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Ad Filter?!

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Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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13/09/2023 16:39
Hello everyone,

why does it happen that we sometimes get high paid ads if the Ad Filer is set to a lower level? For example Ad Filter is set to $0.08 but today I got an ad of $0.60,

Ad Filter:
11-09-2023 11:13:30 $0.00 Ad filter, the lowest ad value: $0.08

BAP Log:
13-09-2023 09:50:20 -1200 Ad issue

I'm not complaining, but somehow it doesn't make sense to me...

Does anyone know the answer? Thanks.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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19/10/2023 07:24
I am so lost why no one has answered you.

The Ad filter is so you don't get cheap ads, you will get bigger ads if they exist. That's the whole point it is working as intended.
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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19/10/2023 16:13
Dear druth8x,

Thanks for answering my question. I found that Ad Filter blocks ads up to the level we set. But if for example we set the Ad Filter on 0.1$ but we have 5000000 BAP, it does NOT necessarily mean that we will get any paid ads. That is my paradox experience. 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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19/10/2023 17:02
YES. If your BAP Group does not issue ads that high there is very little chance you get any (but still a chance so you can't use it to go on vacation).

Again this is as intended.
There isn't enough money going around, even for high BAP groups to set the filter very high and still get ads.
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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20/10/2023 16:14
Hi druth8x,

So nowadays, being in a higher BAP group really doesn't play any role anymore. That's my experience. Simply, members can earn BAP by playing one of the games and instantly exchange BAP for cash, which is much faster and simpler than watching paid ads that never appear. The third way is to trade BAP for RP, but it takes a long time to sell it. Even longer to sell RP for cash. Thank you for your reply, while other members forgot to communicate.
Traffic Value: $3,681.91012 Switzerland
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23/10/2023 06:27
where can I instantly exchange BAP to cash?
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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23/10/2023 17:29
@ el7blanco

In the Dashboard, scroll down until the Maximise your Earnings section. There's a Convert BAPs to Cash link right there.
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