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7th December - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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08/12/2014 02:50
And Jo says he is sending a new issue.. hope he sees that the last one is in trouble lol
Traffic Value: $569.5366 Canada
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08/12/2014 02:52
I personally like the idea of having to pay a tax (either BAP or $) for useless posts - I think it could prevent some of the useless comments/questions.  I don't know if I'm the only one, but I get really tired of reading the comebacks and insulting responses to those that post something that is viewed as "stupid".  The forum should be an inviting, and helpful place to ask questions (after already searching for it) and spitball ideas off one another - not a place where multiple pissing contests occur to see who is the smarter jerk.  I know this will require moderators - but what if, and I'm just thinking out loud, say clicking the 'disagree' button sends that message, and if someone has say, 10 people disagree with their comment, then they get taxed?  That way it's not up to just one person to monitor and decide what comments are appropriate, and what are deemed tax-worthy.  Just a thought I had.  

Also, and I realize the irony in this idea - I wish the daily news section was completely off limits to comments - only Jo and other admins should be able to post here.  Especially during the down time, it got pretty annoying to have to sift through 5+ pages every day (mostly of useless posts), just to see if there was an update from Jo.  I'd like to know other people's thoughts on this - but please be kind if you disagree...
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
6 like this post 0 people
08/12/2014 02:55
it is an amazing idea.. but the dislike feature, though very very very practical would open doors for personal things... like a group who doesn´t like someone disliking their posts all the time... it would be awful sad
Traffic Value: $5.03064 Morocco
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08/12/2014 02:58
Hello everyone

Traffic Value: $1,491.12314 United Kingdom
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08/12/2014 03:01
While the idea of a BAP tax on spam posts is a good idea in theory, I'm not sure it is practical. Going on dislikes or anything is too open to abuse as Catt said. Thinking about it, I guess you could have a system where it is considered spam/unwanted if a similar topic has been posted within the last 24 hours maybe? I guess that system could work.

Ultimately, it just depends what Jo wants to do about it but, given he has pointed out in the past that the forum outside the Daily News section is not important (or at least he's not concerned with it...or something along those lines, can't remember the exact quote), we may not see anything new happen
Traffic Value: $304.2158 United States
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08/12/2014 03:03

I agree. There should be some way to lock the daily news to anything BUT the daily news. I am with Catt though on the dislike button, I think the way things are already in here, it would open the door to a lot of personal clicking of that button. There does need to be something going on to stop all of the new posts on the same subject over and over. It does get a bit annoying, and some people are getting downright ugly in here sometimes. 
Traffic Value: $569.5366 Canada
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08/12/2014 03:43
I do agree - the dislike button is far from perfect - I suggested a particular number on how many dislikes a comment is needed for it to be taxed in an attempt to prevent the personal abuse.  

I wanted a solution that allowed people to keep their egos in check, and ensure people actually can keep their cool - a way to think twice before responding to someone's pointless post by attacking that person for saying something stupid - you can penalize both parties, and reduce the amount of back n forth attacks.  Or when someone posts some information that is inaccurate - the reply to that person can be along the lines "actually, you're incorrect - the real answer is ______", rather than the usual "{userid}, you're stupid, that's not true..blah blah blah" nonsense.  

I just want to find a way that we all can communicate in a calm, friendly manner, without the nonsense spam/questions/complaints/attacks!  smile 
Traffic Value: $2,177.71961 India
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08/12/2014 07:07
Share prices bounced so fast that I could not buy them...
Traffic Value: $136.68827 Lithuania
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08/12/2014 07:31
I hadnt got the daily issue....
Traffic Value: $883.79664 United Kingdom
0 like this post 0 people
08/12/2014 08:04
 me group 8 only got 3 $1.00 ads sat here twidling my thumbs
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
0 like this post 0 people
08/12/2014 09:17
Wow Jo, what a story ! I guess you're learning the hard way how Paraguay works ! Take care!
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