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Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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02/07/2015 14:17
I have received no email. It is probably related to my accountssettings, I have unmarked news development. 
Can anybody post it? 
Traffic Value: $5,278.37238 Germany
10 like this post 1 people
02/07/2015 14:21
First of all, everything is possible and second: I watched quite a few campaigns and not only were the campaigns not refunded but they also continued getting issued, 2 of my campaigns for example had about 54000 total visits and only 52000 issued ads, yet after midnight new issues came in. Same with a big 320k campaign which only had about 310k issued ads and got issued after midnight again.

There are 2 acceptable ways from now on, at least in my opinion: either refund those campaigns with the amount of undelivered clicks they had right at 00:00 server time or
Openly say that the issues with the refund cron were known and refunds were never planned while also stating that there wont be any refunds even for old campaigns and at the same time changing the whole "refund in x days" to x days old campaign.

And dont state there would be refunds if the refund cron was working, who has the job of making it work? Surely not the users.

And yes iam basicly saying either stay true to the words and promises or admit that it was a lie and change things so lies wont be necessary anymore. Or is a legal and honest company not what we are trying to be?

Btw. If "ads are in circulation" was an excuse the whole refund thing is even worse than a lie because ads are always in circulation, i bet that of the bigger campaigns there is always at least 1 ad in circulation until they are compledet.
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
7 like this post 1 people
02/07/2015 14:29
I do not disagree with you but all of us have to understand that there were many days of maintenance throughout those last 180 days, so it should have been automatically extend the time of refunds.  That's my opinion on it.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
17 like this post 0 people
02/07/2015 14:32
Here is the email @pythagoras


Firstly, we'd like to congratulate the first user to win 1 million BAP in
the past days, on our newest feature - ClickGrid!

If you haven't seen it yet, here's a little bit about it – every day you
get 10 chances to view ads, that consume none of your BAP, and after viewing
the ad you can get random rewards (cash or BAP), that can range up to $100
cash or 1 million BAP! And unlike on other PTCs, the rewards are not limited
to 1x reward per month/year – if you're lucky you can win them multiple

Moreover, in the first month, we're giving you 35 chances daily (instead of
10) daily to try your luck at winning rewards! To top that off, we've
decided to increase the chances of getting a reward by quite a bit, during
the first month, starting today! So make sure to make the most of this
promotional period and click on your clickGrid ads daily at

To meet with our advertisers' demands, we are currently sending out a bit
more ads than usual – make the most of it by clicking all of them daily at

And after you've viewed them, don't forget that you can also request
additional „micro ads“ on the same page to earn another 10 cents worth
of ads, that are delivered to your account immediately!


Secondly, we would like to apologize for the lengthened downtime earlier
this month, as we were moving our servers to AWS hosting, for best future
scaling and stability of our website.

We will also finally begin work on targeted ads and other types of
advertising, to attract more advertisers, and with that get more funds which
we will be able to distribute to you as bigger ads! There are also a lot of
bigger improvements in store over the following months with which we want to
make PaidVerts as user friendly (improved ad viewing, easier captchas, max
daily ad setting) and profitable for you as possible, to maintain the title
of the highest paying PTC out there!

We realize that there were several issues the past few months, but we are
taking important steps forward to make PaidVerts better for everyone –
users and advertisers! We apologize for any inconvinience these isseus might
have caused you, and thank you for your patience and trust while we were
resolving them.


If you have been sitting idle or forgot about PaidVerts, then let us remind
you of a few things you might have missed out on:

PaidVerts ClickGrid (up to 35 chances to win rewards by viewing ads daily) -
Cash offers -

Oh, have you noticed the addition of our Payment proof page, where thousands
of payment proofs
are posted every week? Check it out here

Don't forget to upload a picture of your own cashouts from PaidVerts in the
past 30 days, to get free 200 BAP added to your account!.

Security of your account

You have asked for it, and we have delivered – you now have several
security options available to secure your account additionaly:
Set up an account PIN (required for any transactions), enable Google
TwoFactor authenthication, upload your selfie to identify your account
physically at -

Always getting sucked into games, or sharing computer with other people –
ban yourself from playing any of our games for a set period of time at


Happy earnings!

