There is a lot people with family.. They can not play your games at MTV ok?
Traffic Value: $72.0084 India
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04/01/2015 09:54
Dear Jo,
I had just started with PV but i have nothing to lose but this BAP exchange and moreover to add to woes was this captcha problem.  I totally do not understand this BAP exchange matter and then again this captcha problem happens.  And moreover i would like to bring to your notice one more thing that my daily BAPs get depleted by 100BAPs automatically though no added value ads are received by me.  These incidences are breaking my faith on PV so kindly rectify this problem at the earliest or we are off the grid.  If this is technical errors then we are there to have patience till its rectification.
Best Regards
Traffic Value: $67.05173 Poland
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04/01/2015 11:13
I'd like to say that there's a problem with captcha. I'm re-writing it properly with no mistakes, and the only thig I get is incorrect captcha communicate. And this happens everytime at every ad. Sometimes I have to re-write the captcha for ten times or more to get the money.
Traffic Value: $59.2544 Macedonia
3 like this post 0 people
04/01/2015 12:21
"Thereby any new BAP acquired after the BAP Exchange on Monday, will receive high value cash ads incredibly quickly! You're going to see bigger daily ad issues than you've ever seen before. You'll be amazed!"

With 60 ads at $0.0005 value, I'm not really that amazed!
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