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Sat 4th October - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
25 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 12:13
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

Everything is rocketing along, so that's all good! Our revenues and turnover this week have been amazing. Huge step forward. Since Monday's daily news, we've sold $170,000+ worth of bulk ads. That's insane!

Not much news programming wise today, other than im pushing Paul to fix the 14 day cashout rule. As currently if you've made a deposit within the last 14days you can't cashout. But that's not how it's supposed to be! We'll fix that asap if its not already working again.

New Homepage + Fast Traffic Ads should appear imminently.

And i've been talking to Carlos last night & this morning about hiring a lawyer for MTV/PV. Who's specific purpose will be to push all the paper work around, sort out additional bank accounts, e-currency accounts, company registrations, get our SSL certificate pointing to the correct company name. Write up a full terms and conditions, refund policy, privacy policy and all the rest of it.

But we need to start taking steps to establishing ourselves as a "proper company" with all the applicable compliance stuff. And everything we require to accept credit cards directly and everything.... Currently Carlos is doing that stuff; but I think hiring a multi-lingual professional would be a wise investment.

There's no daily ad issue today at PV; i've instead issued over 1million low value ads. Including a $0.01, $0.02 and $0.10 ad for every user.... But the main purpose of today is to save up for another awesome week beginning Monday!

* PV is not buying any shares or anything today either... save that up for either tomorrow or Monday.

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $56.36836 India
4 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 12:22
Hi Jo, I have deposited $10 through my BTC address (18G44xPn9JZ38Snfz62dPuXvfxor7rCC2G)as mentioned in PV to:13ZfrTGRAUjeDMFLWeUfm4U7xoBF1LxYpT.I havent got my $10 fund in my account? Please  look into this.My Ticket: #25764 blank stare
Traffic Value: $262.0851 Viet Nam
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04/10/2014 12:25
big ads tomorrow grin
Traffic Value: $556.4157 Brazil
2 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 12:28
Hello Jo,
great News, please check the manual deposits via Bitcoin, is too delay. I´ve Create my ticket more than 1 week ago. Check this please.
Traffic Value: $3,227.52975 India
2 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 12:29
Jo, pls check missing bitcoin deposit 280$ ticket number 26026, i am worried just because the bitcoin value goin down
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
1 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 12:45
jo has always been fair
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
0 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 12:47
your deposit wont go thru mtv uses a processor for that now and you will error out
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
0 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 12:48
try sending exact amount requested
Traffic Value: $3,227.52975 India
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04/10/2014 12:51
what is the way out? you mean to say our deposits will be refunded and they will never go through?
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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04/10/2014 12:53
Jo, nice to hear you and Carlos have discussed to search for an lawyer to go through the legal aspects of MTV. Allthough I don't know that would be a one man job. First of all there are the bussiness aspects (terms and conditions, refund policy, privacy policy, ssl etc.), those could be done by a regular lawyer (bassicaly every lawyer does that). But the thing is the tax law aspects and more detailed bussiness aspects are specific issues. Lawyers specialises themselves in different specialities, the one will do tax law, the other will do corporate law,...

So I think one lawyer (seen the specialities needed will not be enough), you will need a couple. One for tax law for sure, one for the detailed corporate aspects, maybe also one for international bussiness law (which is also another branch). As I maybe advice you (I'm a law student) I would go to a law firm (allthough more expensive) , which have a lot of specialists in all of the different aspects this bussiness needs, the lawyer from "just around the corner" will not have all the needed skills MTV is looking for. A good lawyer doesn't always work for the firm with the most prestige, so the most expensive one will also not be the best, but the same goes up for the cheapest one.
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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04/10/2014 12:55
By the way Jo, I send you my idea for the tycoon game last week. Did you receive it and maybe had some time to look at it?
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
0 like this post 7 people
04/10/2014 12:59
@ getter Jo has been running this site way before you were a member trust me y do you threaten him
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
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04/10/2014 13:03
are you a law student in international law?
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
6 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 13:06
@mikeb270 threaten him? I just say that law things could be more complex and that one lawyer probably wouldn't be enough, allthough they themselves will not say that to you.

I'm a law student in my fourth year (out of five), I have had two international law courses complemented with a couple of Euopean courses (and also courses of my own national law of course). But what I was saying is just that every lawyer has it's own branch. So basically a lawyer in let's say international law (which in the legal world is mostly humanitarian law, law in wars and such) will not be able to help you with international aspects of a bussiness ( that's for the one specialized in international bussines law). The same as a lawyer which does corporate law will not be able to help for tax issues. 
 And that's a thing people which are not familar with the legal world aren't usualy aware of, they suppose that a lawyer knows everything about the law but that's not the case.
Traffic Value: $236.73065 India
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04/10/2014 13:22
@Jo Can you please tell me exactly What is Experimental Fund. I have also read the instructions. But can you explain me with an example. Thanks. grin
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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04/10/2014 13:29

Maybe you could offer Jo some referrals since you seem to be well connected in that area
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
7 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 13:33
@Getter, couldn't you try to help us out in some parts and learn along the way? smile
Traffic Value: $1,023.94805 United States
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04/10/2014 13:43
@jo please check Support Ticket: #23656 skrill deposit
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
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04/10/2014 13:43
check out thread
Traffic Value: $236.73065 India
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04/10/2014 13:49
@mikeb270 Thanks for your reply, but it doesn't exactly tell what experimental fund is. Anyways thanks for your reply.
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