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130% plan guide

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Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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20/09/2023 06:31
Please write here a complete how to guide on how to invest into this plan? Thanks.
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
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21/09/2023 10:37
New investments are closed. You can buy existing investments on the market, as long as they are not paid back: Investment market
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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21/09/2023 16:14
Hi Hoppa61,

I thought that it's disabled. At this point I think as long as we have the RP and BAP marketplace this might be a better option. What do you think about it?
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
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21/09/2023 17:00
You can't buy new investments anymore, but you can still buy them on the market. The cheapest one you can buy now for 50%, so you can double your money. The big disadvantage is that no-one knows how long it will take before they are paid. So, your money can be stuck for a long time.

Bap-market is a great way to build up your bap. For $1 you can get 12.666 bap (buy 1666 rp for $1 and sell these rp for 8 bap each). This is 5 times more then what you get buying bulk-ads. (Not many people know this, luckily).

And the rp-market is yet another thing. Price has been around 0.0005 for some time now. I don't see this change soon. But when MTV starts to pay back the investments, then I expect a raise in price because after investments are paid back, the next thing would be dividends.

MTV is now working on lowering the costs, which have been high. Don't know how much they will save with that, but since the sites our running steady lately, I think that's a good way to go ahead.
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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21/09/2023 17:17

first of all thanks for the fast answer.

As I see, and I have tried many times to buy BAP in this way (PV users like to buy bulk ads to get to achievement points), so for $1 we get 1667 RP, or 2000 RP if we are patient and place a bid, then we buy BAP, but still there is NO way to sell our BAP instantly without losing at least 20% or to get even, am I right?
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
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21/09/2023 17:43
If you sell your rp for 9 bap/rp, then later on, you sell it for the same 9, that'll give you a loss of 5% (the cost of selling rp for bap).

Selling your rp for 9 bap can take a lot of time though, selling rp for 8 bap is (almost) instant. 
Traffic Value: $2,037.53169 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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21/09/2023 18:22
So what is the true purpose of buying BAP then if we can't profit in the end? Paid ads? Games?
Traffic Value: $141.80329 Aruba
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05/10/2023 05:04
Hi everyone since I cannot open a new topic I have decided to ask this question here.Its been awhile since I was away from PV and MTV or PTCS now that I'm here or back I'd wanna ask this question since I kinda have my doubt,is PV and MTV or PTCS in stable condition like after all this time and problems maybe etc are they in good health to continue doing business? That's what I like to know thanks in
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