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Email in name of Paidverts

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Traffic Value: $1,347.32705 China
15 like this post 0 people
05/07/2015 06:34
After so long time PV/MTV team send email to their members mentioning its progress which is very good. It seems that it is giving positive response as some of inactive members are becoming active again.

However, I find that the emails were send in the name of "MyTrafficValue". But, those members who join Paidverts and become inactive, may be only 20% of them know about MyTrafficValue. So, I think it will be more better if we send email in the name of Paidverts.

And it will be more better to write shortcut things which attracts inactive members to be active again than mentioning every progress within email.
Traffic Value: $1,347.32705 China
6 like this post 0 people
05/07/2015 07:31
And it will be more good if we can mention Paidverts is managing by new management and we have Polish office now, we have develop more new games and program is more stable, MTV is already more than 3 years and Paidverts is already more than 1 year old....bla bla bla. I mean it will be more better to write email in such a way so that it attract those inactive members to be active active again.
Traffic Value: $25,276.97238 Saudi Arabia
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05/07/2015 08:34
I would like to know if this mail was sent to inactive users only. I never received this one.
Traffic Value: $1,347.32705 China
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05/07/2015 09:57
View your email inbox at July 2. They have send email to every members. Even due to error, some members get 10 emails that time. 
Email heading is as below:-
"   News features and updates"
Traffic Value: $2,268.7485 Spain
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05/07/2015 19:52
Yes, I think it could be a good idea. Maybe send emails in both name - MyTrafficValue / PaidVerts - or something like that.

Apart of that, I have received 3-4 similar mails 2 days ago, too.
Traffic Value: $1,347.32705 China
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06/07/2015 16:56
Administration group still not sending email in the format as I discuss here. I wonder they even see this thread or not. Can anyone from administration reply here so that we can confirm they see this thread.
OR they can simply send email in that format and even can delete this thread.
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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06/07/2015 17:03
I got my mail on July 4th.
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