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8th April - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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08/04/2016 18:38
I like its acronym: BMF.
Traffic Value: $18.5458 Kazakhstan
4 like this post 0 people
08/04/2016 18:43
why not e.g. BarterCash then
it s shorter (= better)
Traffic Value: $7,449.66883 Netherlands
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08/04/2016 19:02
Generic alternatives for 'BMF' ...hmm.. 'Moneycloud'...or 'Fundxchanger' ...'Easyxchange' ... 'FundXL'...somebody else? 
Don't like the name either, it's somewhat too long and I never heard of the English verb 'to barter' before, not even in English class, but well, I'm not a native speaker, so..
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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08/04/2016 19:03
There's nothing wrong with the name that was chosen.

And, it was chosen a long time ago, and I don't remember anyone having anything against it then.
Traffic Value: $7,449.66883 Netherlands
1 like this post 1 people
08/04/2016 19:08
I see your point that it's quite useless to re evaluate the whole name..on the other hand, if people don't visit the exchanger, because of it's name sounding dull/unreliable it really becomes an issue..
Traffic Value: $15,174.80528 Netherlands
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08/04/2016 19:13
I'm also not a native English speaker, but i do know the verb "to barter". I played a lot of adventure games in which this verb regularly showed up.
Traffic Value: $2,194.18215 India
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08/04/2016 19:15
Ahh mm where is the gaming license?angel are we there yetgrin
Traffic Value: $11,007.43755 Albania
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08/04/2016 19:23
My bitcoin electrum wallet is filled, still I am long term planner in 90% of all my things, so am waiting for the halving of difficulty in Bitcoin(block reward will be 12.5 BTC per block from 25 which is now) it will happen in July, I am hoping to have a nice amount of BTC until then, and invest when the price of Btc supposedly will be higher. Keep delivering team, for sometime I will be in lurking mode but all my savings in Btc are for this site in the longer term.
Traffic Value: $113.22286 Venezuela
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08/04/2016 19:35
BarterMyFunds for some reason I want a drink... LOL, Results are picking up very nicely past few days... 3k, 2k, so time to bring some money.. grin
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
32 like this post 0 people
08/04/2016 19:52
Our Royalty Positions might SEEM stable, but what i'm seeing is a definite upward trend.
Even though we had a single user dumping a million of his RP's, the market never dropped and instantly corrected itself.

Also, 2 of our "old" members returned to their accounts this week and collectively deposited over $15.000,- so far, eating up all of the under cutters on the market.
Some of you definitely see the potential and act now, others will act once the RP's are a lot more valuable already.
You decide in which shoes you rather be wink


We've currently got a lot of Perfect Money in our processors.
With our upcoming exchanger and the fact that we rather have Payza/Bitcoin to pay bills etc, we'd like to ask some of your help!

Would a few of you perhaps be willing to exchange your Payza/Bitcoins for Perfect Money?
It would save MTV a lot of fees and it would save me a lot of time.

We would take a few precautionary measures to protect ourselves though.

Please respond only if you got at least a few $100 to exchange and I will send you a message to the email you registered with on MTV.

Everyone who's willing to help, thanks a lot! smile
Traffic Value: $3,530.2596 United Kingdom
7 like this post 0 people
08/04/2016 20:33
I disagree, I think the name can be changed. But we'll see, my thinking is less people will be googling for an exchanger with the words "barter my funds" or something along that line.

But more people would search words like "currency exchange" "bitcoin exchange" etc, so I think including the word "exchange" would make an impact.

Not being picky, but a name goes a long way.

That being said, being in full time education, in the UK, I don't know the meaning of Barter, not sure if it's just me, but I'm sure lots of people won't either.

To who ever said that nobody had anything against the name before, I only read the name today.

Not complaining, just trying to help smile
Traffic Value: $346.1741 India
8 like this post 0 people
08/04/2016 20:40
If the word "exchange" is to be used in the Currency Exchanger name, then this name should really help with the SEO - MyExchangeValue ! wink

MTV's currency exchanger = MEV (My Exchange Value)
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
27 like this post 0 people
08/04/2016 21:06
We're not changing the name and the SEO won't be a problem.

Think of it like this: With 200.000 exchangers called "blablaexchanger", do you think we would stand out? smile
orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
6 like this post 1 people
08/04/2016 21:20
Totally agree!

When I was introducing myself to the PTC world, I felt a neverending "BUX" suffix. Or "click" something...

Then I found "Paidverts" and I was amused. 

BarterMyFunds is a very attractive name, very neat too! 
Traffic Value: $3,951.93312 India
9 like this post 0 people
08/04/2016 21:27
Barter....this word is related to economics.when there was no money discovered people used to exchange their goods. It means they used to buy goods or services and used to pay in goods what they have.and this system was called barter system.
it's ok with means exchange the fund what you have to what you want.
But I agree on it that less people will search bartermyfund
Traffic Value: $615.09793 Saudi Arabia
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08/04/2016 21:41
Marc please tell us 2 days before you guys relaunch paidvert so that we can do all the necessary preparations and celebrationsgrin
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
24 like this post 0 people
08/04/2016 21:49
I'm giving you a few weeks notices right now.. Why not prepare now?
Traffic Value: $18.5458 Kazakhstan
1 like this post 3 people
08/04/2016 21:53
Traffic Value: $318.52242 South Africa
8 like this post 0 people
08/04/2016 22:16

More Value For Your Currency.
Traffic Value: $95.15524 Venezuela
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09/04/2016 00:26

As simple as that smile
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