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Last 2 bitcoin withdrawals never confirmed

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Traffic Value: $5,949.79952 France
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14/09/2023 06:45

I'm having problems with my last two bitcoin withdrawals : none have been network confirmed, since 30/08 for the first one.

I've tried using a network accelerator several times, with no luck.

Maybe too low fees ? It seems the same problem than borgysgame had recently.

Could you please help ?

The two transactions : 0700a9e73a5ee5a8e1f11967749be002073c4abce6e2389fb781f40efc2fa6ca and bd9fc4a7d90cad840e2cfb964204696e288c3ad072904e661e5f1a50f4f4eb65

Thanks !
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
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14/09/2023 10:53
The BTC blockchain is clogging up. Almost 200.000 unconfirmed transactions. Cannot remember to see that many.
Paid fees look ok, but if you are not confirmed in the first blocks then it is getting harder and harder for the trx to catch up.

Amount of unconfirmed trx:
Traffic Value: $5,949.79952 France
0 like this post 0 people
18/09/2023 12:09
Thanks, so what should I do ?
Traffic Value: $5,949.79952 France
1 like this post 0 people
18/09/2023 17:05
Both transactions have been confirmed this afternoon !
Thanks to... whoever did something grin
Forum - Questions - Last 2 bitcoin withdrawals never confirmed
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