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Ads distribution percentages

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Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
2 like this post 4 people
20/08/2014 23:02
Hi Jo,

for the past week, I calculated what the daily earnings are for every BAP-group and I hope we could discuss that in this topic.

Now I have seen some (in my eyes) shocking results, as the higher BAP groups are the ones who's earnings are gradually the lowest! I don't think that is right, as the members with the highest BAP are the ones who invested the most money in PV!

I can show you my calculations.
The first column is the BAP group, followed by the average dollar amount of ads distributed to that group since 14 august. The third column is the value of the lower border of the BAP group (so 1600 BAP equals $0.8) and the last column is the percentage earned per day towards the lower border of the BAP group.

1600-12000BAP: 0,082813397 / 0,8 / 0,103517

12K-24K:             0,125356614 / 6 / 0,020893

24K-48K:             0,253464365 / 12 / 0,021122

48K-96K:             0,516353387 / 24 / 0,021515

96K-180K:           0,904300496 / 48 / 0,018840

180K-360K:         1,152830589 / 90 / 0,012809

360K-720K:         1,718525438 / 180 / 0,009547

720K-1.5M:          3,647639646 / 360 / 0,010132

1.5M-3.0M:           8,425290427 / 750 / 0,011234

3.0M-6.0M:           16,46618838 / 1500 / 0,010977

6.0M-20.0M:         24,22619048 / 3000 / 0,008075

20.0M:                  87,91428571 / 10000 / 0,008791

As you can see, the lowest group (1600-12000BAP) is earning more than 10% of the BAP $-value per day. And also the following 4 BAP groups are earning between 1.8% and 2.2% a day, which is more than double of the highest BAP groups. For example, my BAP group is earning only 0.8% a day, and the top group is earning 0.87% a day.

I don't think that is fair, as those members have invested the most money into PV and probably still 50-80% of (re)investments is done by this 2 groups, while members of the lowest groups are more likely to cashout every single dollar they have instead of investing it. And members like me who are using the 66/33 rule to stay in the same BAP group, are thus earning only 0,26-0,30% a day, because they have to reinvest the other earnings. I know you have said you cannot guarantee a fixed earning everyday, but I think you can guarantee the same ratio of earnings for every BAP group, or even a higher ratio for the biggest BAP groups..

I like to hear your opinion Jo, and offcourse the opinion of other members!


Sander kiss
Traffic Value: $983.3735 Netherlands
2 like this post 0 people
20/08/2014 23:25
For me it's fine like it is...

Despite of the lowest group have more % of the money achieved, it is insignificant... just few cents... probably should be an incentive for investments...
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
7 like this post 0 people
21/08/2014 05:08
Even if you cut back what to lowest BAP group is earning percentage wise it is still pennies to the top groups. It will not gain enough to help increase the larger BAP groups average daily return percentage. I know the lowest groups are getting high daily earnings but its many small ads. So those members are definitely working for the few cents they earn each day. In my opinion we need the lower groups to earn somewhat decently. They provide the largest volume of delivering the clicks for ad packs. 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
5 like this post 0 people
21/08/2014 13:45
Low value users are somewhat more valuable than high value users in terms of monetization, and cumulative value to the company as a whole... And there is definitely a floor and a ceiling in terms of what's cost effective for advertisers to pay when targeting each of these people.

Just because you invested $4000 rather than $2000... doesn't necessarily mean the advertiser can pay twice the price to communicate with you. You might be a bit more valuable to certain advertisers; but not necessarily twice as much.

We reward proven valuable users with more money, as best we can. But this is no fixed term investment. We need to divide the money up to get as many people using the system as possible. That's where the value really is; and once you have that -- you can skew the ad issues in favour of the largest users so that they earn more.

But it's never going to be 100% effective // an absolute direct correlation. Large users will just keep earning longer, until all their BAP is consumed.

Right now, things are slow. Share price has been flat (dropped by a third) the last month or more... We need to wait for this debt errosion to take place; and for the MTV re-investments to mature. Then the PV results will really pickup and everything will get amazing.

That's the core issue I think... Just because a $1 user happens to get a 5% return via the 5cents ads we give away to every user every day. Doesn't make it more/less fair on large users. They can still earn that same 5cents; it's just meaningless in terms of their larger proven value.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
0 like this post 0 people
21/08/2014 14:15
I very much like that the users keep checking out their investiment and looking at the business model as cosalander is doing. I think this is what took MTV to where it is now, a great place grin and i'm sure Jo really appreciates this.

This time i dont agree with  cosalander analisys. I think this should be analised from the point of view of the returning of the investment and not a percentage of the lower BAP. Something like this --> how many days does the investor need with the current average earnings to recover his current lower BAP group.

I made this calculs be head ang i think this is more or less even.

Certainly Jo's vision of what model of distribuition should it be is more large the ours angel
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
2 like this post 0 people
21/08/2014 21:02
Sometimes, I am questioning myself how ads are distributed. But I trust Jo and his team to do it the fairest way possible.

cosalander's analysis is interesting but there is an option that it doesnt take into account. Until recently, many members could complete milestones and upper BAP members had this opportunity. So it is not only a matter of money invested in PV, but also BAP groups reached by investing AND collecting milestones. Furthermore, upper BAP groups are receiving ads with great value instead of 0.0005$ that many members need to click if they want to achieve their goals to grow within BAP groups. 

I thank a lot all low BAP members as they take time and have patience to click all these so low valued ads. They are essential to PV success and all its members. 

As Jo stated, there are many ways to do this. 
Forum - Questions - Ads distribution percentages
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