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Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
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06/01/2015 20:00
b/cause that's the mkt price.. it can't just jump over itself ..ok; yea; ppl ..Like i've said; it's order execution; which is also the reason it was taking so long; the price has to get there ..
What highest money're the one saying he should sell lower..
Actually i think the multiple pges were for idiots listing their shares one at a time (tho this may have been a bug)..
This place functions on the last transaction..yeah; it is not as fast as, say, forex (where you can jump 100pips in multiple seconds on the back of, fck, i don't know, a jovial Santa Claus rally or an ECB announcement) still , it follows the rule what the last sale was i
first mkt??? What first ..shares - money -'s all the same mkt..The different mkts are cash and the BAP for shares one ..
Um lol sorry; mate; but the bids follow the price..Why would anyone be willing to sell for less (logically; yeah; and this is also what locks the price..while here ppl seemingly are; which i don't get; and they're stupid..:rollsmile

Traffic Value: $102.59797 Finland
1 like this post 0 people
06/01/2015 20:02
Like i can bid higher and ask for lower doesn't mean that i'll get it (tho now with bulk feature i don't know; maybe i should list my shares at .07 or .085, even. and if they get snapped up then that'd b the last execution..good for us all?)
Traffic Value: $1,815.30566 Morocco
3 like this post 1 people
06/01/2015 20:03
Oh my gooood its the end of the world!!!!! No news todaaaay grin no ad issue !!! Let the man have some rest or take a break .. see your family.. go out for some hours i dont know .. just relax guys !!
Be patient :/

People nowadays forget patience .. thats too sad ...
Traffic Value: $345.7528 Canada
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06/01/2015 20:06
I agree. Have some fun meanwhile!
Traffic Value: $106.50111 United States
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06/01/2015 20:09
smile just wait, and be patient
Traffic Value: $6,462.9551 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
06/01/2015 20:15
Traffic Value: $455.43947 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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06/01/2015 20:29
In the "Shares listed for sale" you have a "view all" button and you can see this isn't just people selling their shares one at a time. Many are selling at thousands at a time. 

Why would anyone sell their shares for a lower price, when someone is selling 3 million shares at the current price?
Well, hmm, maybe because they DON'T want to wait for that person to sell his shares before them. And perhaps they are still not in a loss when they lower their price somewhat. So their shares get sold FIRST for a lower price, that's why the price would decrease if you put a roadblock of 3 million shares. People would gladly go for less. 
If I bought shares at 0.044, I sell them at 0.07, someone puts a roadblock of 3 million shares at 0.0699, then I gladly lower my price at 0.0698. They will sell sooner this way. No problem. I'm still in profit compared to what I bought them for.
Also people sometimes think that the buyers/investors money is limited, so they want to be on board when someone comes around and starts buying shares.
Selling your shares sooner, gives you cash sooner, and so you can jump into new trades sooner rather than wait for a roadblock to clear out one day.

This isn't forex. In forex you can earn in 2 directions. I can't buy here something for a higher price, sell the same thing for a smaller price and earn from it.
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