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3rd November - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
30 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:43
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

* Reminder *
If you find a security exploit within MTV/PV, and you tell us about it (without first trying to cashout/spend your illgotten gains - we'll give you a $100 cash finders fee!

Paul has sent his bill for hours logged since October 3rd, for $8000 USD. Rayner has also sent his bill for recent work;
PV Vacation Mode/Ad Filter - graphics/html/css - $75
PV language option - graphics/html/css - $110
PV Deleted Banners - graphics - $40
MTV&PV; Draw Poker - graphics/css $1540
MTV&PV; Blak Jack (fresh design for new programmer) graphics - $160
MTV&PV; New Login Page graphics/html/css - $315
MTV&PV; Under Maintenance graphics/html/css - $200
--- Total: $2440 ---

Then we've got to add $1800 for a one time cost for closing the Experimental Fund, $4000 for hosting/ddos for November, $1000 for misc costs, exchanges, bank fees etc, and just margin for error with things like currency exchange rates, bitcoin fluctuations and so on. Then there'll be a bill of $7504 for Carlos, Jo and Antonio (lawyer) salaries for all of November.
So that's a $24,744 total overheads to date; which i've just added to the PV product on the portfolio.

If you send a bank wire, you must fill out the form at the bottom of this page, in order for us to add it:

The dutch guy has sent us the next version of Blackjack, Paul says on the surface it looks good. But he needs to review all the code before installing it etc; so he'll get back to us later this week with regards to that. And then we'll pay the Dutch guy his $3k, and line up the next project! (Perhaps fixing Shut The Box, to finally make that work playing - as that's a cool game, but currently ruined by the flawed competition structure)

Paul is resigning from his current job, and should begin working for us full time before Christmas. Likely beginning / middle of December. So that'll be awesome!

No news on the shareholder control panel yet; but i'm hoping the initial version of that will launch towards the end of this week. But we'll see how it goes, i've not seen it yet; and there'll likely be feedback!

We're still waiting on the new login process from Damien. That should be nearly ready; if Rayner has submitted the graphics for the PV version also.

Todays PV Ad Issue:
$2,387,000 bulk ad campaigns sold to date!
+$18,931.91 additional banner impressions
+$2,335.36 cheap traffic campaigns
+$4,310.80 solvemedia captcha revenues

BAP Group …........ Percent (x100) …........ Dollar Value …......... Participants …......... Ads Per User

100 to 1599 …............... 0 …............... 0 …............... 12007 …............... 0
1600 to 12000 …............... 0.0375 …............... 1665 …............... 6188 …............... 0.2690691661
12000 to 24000 …............... 0.025 …............... 1110 …............... 2386 …............... 0.4652137469
24k to 48k …............... 0.05 …............... 2220 …............... 2161 …............... 1.0273021749
48k to 96k …............... 0.07 …............... 3108 …............... 1844 …............... 1.6854663774
96k to 180k …............... 0.085 …............... 3774 …............... 1450 …............... 2.6027586207
180k to 360k …............... 0.09 …............... 3996 …............... 1097 …............... 3.6426618049
360k to 720k …............... 0.075 …............... 3330 …............... 640 …............... 5.203125
720k to 1.5m …............... 0.085 …............... 3774 …............... 390 …............... 9.6769230769
1.5m to 3m …............... 0.1 …............... 4440 …............... 226 …............... 19.6460176991
3m to 6m …............... 0.09 …............... 3996 …............... 107 …............... 37.3457943925
6m to 20m …............... 0.105 …............... 4662 …............... 60 …............... 77.7
20m+ …............... 0.075 …............... 3330 …............... 17 …............... 195.8823529412
50m+ …............... 0.055 …............... 2442 …............... 5 …............... 488.4
100m+ …............... 0.0575 …............... 2553 …............... 2 …............... 1276.5

*Ads may take a few hours to arrive; the cron is a bit slow at the moment. The programmers should flush it shortly if it doesn't pick up the pace.

