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Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
1 like this post 0 people
01/11/2014 14:21
@getter you are right there... then again, there´s the dark side of the government not having to answer to anyone which is the appalling corruption we have in here... 
If you are following the international news you must have seen - I don´t know to which extent it gets broadcast overseas, but it must have been shown - that we are swamped in corruption from all sides and your people chose to continue in this path by reelecting the most corrupted government ever sad
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
3 like this post 0 people
01/11/2014 14:27
I know that corruption is a problem in Brazil and for as far I understand in almost whole South America. Quite some problems with the drugs cartels (that's the way it reaches us mostly). But I see it another way in Brazil and the countries in South America it's quite obvious corruption, it's clear. Countries in Europe seems democratic but that's just the surface and it's advanced corruption, it's systematic not just good against bad.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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01/11/2014 14:29
@getter you can only know the "real" country when you live in it, that much is true... countries in Europe sound so stable and calm to us but I bet you have tons of problems in there as we have those in here... drugs are bad but they are not our WORST problem, the real corruption in here is politic sad
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Forum - News - 30th October - Daily News
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