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Idea to make Members Active again

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Traffic Value: $1,347.32705 China
21 like this post 0 people
13/07/2015 08:00
Actually I've already open this thread around one week before which you can find by clicking this link:-

I'm again posting this as I feel admin didn't see this thread and I think it is really important to reback those inactive members so that we can generate good revenue from them.

We should start to send email on weekly basis to every member pointing out the good progress made by PV. However, I find that the emails were send in the name of "MyTrafficValue". But, those members who join Paidverts and become inactive, may be only 20% of them know about MyTrafficValue. So, I think it will be more better if we send email in the name of Paidverts.

And it will be more better to write shortcut things which attracts inactive members to be active again than mentioning every progress within email.

And it will be more good if we can mention Paidverts is managing by new management and we have Polish office now, we have develop more new games and program is more stable, MTV is already more than 3 years and Paidverts is already more than 1 year old....bla bla bla. I mean it will be more better to write email in such a way so that it attract those inactive members to be active active again.

I mean send email just like a marketing sales email. It will be more better if we can make one video describing the every process to earn money from PV and MTV within that video and also the story of top earners.
Traffic Value: $1,347.32705 China
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13/07/2015 09:00
Again today no one reply this thread and went out of head line sad
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
3 like this post 0 people
13/07/2015 09:38
because every one tired to hear the same suggestions and so on .....wink
before swap MTV was some what good , after swap all in hell .......
Traffic Value: $375.9325 India
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13/07/2015 09:40

4 like for your post.
Traffic Value: $1,347.32705 China
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13/07/2015 11:52
Yep, here have now 5 like for my post and there was 15 likes for my previous post where I had given same suggestion. But I don't know the administration group has viewed my thread or not because none of administration group had replied to my thread, even not the moderators.
It doesn't matter they reply here or not. I just want to make confirm they view it.
Traffic Value: $1,347.32705 China
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13/07/2015 13:01
I just comment again to make this post
Traffic Value: $53.56753 India
2 like this post 0 people
13/07/2015 13:41
I have been visiting your blog for a long time.You might remember my name sudheer in comments.I think your idea is very good.They should really consider this.After swap many lost hope in mtv and pv
Traffic Value: $1,347.32705 China
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13/07/2015 15:43

Yep Sudheer, I know you. After all you are one of the regular visitors of our site. Sure I know you.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
4 like this post 0 people
13/07/2015 16:13
We already sent an email to all of them and intend on doing it every 2 weeks from now.
Traffic Value: $1,347.32705 China
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13/07/2015 16:25
I request you to read everything what I write. I already know that you guys are sending email. But my suggestion is about how to send that email and how to make that email more attractive. Please, can you read everything within my post?
Traffic Value: $97.13159 Bulgaria
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13/07/2015 17:48
"We already sent an email to all of them and intend on doing it every 2 weeks from now."
I think that is considered spam Marc...

They will read the first 2 , max 3-4 and the others will be auto deleted. You will most likely irritate users than make them come back. Could only result in negative reviews for MTV/PV.
Forum - Brainstorm - Idea to make Members Active again
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