PaidVerts team"
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
1 like this post 0 people
02/07/2015 14:38
Google had marked mine as spam even though I used to get the emails fine.
Traffic Value: $5,278.37238 Germany
5 like this post 1 people
02/07/2015 14:50
That should have been thought of before and made possible in the terms or whatever, you cant just extend them because of whatever reason.
Not to mention that there was never any talk about any extension. Looking at the words in this forum everyone thinks its running great, there are a few little issues and some small refunds but nothing big so the company isnt breaking any promises, while in reality there are a lot of issues, no refunds, no talk about that, as if everything was alright and there never was a need to keep promises.
Mtv is apparently so transparent, yet i have many unanswered questions (well some were answered but not with the truth).
Ofcourse no refunds affects most users in a positive way and as long as they all stay shut about it it will also not affect the future, but things are going wrong and there is no talk about it, not even any true information to find.

If the campaigns were to be exteneded they should have been extended days ago and openly, at least admiting and apologizing for breaking own policy. Saying nothing, thinking users wont notice when campaigns run a little longer than they should, is NOT the right way.
Traffic Value: $411.28334 Tunisia
1 like this post 4 people
02/07/2015 15:05
 any chance that prices drop to 0.005 ?
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
12 like this post 0 people
02/07/2015 15:08
When we have multi-player games i would like to see Belchior and grasle measuring strengths with teenbeme along the way grin
Traffic Value: $382.44414 India
0 like this post 2 people
02/07/2015 15:29
What about the weekly dividend

I haven't got dividend after 22nd june
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
0 like this post 0 people
02/07/2015 15:29
@ Stephanos9

Yes, and with Jo messing stuff up and sending out the smallest ad issues possible, then hardly nothing got clicked. Plus during debt swap more days of no ad issues. So on and so forth. Plus the issues with the cron's all in all it was a huge issue of no ads, or few issues. To top all that off they should be putting a limit to all bulk ads bought maybe 20,000 bulk ads per day and no more then that per member.
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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02/07/2015 15:29
All e-mail options checked in my profile, and no e-mail... not even in spam sad
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
29 like this post 1 people
02/07/2015 15:36
@TheDarkness The cron was supposed to run earlier today, but the move to AWS unfortunately broke it, which we could only know for sure after it was ran for the first time on the new architecture today morning. We couldn't have tested it properly in time, as the main programmers had to work on adjusting the ad delivery crons yesterday and most of today. But some fast fixes were made, and if it doesn't run tomorrow the guys will attempt to run it manually (they have to be there when trying to shut it down if it causes issues) in the morning, until it's fully sorted. It's why I waited with this explanation, to see where we are with potential refunding tomorrow.

It's an unfortunate lapse on our side, and any campaigns that are a bit past refund date have plenty of ads in circulation to deliver them fast, and in case that they are still not delivered until tomorrow they will be refunded. We know this is not perfect, that it extends the refund time by an extra day, and to those few affected who feel cheated by these issues, we apologize and ask for understanding. But the past few days we had other priorities and issues that needed fixing/adjusting and we weren't able to recheck the refund cron properly, which ended in it not working properly when it came to it.
Traffic Value: $324.8586 Venezuela
1 like this post 0 people
02/07/2015 15:46
Thanks Slosumo.
You're great!
Traffic Value: $144.07675 Venezuela
1 like this post 1 people
02/07/2015 15:59
[MOD EDIT : It can take up to 7 days for support tickets to be answered. Please be patient. Thanks - Missi]
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
13 like this post 0 people
02/07/2015 16:06
Thanks Slosumo. 

It is always a great relief if an explanation comes without a spin.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to abandon the refund policy all together 
and give users the ability to assign their clicks to ( new) campaigns as they wish. 
It is not outrageous. It happens on all sites, except here. 
That way you have no junk campaigns and users, that want to help when there is overload can put their campaigns on hold. 
Then you would not to have spam users with ads  so much. 
And more so, it can be better for longtime advertisers, which you could give a discount with a greater package, if they don't want BAPS. 
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
0 like this post 0 people
02/07/2015 16:27
4 emails non of them put as spammail. haha mtv spammers :p :joke: (i know it was a script error) 
Traffic Value: $94.23521 Macedonia
0 like this post 0 people
02/07/2015 16:28
my grid its empty
Traffic Value: $304.2158 United States
0 like this post 0 people
02/07/2015 16:41

First of all posting in all caps is considered yelling and is rude. Stop it please.

Second of all, Payza is only available for ad pack purchases. This is due to Payza's TOS, not MTV/Paidverts rules. We can't do anything about that. It is the payment processors rules. 
Traffic Value: $232.85087 Romania
0 like this post 0 people
02/07/2015 16:50
@rabbi7979 withdraw your fund to bitcoin and after you can add fund from itsmile
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
0 like this post 0 people
02/07/2015 16:59
Email looks good, that will get some members back. At least once a week from now on will help.
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