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Play PV Lotto w me? @ 7,500,000 BAP jackpot

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Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
1 like this post 0 people
14/09/2023 20:13
Buying 500 + PaidVerts Lotto tickets Daily.

7,458,374 BAP Jackpot as of Sept, 14,23)

All you need is 5 BAP and a dream.
Doing this long term,
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
1 like this post 0 people
15/09/2023 15:17
1512 tickets so far. 

We will jack that BAP jackpot ! 
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
2 like this post 0 people
20/09/2023 15:40
2200 Tickets sold today.
Still 8 hrs to get involved.

Next Draw in: 8h 20m 33s
Total Jackpot:   7,568,195
Tickets Sold:   2,174
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
2 like this post 0 people
01/10/2023 19:53
Sill 4 hours till the drawing.
just need 5 BAP and a dream.

Tickets sold 3051
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
1 like this post 0 people
08/11/2023 17:54
A month off from gambling after going off system on Black Jack bets.

Back to playing PV Lotto everyday.

Tickets sold 1167.
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
2 like this post 0 people
12/12/2023 00:18
Jackpot is 7,685,845.

Still buying 500 lotto tickets a day.

Some small members building up BAP 1 winning ticket at a time.

Pv lotto
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
1 like this post 0 people
26/01/2024 22:01
Back to 500 tickets a day.

PV Lotto 5 BAP per ticket
Forum - Questions - Play PV Lotto w me? @ 7,500,000 BAP jackpot
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