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3rd November - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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04/11/2014 11:45
I don't think the lawyer for $5k was a good deal.  A better deal would be buying 100 certificates of good standing for Future Business Group Ltd. from the state of Illinois for just under $5k.  State of IL needs the money more than the lawyer does, and have a lot of cops on the payroll, as well as lawyers, some may even remember me from my teenage years.
Traffic Value: $5,869.69076 India
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04/11/2014 11:51
Just Bought 13 shares from Paidverts, would buy more after today's ads arrive.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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04/11/2014 11:59
I just bought another 171 shares from paidverts.  Provided I don't get any recycled ads of $9.49 or more before the next ad issue, I'm maintaining over 100 mil bap.
Traffic Value: $71.01148 Canada
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04/11/2014 12:19
Small wonder I got a few 25 cent ads all the way up to a dollar one yesterday our time zone?
I dont think it should be that small of a wonder.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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04/11/2014 12:21
I just got finished clicking all activation ads and requesting a second micro ad pack.  I'm good for any recycled ads less than $9.93 before the ad issue now.

Edit: Just viewed my two highest ads from my 2nd micro ad pack and had enough balance to buy another share.  Now to get through the last 10.
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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04/11/2014 12:34

So you would be managing the money that goes around with buying ad packs by people using credit cards ? 

And uhm so the people who earn $$ with their credit cards-gained BAP's have to cash out using a different method? Say bank wire ? 
Traffic Value: $82,499.10416 Italy
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04/11/2014 12:42
@Mikemazzone Did you receive yesterday ADS?
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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04/11/2014 12:46
I'll be posting a screen shot of the balance in the account once each week at least, I can share monthly statement data too.  Transparency is what will make this work.  There's no way I'm gonna try and work out any withdrawal to credit card methods soon, I could also make ACH transfers to US accounts available sometime too if it doesn't become a burdensome inconvenient risk.  Once that balance is over $100k I can make 4 foreign bank wires each month without paying a fee, and reduced fees for more than 4 wires.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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04/11/2014 12:47
No Ethan, I got no ads from yesterday.  I assume Jo will add the balance from yesterday to our group's ad issue for today.

Edit: Oh, and if anyone wants to follow my forex trading, I just exited my short eur/usd position and went short sgd/hkd.  How's that for exotic? 
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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04/11/2014 12:58
Just picked me up 10 shares today 5 for cash  and 5 for BAP
Traffic Value: $203,540.80977 Malaysia
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04/11/2014 13:07
please check this cheater, why he have so many account and bap to play
something weird

Game Username Plays Today Wagers Payouts Net Player Profit

Money Slots Money_henlee 24 216000 105000 -111000
Prize Spinner Money_henlee 3 20000 9500 -10500
Prize Spinner Money_Henles 23 35400 72700 37300
Money Slots Money_Henles 211 922500 705100 -217400
Slots Money_Henles 55 26830 19530 -7300
Slots Money_Luly 66 168550 88030 -80520
Money Slots Money_Luly 79 695700 487400 -208300
Coin Flip Money_Luly 18 75100 82740 7640
Money Slots Money_VA 105 1129500 1191500 62000
Prize Spinner Money_VA 6 27000 59700 32700
Money Slots Money_VH 108 791100 538700 -252400
Prize Spinner Money_VH 2 5100 700 -4400
Money Slots Money_VN 195 2034300 1741800 -292500
Slots Money_VN 3 15000 0 -15000
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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04/11/2014 13:10
One are you sure that all them accounts are the same person? Two I would guess those people invested alot of money and love losing it.
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
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04/11/2014 13:12
I don't know if they are cheating or not.

If cheating results a good thing for MTV, then we leave it? why bother
If it becomes a major problem (like a loss), then we ban the user.
Traffic Value: $203,540.80977 Malaysia
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04/11/2014 13:20
too obvious they all play in same day, similar name, same game, they are money team?Please check what are the source they got bap

Traffic Value: $82,499.10416 Italy
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04/11/2014 13:22
Thanks for the info Mike.
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
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04/11/2014 14:23
I was wondering if paidverts successfully sold all 280,000 shares and they will get over 75 grands more or less... Would it be possible to see 50 million group members to get a daily 1k or more ads and 100 millions seeing daily ad of 5k or less ? That would be sick !
Traffic Value: $899.53291 Canada
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04/11/2014 14:40
Ad: Penny Stocks
Winning bid: $50.00

we just have one advertiser and HE PAY 50$ FOR IS ADS ??
Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
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04/11/2014 14:45

That could happen. 
That is also very likely to happen. 
But, I don't know about 5K in the top group. I don't think that's likely to happen.
Maybe 2K-3K is possible.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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04/11/2014 14:49
marcool1 wow he is either rich or the programs pays really good for referrals or that is a error. 
Traffic Value: $314.49204 Malaysia
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04/11/2014 14:53
Daily News... Where are you?
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