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Traffic Value: $108,789.63106 Poland
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30/10/2014 16:25
btw what about skrill? any news ? how situation looks? Do Skrill is so restrictive like others payment processors?
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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30/10/2014 16:28
It kind of makes complete sense how can the IRS say tax evasion on something that they have no record of at all in the first place. 

Just out of curiosity how do you handle taxes from your day job don't they withhold a portion no matter what? 
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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30/10/2014 16:32
UPS withholds all payroll taxes, I get the annual form to file but I never do, not since fiscal year 1998, even though I may be eligible for a return, I never want them to have a signed tax return from me anymore.
Traffic Value: $353.21701 Portugal
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30/10/2014 18:26
Group 7 with only $2,50... No comments...
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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30/10/2014 18:49
Lol, PV can't just make up money. And 2.5$ for group 7 is quite nice nonetheless.
Traffic Value: $12,857.53407 United States
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30/10/2014 18:50

MikeMazzone, I'm fairly certain you're committing tax evasion. If not, could you explain in more detail what you do to avoid paying taxes? I must be misunderstanding.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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30/10/2014 19:34
Hi Jo,

If you open a US bank account doesn't the business then fall under US legal jurisdiction? The reason I'm asking is because of the gaming on the site. That could be problematic and even if the US does start sniffing around the site and we pull out of their jurisdiction, they could make things difficult for US members.

I'm not a lawyer, but once the US government machine starts smelling money on their shores, that is when they can be a problem. Have you looked into this or cleared it with that lawyer you are working with?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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30/10/2014 19:38
We're investigating this at the moment. To open an account in the US, you need a US company; so we might have to create a paper company... But we're looking into all this at the moment.

And we won't keep much money in the US account, as if any account is going to freeze; it'll be that one. We'll just treat it like any high risk payment processor.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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30/10/2014 19:43
Awesome! Good to see you are thinking these things through cool
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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30/10/2014 19:43
There was a recent restriction on deposits send outside of the US on recent months.

This has put several limitations on the remesa payments sent to Mexico and all countries in Central, South America and Africa. Jo may want to clear this situation out with the lawyer besides the issue raised by Dguy if he intends to use that account for international payments. 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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30/10/2014 19:48
The US account would be for US deposits/cashouts only.

And in terms of keeping the assets to a minimum; we can always use that bank account to pay the hosting, incapsula. Hire US programmers etc... Might even be a tax thing in that; if it spends all the money; it won't make anything to be taxed on... But we'll have to check the details of such.
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
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30/10/2014 20:00

   It may be none of my business but as a loyal dedicated mtv member. doesn't Mike Mazzone's standing with financial background put MTV/PV in a serious liability issue? Seeing that UPS is withholding all of his payroll taxes as he stated, this is cause for concern. For this reason, opening an us account would be risky if MTV is harboring Anti-USA Crusaders or worse.. Think of the consequences of Switzerland bank being a tax haven for wealthy Americans.. I would like to see how MTV/Paidvert can exclude from this liability issue.. Thanks...
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
2 like this post 2 people
30/10/2014 20:02
I think it is kind of fun... people asked Mike for advice on how to proceed... he answer and they come to trash him and try to damage his reputation with Jo....
IMHO if you dont like Mike´s advice, don´t follow it! But I think you are taking it too far to trash someone because what he does goes against your beliefes.... 
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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30/10/2014 20:07
I don't want to brag too much, but my TrafficValue has just surpassed MikeMazzone's hehe tongue
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
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30/10/2014 20:13
I am in no way trashing him and I am living in the USA just like him.I have much to lose as well ! What I am worried about what if this liability issue lead to JO having to disband US member from joining or doing business with MTV/PV. I just want to see what will Jo do about it and we all know how USA govt can ruin someone life .. 
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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30/10/2014 20:15
PV is not an american company, So I highly doubt Jo will have to do anything about it, he is not liable for what members do or don´t do about taxes. Also, if Mike is "getting away" with it, I don´t think if someday he is "caught" it will have any consequences on any other PV member.
This is just terrorism.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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30/10/2014 20:20
I don't have the energy to reply to that... If you're so scared of your own government, and think that it'll be out to get you anytime you try to do anything; vote for someone else!

Mikes opinions are his own. Nothing to do with me or MTV. You're responsibility for your own actions, don't farm them off in my direction LOL
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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30/10/2014 20:36
good economic explanation videos included taxation grin
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
15 like this post 0 people
30/10/2014 20:45
I have to say... i'm really looking forward to developing this shareholder control panel. Things are so crazy right now; with so many different issues / things going on. When we can defer some tasks to various shareholders that'll be way better!

- Ad Campaign monitoring / editing... shareholders can definitely do that. And we can re-instate campaign reports when that happens. And direct those tickets straight at shareholders. Nothing to do with me!

- Silly things like updating the news at PaidVerts: - I completely forget about that... I'm sure we can design a system there where a shareholder can update the display; then it requires 1-2 other shareholders of a minimum value to approve the change.

- Investigating / flagging accounts.

- Open up "other" support tickets to shareholders perhaps; as many of those are questions that anyone can answer. Especially if you can see the users account info.

This will be real cool... and it can be expanded enourmously, offering differing levels of permissions to different quantities of shareholders. And we can log everything; which other shareholders will then keep an eye on!
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
5 like this post 0 people
30/10/2014 20:52
Plus you never mentioned how tremendous the value of being a shareholder will become. The control panel should really increase demand for shares to those who want the power. 
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