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Jan 5th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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06/01/2015 13:22
My captcha problems were very small and unharmful. And my referer it's no Jo, so...
Traffic Value: $59.81268 Spain
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06/01/2015 13:26
Can anyone help me I am quite new here.  I am not receiving ads, I·ve got 13700 baps and yesterday I only received 15 ads.  Today none.  What am I doing wrong.  Thanks if anyone could answer my question.
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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06/01/2015 13:33
@estela53 Today's ads are pending yet ! !
Traffic Value: $4,289.08875 United States
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06/01/2015 13:41
@ peanutdude

JayR17 is my referrer, he has 35 in his downline, most of which are inactive. Referrer table writing effecting the db speed for the site as a whole I can agree with, but it's not isolated to high ref downlines.

I also would like to see consistent ad issue timing, we could then access at the least problematic times, lets keep our fingers crossed that Jo will one day set a schedule.

If I don't wait 15-20 secondss I have 1:2 failure rate (1:10 when I wait), I would love to have the low rates you mentioned.
Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
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06/01/2015 13:47
WHY r ppl trying to prevent it from going up? i just don't  get youshut eye ppl ..
 cpl of things i fgot..ghosty grin not  $5 the lawer thing .(competition) ..
 peanut ya i did think it was tied w/ that .. what i said abt the loop ..but the rest was correct.
i think they've been doing a really fantastic bloody job of it, as they have ..and freelancers are actually better; always on call/standby ..
no reason to b insolent; and abrasive, rude towards ppl; if whatever works for them is like in trading; there is no one way ..and, i'm sorry, mine isn't; lol What LOL part of chiseling away at it, until it works, is a myth? .p btw, 1 wrong today on the bap ads .. 
and indeed, what you say can very well be the case; for we know what de problem is - db lockdown. Well, if like what jo said, with that game reading 160m (yikes!!) rows of text/data instead of only having to read 5-10 sec's worth ..

Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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06/01/2015 13:47
There is something wrong with the marketplace.

the seller hasn't changed from this person in a while and he amount of shares keeps changing, a few minutes ago it was at 4835, and 4804,  now has 4652, his shares are still decreasing, but it was strange, to see it go up.

thequyenqb 4,868 $0.0467

and the bid price is at .0447, and nobody has undercut this .0467 price

and when trying to place a sell, I get price below minimum, so it seems there is a new minimum sell price of .0467 (as I cannot place a trade at .0466)

This might be a new strategy to stop the undercutters, not for sure, will have to wait until Jo comes online.
Traffic Value: $203.25728 South Africa
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06/01/2015 13:58

You need a personal assistant, who can step in when you are busy, sick or on leave. We need to be kept informed about whats happening for the day. It would be great if we could have daily ads issue at the same time, so we can plan our life ahead of time. I have a day job and my boss would just bitch if, she found me on Paidverts lol. It is rather tiring reading everyone's complaints just to know whats happening.

"Jo's Assistant" can be their profile name, hahahaha.
Traffic Value: $3,774.29458 Poland
1 like this post 3 people
06/01/2015 13:59
Jo don't need an assistant.

That's all what we need now -.-
Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
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06/01/2015 14:00
There was a post on Jo's FB page that shows his new house The post was made 4 hours ago. So this could be the reason for the delay in putting out the Jan. 6 news
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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06/01/2015 14:16
peanutdude, see my pic post earlier in this 5 jan news. We were not able to undercut.
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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06/01/2015 14:23

That should make easier for Jo to buy shares with PV money.

As all he would need to do is place a bid .0001 below the current lowest sellers price, and get a better overall price on the shares, instead of running up the price.
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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06/01/2015 14:29
it is intresting, there was a huge gap between highest bid and lowest share price.. 

And one more thing, my Traffic Value: $198.89039 is Freezed from the day before BAP Swap.
No change at all.
Traffic Value: $110.39844 Malaysia
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06/01/2015 14:32
I hope that they'll extend the ad timer as soon as possible as people are losing BAPs.. i know some of u are very fortunate not having this prob.. either way, i really hope for the best cuz i believe in this site.. angel
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
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06/01/2015 14:41

How can some people be losing BAP?

The ads from yesterday, were extended 24 hours (and any left over from the day before was actually extended another 24 hours).

And todays ads that were sent (random, 1%) still do not expire for at least 3 more hours.

So nobody should have had any expired ads from the last 3 days.
Traffic Value: $210.46293 Romania
2 like this post 1 people
06/01/2015 14:59
Bad move to set a limit price for shares !!!
Nobody place high Bids when they can place lower and gain proffit from selling high.
And not so many people like to risk and sell them at a lower price. The difference is to big between selling price and bids almost $0.001

Why is a bad move to set a limit? A source of income for MTV is also from BAP/Cash Shares Fee. Few sells it means few money colected. Also when the market is not free, and is not based on the will of sellers/buyers and people see that is manipulated this is not encourage users to invest money and buy shares because they not face only one risk:
- the tendencies increase/decrease the shares price
also they face:
- the market price manipulation against you as a seller/buyer

I want sell my shares at $0.0466 but i can't. Is a crime that i want to sell my shares at $0.0466 and not at 0.0455 and I'll make a bigger proffit to MTV from the fee? Is a crime? I think is not!!!
Please let the market be free, let the users to set the true share's price!!! And you'll have more to gain from this policy.
If users have trust in your products they'll invest more and buy more and the price will grow naturally for sure.

Thanks to this beautiful PV/MTV comunity for being active and to programers that are trying hardly to mentain this awesome oportunity for as to make profit easily.
I love PV and MTV <3
Traffic Value: $272.5274 Pakistan
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06/01/2015 15:04
please extend the timer of the ads still facing captcha problem...
Traffic Value: $26.87677 Spain
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06/01/2015 15:20
Yesterday I only received 0.02$ out of about 1$ I expected to receive .-.
Traffic Value: $863.58519 Latvia
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06/01/2015 15:21
love paidverts angel
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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06/01/2015 15:24
@ dynamo4u be smart dont weep always
Traffic Value: $45,057.23348 United Kingdom
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06/01/2015 15:25
You bought you ads too late yesterday, the ads came early in the morning server time hence why you didnt get them.
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