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Traffic Value: $25.27517 Chile
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22/12/2014 03:10
Noticias son noticias sean malas o buenas, buen trabajo Jo! 
Traffic Value: $129.7967 Sri Lanka
3 like this post 0 people
22/12/2014 03:31
Oh god I bought 20 shares week ago 
If I buy share right now I can buy 30 shares
Traffic Value: $101,199.99303 Malaysia
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22/12/2014 03:49
I wonder why BAP share price is still quite stable at 185~190, since most people are now buying shares from Jo then sell for BAP, thought the BAP price might drop due to high selling force.
Traffic Value: $24,171.69746 Poland
7 like this post 4 people
22/12/2014 04:03
Well i dont have time to get and read all the post.

So im just going to coment the first post

In the past two years was so crapy that mtv was beging for a big investor to come, nobody did thats wahy the dept swaps ocured, right?

Now that we are fine and there is 100% liqidity mtv will give you scrap during holidays becouse...becouse why? Talking about grow and not taking in mind the present members...and may i remind you that somwhere it was stated that you will get the money form bap ASAP- AS SOON AS POSIBLE. And i dont even want to point out the problems/no ad issue days/server problems...and happy whith what we give you...fair?
Fishy dont you think?

Ohh and if you dont like it sell everything and GTFO becuse we dont need you right now(and jo gives a tip how to do it right? sell bap for shers and sell shers for cash simple aint it? and than he manipulates the price down, right? your such a nice guy jo)...thats just awsome jo...good job...way to go...cherry yo... 
Traffic Value: $57.79412 Pakistan
2 like this post 7 people
22/12/2014 04:18
Now I am in Group no. (104210) in PaidVerts, But i got a very low ads.
This is not only my problem, This is all members problem.
So please check this and reply.
Traffic Value: $975.91894 Canada
7 like this post 1 people
22/12/2014 04:19
@Zafarnaz001 did you even read the first post?
Traffic Value: $152,534.85777 United States
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22/12/2014 04:45

With all the ups and downs, twists and turns that MTV has been through, and the likes of people with your line of thinking always there--complaining, criticizng, etc.angry   We always come out better on the other side.  How ungrateful you are.  MTV presents the greatest opportunity of its kind....potential of earning 1000 times or more on investment--long term....I put relatively little into this and will most likely have a million dollar traffic value next year....You're unbelievable!

Would a major retailer be smart offering 'black friday' giveaway deals just after Christmas?  Then why should we potentially waste giving big ad issues when our 'go out and spread the word about PV' audience is limited due to the holidays?
Traffic Value: $7.80298 Viet Nam
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22/12/2014 04:59
group 5 and only earn $0.18? sad
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
8 like this post 0 people
22/12/2014 05:09
Let the bottom fall out of BAP market for all I can now I just sold all my shares for BAP and am a proud member of group 6 now
Traffic Value: $834.04364 Viet Nam
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22/12/2014 05:11
have a long days cwy
Traffic Value: $975.91894 Canada
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22/12/2014 05:17
nice one moose, getting up there now
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
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22/12/2014 05:19
Congratulations moose. smile
Traffic Value: $12,691.63746 Australia
5 like this post 0 people
22/12/2014 05:22

while I dont think there is anything fishy or to worry about long term ... I do get what you are saying. 
Traffic Value: $615.09793 Saudi Arabia
1 like this post 4 people
22/12/2014 05:23
Today is monday so we r expecting big ad issue todaysmile
Traffic Value: $1,699.92249 Lithuania
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22/12/2014 05:26
12/22 is Monday so we should expect an Average ad issue at the best. But it'll probably be small, as Jo said
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
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22/12/2014 05:31
What the hell is going on..... share prices came down to 0.038 from 0.058.
And I just bought shares at very high prices ermm
But why BAP share prices dont go down, I want to buy some shares with BAP and get reduced to a lower group.
Traffic Value: $1,859.69963 Canada
1 like this post 6 people
22/12/2014 05:34
as usual since a month and a half bad another bad news no good money seems very unlikely this site will go up...oh yeah why would i buy shares so the top manager buy them for cheapsnake
Traffic Value: $760.15377 India
2 like this post 1 people
22/12/2014 05:48
@superideas1 top manager is not buying them cheap, he is selling them cheap......
This is actually a good time to buy shares and wait for few weeks. grin
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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22/12/2014 06:03
@anil, it seems like no one wants to sell their shares for a low BAP price. And who would do such a thing? Most people selling their shares for BAP are doing it to increase their BAP in a cheaper way and/or to be able to move up to a higher BAP group.
Traffic Value: $24,171.69746 Poland
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22/12/2014 06:15

becuse we have 100% liqudity
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