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7th December - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $314.44564 Japan
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07/12/2014 21:56
holy cow 300k wub
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
36 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 21:57
The real problem I see is this: 

  • Whining about anything does nothing to help with the future of MTV/PV
  • Complaining about anything does nothing to help with the future of MTV/PV
  • Asking dumbass questions repeatedly does nothing to help with the future of MTV/PV
  • In fact all of the above can hurt MTV/PV if new investors are looking at our forum. We want to appear confident and intelligent, not ignorant and confused.

Things I know to be true:

  1. Asking where ads are won't get them to you any quicker
  2. Thanking Jo on one day for the "awesome ads" and then ripping him a new one on the next day because "ads are late" is not good for anyone.
  3. NOT reading the Daily News and opening a new forum topic is not good for anyone-creates tension above what we should have.
  4. Most of all: being a member of MyTrafficValue and PaidVerts is a privilege and not a right. No one here, as part of the community, owes anybody anything. We are equal. Those forum members who selflessly answer the same question over and over are doing it to see OUR program succeed. If those who are strapped for time or don't know how to research facts even though they're very much in reach, can't understand this, I don't know what to say. We are we are...if you don't like how you're being treated...please move on.

And most importantly, from what I've learned over the last year+ of being a member is, Jo is very fair, rational, and calculating, he doesn't communicate the best at times, but it all comes out in the wash at the end. RESULTS. I remember him talking about the PTC idea and that he just got the "Paidverts" domain. Not many were impressed at the time. He proved us all wrong with how wildly popular it has become. So popular it has experienced some "growing pains" in it's evolution. 

Take a deep breath and realize Jo is the "wizard behind the curtain" pulling the strings so to speak, and bitching at him or blowing smoke up his ass does nothing. If you need to vent, go find a cinder block to kick.

As I used to tell my son's Little League Team..."Let's Turn Whiners Into Winners!!" Go Team!!

My two cents...And back to football...
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
5 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 22:00
very very VERY good post...
where do I sign?
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
1 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 22:05

Thanks, not just for that, but more for patience-something I am severely lacking-lol!
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
4 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 22:08
we all lose patience sometimes, we are just human wink
Traffic Value: $112.69931 Peru
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07/12/2014 22:17
@Catt thanks for the information grin
Traffic Value: $4,835.35362 Portugal
3 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 22:26
Thanks for your post.It was a pleasure to read and at same time 100%  with you.This should be locked at first page news,for everyone read.Thanks again and best regards
Traffic Value: $420.80283 Spain
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07/12/2014 22:44

eres muy libre de irte byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee grin
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
0 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 22:44
you are welcome
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
7 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 22:48
Just trying to remember the old days where the forum was informative, friendly, somewhat combative, but only concerning business decisions going forwards, not the "what happened to my 2 cent ad-I'm gonna sue you" crap--thanks
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
18 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 22:50
Yes bit of other stuff todo lately but here iam and updated on facebook...i saw i missed avg week for PV revenues but will be added next time grin

we see more than one day at a time, we see all month so couple of days off means nothing...

EDIT i see some calculations is off for PV because of those chargebacks will be fixed later but nothing important...

Traffic Value: $1,294,085.21591 Germany
9 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 22:56
@ mriley, well written... but whinning is something we can't stop around here especially without moderators. I hope some members find value in your words and find a reason to whine less grin

Results truly speak for themselves and patience is a virtue, well if one has it smile
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
33 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 23:08
I've asked Lucas to reduce the shareholder control panel access requirement to 1000 shares (and 10,000 shares to edit PV ad campaigns) -- that should happen either today or tomorrow.

* And what would be helpful is if members sketch up pages / ideas for the shareholder control panel. What info do you want to see / what stats etc. What data do you want to be able to search by / investigate with.

** And if you have an idea for shareholders to perform a given action... say so. And we'll design a system for them to do that, and a means for the crowd to oversee and moderate those actions to prevent abuse, and punush abusers.


And as soon as I get a moment, after catching up with support tickets etc, I am going to look into the following:

#1# Crowd based FAQ, that rewards the "top answers" each month with a micro payment.

#2# Put the programming queue onsite
-- Have the programmers (and all staff) bill their hours on a daily basis; with a "memo box" to justify their hours / invoice.... Thereby providing one-way communication between the programmers & all users. (We can filter the privacy settings, so the programmers can basically remain anonymous -- but still communicate with you)
... And maybe we can generate a "staff" page; listing who is currently "approved" to work for us (bill hours via our automated system). And programmers can submit a mug shot if they like. Or not.

#3# Design a system where users can submit their own ideas for either improvement of MTV, or new products / business models / possible investments [of dev funding]...
Then users can feedback & vote on those ideas to create a shortlist of "pre-approved ideas"... then that shortlist can be promoted to the "programming queue" by shareholders (via a second points based shareholder voting system)

* And included in the above.... I want to create a system to reward ideas. Where the person that suggested the approved product, or if multuple people are involved / contributed to the evolution of the design -- then multiple users can share the available % of subsequent revenues for that product... Say 5%. (Fairly small, seeing as MTV is 100% funding it; but potentially significant if the idea is a hit)

** And expanding on that... I want to create a second opportunity where we will auction off a percentage of revenues generated by a given idea / product. Say 5% or 10%... And then we can perhaps create a marketplace where users can buy / sell those "titles".... And the money from such auctions can supplement dev funding, or split it between revenues & dev funding.... I don't know yet.

But thats the next evolution of MTV that I have in mind... along with further development of the shareholder control panel.

And once that's all in place; it'll simply be a matter of pumping out products / websites / businesses via essentially unlimited available development funding.

Let's see how we go!

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $824.4765 India
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07/12/2014 23:19
SO intrusting NEWS gringringrin

Take care  Jo<3
Traffic Value: $975.91894 Canada
3 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 23:20
Wow @Jo great ideas, the site keeps growing more and more and i am very proud and happy to be a part of this wonderful site
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
4 like this post 1 people
07/12/2014 23:23
#3# Design a system where users can submit their own ideas for either improvement of MTV, or new products / business models / possible investments [of dev funding]... 
Then users can feedback & vote on those ideas to create a shortlist of "pre-approved ideas"... then that shortlist can be promoted to the "programming queue" by shareholders (via a second points based shareholder voting system)

The first idea I would submit would be "express bulk ads", where you get a little less bap from your ad pack, but your ads get delivered within 48 hours.  I think this option would be great for credit card purchases, as we would have proof of giving the user what they ordered very quickly to contest any potential chargeback.  Just restrict bap gameplay and bap shares purchases until the ads are delivered.
Traffic Value: $314.44564 Japan
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07/12/2014 23:24
i love the charts.  thanks RTR.  
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
1 like this post 1 people
07/12/2014 23:25

So if I have a multi-million dollar idea, that's proven, reasonably easy to implement and guarantees MTV a profit, should I wait?

MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
17 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 23:26
Please remove the option to spot each others IP adresses before pushing the panel live to all the people with 1000+ shares wink
Traffic Value: $2,209.45324 Macedonia
2 like this post 0 people
07/12/2014 23:26
G8 don't cry, I've already received 4 x 1.00$ ads, so they will surely come to y 2.
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