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2.99$ mini upgrade.

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Traffic Value: $0.42538 Bangladesh
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20/09/2014 12:42
I have 23000 BAP also 4.00$ account. when I upgrade 2.99$. big ads is come. I want to know 2.99$ upgrade valuable for more profit or not or it's loss for mini investor.
Traffic Value: $1,069.25294 Taiwan; Republic of China (ROC)
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20/09/2014 12:44
It's a loss.Don't use it if you want to grow your account.
Use it only when you are in need of cash.It turns your BAP to money faster
Traffic Value: $0.42538 Bangladesh
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20/09/2014 12:47
So, How to get Big ads.
Traffic Value: $232.82765 Poland
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20/09/2014 12:52
So if I want only to have more BAP points without cashout money "mini upgrade" is bad idea? I have bought this upgrade for 3$ and earned in this 7,50$. I think it's accelerates collection points. If I'm wrong correct me and explain to how it works wink

Ps. Now i have about 50.000 BAP's
Traffic Value: $0.42538 Bangladesh
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20/09/2014 13:02
If they can't give profit for 2.99$. Why ads showing 1%. 
Traffic Value: $29.85337 Pakistan
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21/09/2014 06:28
i think activating this mini upgrade is very good idea. beacause it turns your BAP to money faster. as it turns your BAP to meny faster than you can make more BAP from the money u make i mean the main purpose is to increase your BAP so you can increase that by converting your BAP to money faster and then immediately purchasing more ads...
Traffic Value: $1,069.25294 Taiwan; Republic of China (ROC)
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21/09/2014 06:42
No,you are completely wrong.
Your account don't grow with upgrade.It returns a loss as you'll have to pay the upgrade fee.
Traffic Value: $294.49678 Slovenia
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21/09/2014 07:37
Actually it is a loss..
At first you lose opportunity to purchase 9300BAP with $3.
for every $ you get back, it takes another 2000BAP. So if you get back ex.$5 you can purchase 15500 BAP, but you already lost 5x2000 and 9300 BAP. So you're short for about 3800BAP.

So you actually need to get around $8.5 to be at ground zero with your BAPs...Anything above that is profit, anything below is a loss.

Correct me if i'm wrong... smile

P.s. I made that upgrade before i actually considered i'm pretty much hoping to get more than $8.5 grin
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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21/09/2014 08:12
Yep Lara, you're correct. If you want to "be in profit" with the upgrades - that is keep your BAP at the same level you had before the upgrade AND cover the fee you need to receive at least 9$ worth of ads with the mini and at least 60$ worth of ads via the mega upgrade. Currently, for those terms, neither are worth it on average, in fact it's hardly half of that on average.

Too many people upgraded to them relative to the amount of ad packs purchased. Only buy the super upgrades if you want to turn your BAP into cash quickly.
Forum - Questions - 2.99$ mini upgrade.
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