The share price is rocketing:
And PV has sold a bunch of BAP shares, wiping out 40million BAP ($20k worth of debt)

Also check these out, our share price has increased 250% in the last 3months (exact same as our FT250 plan), and our daily portfolio revenues are going through the roof:

I'll do the weekly dividend in a sec!

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $209.46938 Egypt
8 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:44
nice ads today, thanks Josmile
Traffic Value: $1,637.46367 Pakistan
5 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:44
Nice adds Jo smile Keep it up tongue
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
11 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:45
Shareholders earn weekly cash dividends, paid every Monday, based on the volume of new investment into our Fast Track Queue plans that week.

Turnover This Week: $96,000.00
Shareholder Cut (19%): $18,240.00
Dividend Per Share: $0.00048

Dividends have now been paid on all turnover up to 972,000.00

Buy/Sell shares on our marketplace:

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $29.85337 Pakistan
4 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:45
great ad issue smile
Traffic Value: $1,069.25294 Taiwan; Republic of China (ROC)
0 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:48
PV language option - graphics/html/css

Is it the time to release the translation text file?Or it's still working in progress?
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
1 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:51
Great ad issue. Nice to see the site is growing all the time and getting stronger in share value and revenue.
Traffic Value: $6,007.44934 Singapore
1 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:53
Hi Jo, would u consider opening up a 10 Million - 20 Million BAP Group? smile
Traffic Value: $1,574.99202 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:53
Great ads Really enjoyingcool.......any news about split?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
6 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:54
It's still a work in progress... I see Paul is billing hours for that task periodically; but it's not launched / ready yet.

The main tasks for Paul are server issues + Poker. But that's a secondary task he does once in a while when bored / stuck on something, with the other two I suppose.

* And Rayners work is usually way ahead of the programmers... he usually makes the graphics. And then the programmers do their bit... With the exception of Slosumo; who's game is graphic heavy as hell. And subsequently his coding seems to be ready before the graphics.
Traffic Value: $225.75836 Algeria
1 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:58
Hey Jo i'm in group 5
96k to 180k …............... 0.085 …............... 3774 …............... 1450 …............... 2.6027586207
but till now i received just 2$ i will get more ? smile
Traffic Value: $294.49678 Slovenia
0 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 13:59

would anyone mind explaining why i haven't received my morning ads from ad purchases?
And i know i wasn't the only one, as my bf is in the same position.

Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
0 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 14:00
I think the 1% morning ads are still being delivered....slowly. I already had like 50% of them i think.
Traffic Value: $136.91373 United States
1 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 14:00
I had a question on the BAP group that I'm in. 

48k to 96k …............... 0.07 …............... 3108 …............... 1844 …............... 1.6854663774

I received one $1.00 ad and one $0.18 ad. I have an ad filter set for $.005, so I would expect to not see some of that amount, but not seeing $0.50 of it is somewhat surprising. Does anybody have a thought as to what's going on there?
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
1 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 14:03
Sometimes the smaller ads get issued later.

I haven't gotten any of mine yet, might be sending to the top group last today.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
12 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 14:04
Did anyone take time to read this little message?

*Ads may take a few hours to arrive; the cron is a bit slow at the moment. The programmers should flush it shortly if it doesn't pick up the pace.

I think it answers all the questions to why you not gotten ads yet.

Have a nice day.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
7 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 14:12
Thank you Jo for amazing dividends. This is better than coca cola stocks blush
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
3 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 14:13
I'm glad I got the chance to buy some of the shares paidverts sold earlier for 800 BAP each.  They didn't even stay listed by the time dividends were paid, they were all sold already.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
3 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 14:16
Is everyone ready for today's result new record?!

Start your betting. I'll go for 16k big surprise
Traffic Value: $649.16215 India
1 like this post 0 people
03/11/2014 14:16
Great ad Issue.

Paidverts is ROCKING
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