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New Project: Secret freemium game

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slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
48 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 11:36
First sneak peak of (idle part) game graphics

*These are a few early screens of the idle game, and a part of the updated active part graphics. Also some icons/details might be reworked/improved before the final release, as we want to first focus on getting it ready as soon as possible, and deal with any additional details at the end/if there will be time.

The theme of the game is military, as a lot of existing and future in-game mechanics will make use of the conflict to introduce player competition, in a genre that is usually only single player.

The idle part of the game will be called "Training camp" (hence the feel of being in a military base), and become the first part of the game introduced to the players.

Ah... words... let's make the update a bit more colorful!

Welcome to the Training camp soldier! Your objective here is to train units that will produce the idle game's currency "power points". You will use this currency for training more units and as you gain enough you will be able to unlock more powerful units. To make sure production keeps ticking (even without your constant presence) the army has assembled a ton of very strict (but expensive) managers, that will automate production and training for you.

Still, no matter how many units you train, an out-teched army simply will not be able to get ahead of your foes. But that is covered as well - the army will make sure to keep researching new tech for your units. These upgrades don't come cheap, but with grit and determination you will manage to gather enough power points to keep upgrading your army over and over again.

As you gain power points, our prestige system "deploy troops" will be introduced. Deploying troops will reset the idle game progress for you, but you will gain army contractors in return, that will contract your military base and give you huge boosts to your production. This will enable you to re-climb to your previous point-in-game much faster, and let you progress beyond of what you simply could not without these bonuses. For those of you unfamiliar with such mechanics, it is what makes the game very re-playable and makes players want to keep pushing for that "upper limit" and seeing how far they can climb. The main allure of all this is that you keep unlocking new units, upgrades and features - it really becomes addicting and interesting for far longer gameplay periods that you'd first imagine smile

To make sure you gain the most from your army contractors, you might want to consider attracting investors to support them and boost their effectiveness. Now these guys only fall prey to one thing - gold. So it won't be cheap, but that is where the active part of the game comes into play.

By leaving the comforts of the Training Camp and heading out to the War Zone, you will have to fight off masses of unending waves of enemy forces. Traveling and fighting your way through these enemies, is a drain on your (fuel)tanks though. Your supplies will be limited so battle will count and you need to make sure to make the most of it, before your progress is halted. But fear not as there are ways to refill your supplies on the battlefield. Either by being proactive about it, or simply waiting for your supply convoys to arrive the next day.

But the further you progress the more gold you will be able to plunder. This will not only help you attract those desired investors for your Training Camp, but will also give you ways of to purchase your way to various tools to help improve your further fighting efforts. All of this will help you grow your military rank and make your name known across the globe!

Unfortunately our commanders have given us clear instructions, that we may not yet give out the secrets of the War Zone. As without Training Zones near the battlefield we could compromise their position.

There is another function hidden that will make the interconnectivity between the two "worlds" even far more compelling and open everyone up to several different strategies to use. More on that in a future update - or any guesses from the sneak peak graphics even now?

Let's finish with a short overview of the game build progress:
- idle game graphics were done and already implemented
- the biggest early part of the build is very close to being done -> making the game handle switching between the worlds properly, while maintaining it as light as possible (from DB, to bandwidth, to server calls...)
- A full game progress simulation program has been prepared, to give us an easy tool to play around with the Math and progression of the game, as this will be the key of making the game attractive both to new users, increase player retention and make it playable for months! All key factors in making sure we can properly monetize it.
- We're in the process of narrowing down the "final first" numbers for all progression mechanics. These are done in parallel with programmer's/designer's work (management's task)
- The programmer is munching up all the extent of the mechanics and progression to properly understand them, and also be able to reuse/build around a lot code prepared for the simulation program, to speed up the build severely. First thing this week is starting to work on the cycling animations, automation and gain of the units.
- We will work with our designer on updating and improving some of the existing War Zone graphics, to make that part a lot more interesting for longer periods, and also finalizing/improving some Training Camp graphics if we will have some time left.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
29 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 13:10
Now this is the level of freemium games we plan to build.
This can generate us some serious income for sure.
This game is great, even without the idle part.

A freemium game allows us to spread the game to everyone that we know.
Friends, family, your entire network.
Freemiums are free to start and do not require any membership what so ever.
Due to the wide range of categories that we'll build we'll have games for you to entertain everyone that you know, meanwhile you'll be earning money!

My Traffic Value is and will always be able to surprise you! smile
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
2 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 13:13
wow....good job..look like coc or dominations...
Traffic Value: $29,464.72207 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 14:48
Cool? grin

You remind me of time when i still had a lot of free time to play gamesgrin I will definitely try that grin
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
0 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 15:12
Will it be released on iOS or Android ? 
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
9 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 15:23
This is a website, currently running stand alone already and managed to generate 17000 players organically so far grin
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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07/11/2016 15:29
@Marc already release?
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
2 like this post 2 people
07/11/2016 15:34
Will there be any way that by playing one can earn money or BAPs?

If achievements would give BAPs, it could be a cool way to make players interested in PV
Traffic Value: $1,236.16455 Finland
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07/11/2016 15:55
Don't know why Marc/Team hasn't told the game's name yet, but I found it online. Looking good guys!
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
5 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 16:01
Omg, just have to play this one!

Am I right if I believe that we can get to the top of this game without paying too? I always like it when that's possible, but when it's easier if you spend money on it... Can't wait to start playing! grin 
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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07/11/2016 16:07
Because we want to complete it as much as possible before introducing it to mtv public..
So please keep it's name a secret for now smile
But yes, its online . Let's say for testing purposes 
Traffic Value: $1,236.16455 Finland
2 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 16:16

That's what I thought. My lips are sealed angel
Traffic Value: $11,862.5317 Chile
3 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 17:06
Whooaaa  Amazing job smile  Always a good  surprise on MTV. Thanks Teamgrin
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
7 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 17:47
Very cool. Ive been playing Supremacy 1914 for months, I'll switch over to this game.

Getting MTV huge is a marathon, not a sprint.
Keep crankin out the products and we will get there......
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
2 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 18:09
Will this awesome project be funded by mtv itself or it is part of project funding ? Seems like there are more projects popping up with no clear indication whether it will be funded by mtv or the crowds... Can we have a list of projects that can be categorized between the crowds and mtv ? Thank you 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
16 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 18:43
"Will it be released on iOS or Android ? "

Initially it will be only web browser based. Via a future rework we'll make it mobile/app as well.

"Am I right if I believe that we can get to the top of this game without paying too?"

Indeed. Although buying some in game currency might give you a jump start and help you progress some parts faster, everyone will be able to get to any point even for free, it just might take longer.

"Will this awesome project be funded by mtv itself or it is part of project funding?"

This one will not be a part of crowd funding. But after its (and coinflip's) release we will have a lot of things in place to be able to work on many more similar games, which definitely will be crowd funded as well.

Any crowd funding projects will be put on the crowd funding page once its live.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
2 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 20:25
This game is really addictive.
Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
1 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 20:27
I love this game!

I would like to know where to find it smile
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
3 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 21:14
Great work guys!

I assume there will be ads displayed on the site?

One thing you might want to add if possible is a little casino on the playing board and a soccer pitch, maybe as easter eggs. When the player clicks on it they go to the shootout game or the casino grin
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
5 like this post 0 people
07/11/2016 21:31
Just have a bit more patience and be totally amazed with full version.
Don't spoil that surprise for yourself with searching it smile
That goes for all of you.
Take it as a friendly advice smile
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