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Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
3 like this post 3 people
05/12/2016 15:11
Yes, I am not new, but I still don't know the reason. Is it because it is also a crowdfunding platform?
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
9 like this post 0 people
05/12/2016 15:15
no. its because the admin of BF was previous admin of MTV. he stole a lot of our funds and constantly talks shit about us on his fb profile.
so why should we advertise his site?
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
22 like this post 5 people
05/12/2016 16:05
This person has caused damage to many of us, damage that we're still until this day trying to repair.
This new "crowdfunding platform" is yet another scheme that will hurt and rob many people.
Think about it.. How can you in your right mind promote something like that? Have some decency please, it's only money.
Traffic Value: $16,533.40105 Belgium
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05/12/2016 16:10
Marc, the banner is still there, and I can still connect to his site. So it´s not blocked yet.
Are you aware of this?
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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05/12/2016 16:12
But still, I can see BF as a top banner. Delete this piece of s..t.
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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05/12/2016 16:33
I think he only meant blocking any future banners.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
4 like this post 5 people
05/12/2016 16:44
We have to block any link and any attempt to making a connection to his website first before we can get rid of the current ones.. zipper
Traffic Value: $56,564.16117 Germany
16 like this post 1 people
05/12/2016 16:48
Honestly? We should forbid every HYIP or business that is somewhat suspicious then because it could harm people financially as well. There are always risks and its people's decision if they invest or they don't.
Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
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05/12/2016 17:03
IDK, but he is right.
Traffic Value: $1,815.30566 Morocco
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05/12/2016 17:14

I have two ads left, it says after confirmation 

"Only one ad at time, please try again. "
it's only 2 x 0.0025$
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
21 like this post 0 people
05/12/2016 17:30
@freak300 you really want to promote a person that stole our money?! Don't forget he left with our bitcoins, and was having a blast arount the world with our (your) money, pushed the RP price to the bottom, and did nothing to rise the company back up on it's feet! If Marc, slosumo, carlos and the team didn't kick him of the chair at the time, MTV would be nothing but a blank page on your browser! Marc did more in a year than Jo ever did! all he has done is a unsustainable paidverts with sw@ps, and rp price was never a reality, but was manipulated at all times! If people would realise, what future FBG can (will) accomplish, we would be in a much better position right now (not that I'm complaining!
Traffic Value: $56,564.16117 Germany
7 like this post 0 people
05/12/2016 18:04

You're right I probably shouldn't promote it neither join. At the same time I am an investor and I am seeing something with potential sitting in front of my eyes. Both MTV and BF have potential in my eyes. 

I see that MTV is heading towards a great future and I am sure that Marc can and will build a sustainable business. The question is not if, but when will i make a profit that I can call a real profit. What I mean is that if I look at MTV and BF, BF has the higher potential right now. It will grow massively over the next months and MTV like you said is at a valuation right now that is more realistic then for example a 50M valuation.

I don't know if BF will be long term sustainable and what you could call a real business. No one can guarantee anything in business but what I know is that the chance of making a large profit with BF especially in the phase of it is highest growth is there and it is a big chance. 

The problem we have with MTV's business model is simply that it is not driven to make profits but to build stuff. We have great products but are still stuck in the old way of doing business. I think that the problem is not that we don't have the products but that they don't generate the revenue they could earn.

Now I am not saying that I don't support MTV. As you can see I have put in money into the marketing campaign funding but I don't see myself investing more right now if the potential to make more money somewhere else is a lot larger right now. It may not be considered loyal but investors are never loyal. All will sell at the highest price.
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
3 like this post 1 people
05/12/2016 18:23
I understand all you are saying, but still! If you want fast money, it will be a hype or a ponzi! So in order for some 5% investors to earn, 95% will lose money! I rather stick with MTV and get real profits, not some imaginary $ on my account! And why trust someone that has already took your money?! Sorry, but I just don't get it! Would you lend some money to a friend that has never paid you back in the past? Why are people so naive?!
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
5 like this post 0 people
05/12/2016 18:34
I'm not joining the "right or wrong" discussion. If people want to promote they will still do it, but in another sites. There are many sc@mmer admins opening sites and they can be promoted.
 I think you are just taking it as personal. If there are people willing to spend promoting it, let them. 

If you still do not feel comfortable with that, create a topic in the misc section to get people aware of the risks, so they can decide.
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
6 like this post 0 people
05/12/2016 18:38
It's not about right or wrong here, neither personal! I'm talking about FBG, and promoting BF on our websites! He stole from us and this business, and that is why FBG will not be promoting his site! All said...
Traffic Value: $264.40909 Turkey
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05/12/2016 18:43
I had same problem on a number of ads. Closed then reopened site and it worked.
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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05/12/2016 22:42
Only one ad at a time problem again
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
7 like this post 0 people
05/12/2016 23:11
Outright Sc@m
Failed Business

There are different type of motivations of the owner and how they set up their business.

I hope 99% of the HYIP world is truly people who know full well it's basically a game.
The reality is probably far from it.
IMO, this is a disgusting immoral business practice, thus even though I could
probably make a quick buck, I stay far away. I'm not here to get rich off the naive.
Unfortunately, until we have a base of honest advertisers big enough, this is a large % of our ad revenue. Also, many, though not nearly all, of the owners will pay, as long as the money is coming in.

Failed Business ofc can be promoted freely, at least until while the page exists and people can still spend time/money, but it's failed and so they won't be getting any of it back.

Outright sc@m, not just the ousted former non leader, but others, even one's that I feel Marc shouldn't have promoted, should be blacklisted. If they've proven to sc@m, then it's unethical to promote them. It doesn't matter if FBG itself was affected or not.

This doesn't mean once a sc@mmer, always a scammer but it's better to make them prove themselves longterm, away from the naive eyes b4 redemption is rewarded. If they are legit, they will have enough ability to suceed.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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06/12/2016 01:51
I'll say the same thing I told Marc...

If I had $10,000, I would risk $100 in 100 other HYIP's before I would ever risk $1.00 in BF.
Traffic Value: $13,804.15918 Singapore
5 like this post 2 people
06/12/2016 02:17
I just scan through that site, their system is more for hyip than crowdfund. Sooner or later their site will die, it's just matter of time.

On other side, MTV have another competitor. Our team should think more ideas on what member need so the other business won't take over our position.

imho MTV business model is too "Traditional". MTV should keep brainstorming some good idea, thinking out of the box, create a Creative, Fun, Legit and Huge earning opportunity (Something like UBER and AIRBNB etc), instead of some earning opportunity that everyone already know, games.. exchanger.. ptc..  You know, this is similar to when you write a composition, you always start your first paragraph with "One day....."

Play some psychology marketing skill and think about what member need. Our management should MOTIVATE member more than SELLING, you know someone is good at it. For example, every week having web-conference, and we can discuss LIVE on what we can do for MTV, with that you can encourage and build confidence to members.
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