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30th November - News

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Traffic Value: $3.74285 Malaysia
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01/12/2016 08:21
Btw @Marc

Is there anything wrong with the 'Total Plays' number for superslots in PBG? In my play log, I've spinned 495k times (33150 pages x 15 spins per page) but on the game page itself only shows around 350k.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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01/12/2016 08:26
@redigafi Why Unity over unreal?

In general Unreal is mainly used for higher-quality, bigger budget games. Unreal is more complicated to fully grasp/develop with. Unity is better for low-end games, which most mobile mobile apps are. Especially the ones we want to build. In general unless you are doing some ultra quality mobile FPS, racing etc games, unity is the choice for mobile. Not to mention several of its main pros, such as easier development, access to free assets we can use, better portability for apps/web.

There is a good reason why most of the mobile companies/games use/are based on Unity.

As far as the pricing goes, what high licensing cost are you referring to - unity has a $35/month price per seat (actually they even offer it for free, but we intend on starting with the basic subscription as it has various valuable advantages, worth the small price). Whenever you reach a revenue threshold you only need to upgrade to a higher subscription, withotu paying any royalty fees.

With unreal you pay a 5% royalty fee.

Make $100k a year
With unity you pay 0 (if you would have a free version, but due to several advantages we would use Plus version - so pay $35 x 12)

With Unreal you would pay a $5k royalty fee

Make $200k a year - with unity you pay $35 x 12
With unreal you pay a $10k royalty fee

Make $1mil/year
With unity you pay??$125x12
With unreal you pay $50k royalty fee

Those are some general conclusions - it would vary a bit if we needed more seats for unity, but even with 5 seats purchased, at a $100k revenue goal, it is still much cheaper. Not to mention other advantages it has for our line of projects intended
Traffic Value: $159.22316 India
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01/12/2016 08:27
@BobGila can you donate me some your BPs and some moneytongue
Traffic Value: $3.74285 Malaysia
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01/12/2016 08:35

Only if they can be transferred tongue
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
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01/12/2016 08:37
Finally we are making some real damn progress, I like that ! (and the funding page soooo neat !!! great job)
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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01/12/2016 08:43
After 500k spin from one player being in big profit i would start looking into that game, if i were a casino manager. I am cuorius what is the overall profit in Superslot. Yes, i know it was already checked, but you should one more time.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
18 like this post 0 people
01/12/2016 08:52
@cashdrgn We were aiming for this app faucet be a high-impact product, which is much harder to achieve with a simple re-skin. MOREOVER the game logic part itself of this game is less than 40% of the estimated programming build cost. The bulk of programming costs comes with backend integration, setting up bitcoin, claim procedure. So even if we went with a reskin for this particular product, we would likely hardly be saving anything - potentially it might even take extra hours to figure out and adjust the code of the game to work properly for our purposes of a faucet. So when it comes to "low game logic" requirements, re-skinning can result in very little money saved (or in some cases even higher cost), at the cost of potentially losing a lot of impactfulness and uniqueness of a game.

I am NOT saying that simply reskinning games is not a good market practice, but for this specific purpose it is not. Who knows, we might fund a re-skin project in the future smile

@Ajay0000 Any unique app, that has also a good part of backend work needed, is going to cost you more than $3,000. This is not just your simple single player Flappy bird clone, but there have to be some admin interfaces added, satoshi claim procedure, bitcoin cashouts integration, backend integrations and making sure we integrate smart monetization at various parts of the games, test different setups, providers...

Moreover, the $20k cost is not just "making the app" - there has to be some ETA reserve, a decent marketing budget to make sure when the game launches we can make it known and get an impact we want with it, and some faucet claim reserve to start off with. Any budget left over will be used for additional marketing of the product and adding potential additional features that could further improve the app.
Traffic Value: $159.22316 India
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01/12/2016 09:31
hey already that marketing project overfunded stop taking further deposit and start funding a new project.
Traffic Value: $8,965.30221 India
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01/12/2016 10:57
4 pages for today's news.... nice smile
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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01/12/2016 11:34
Yes, in that $20k budget you have everything.
A buffer to get a 2nd programmer working when the first one doesn't make the ETA, a part that we calculated extra for more monetization options (Or we'd only earn as a faucet and we can do so much more) and a fair chunk of marketing budget.

All in all it makes up for a good formula that can most definitely turn into a success! smile
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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01/12/2016 12:21
just a fast idea for the funding page
advertising campaign for the launch of our new coinflip game.

budget 10K .
Buy in only 48 hours.
1$ per share
115% payout
(maybe  a maximum of 50 shares  per individual)
No overfunding.
100% of all the income shared untill 115% is paid out.

Use part of the budget to buy advertising on PV so ALL active PV members benefit.
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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01/12/2016 13:11
Marc, generally speaking, are you satisfied with the results (sales) during the black Friday sales on PV?
I don't know what were your expectations regarding crowd-funding the projects, but I think we can all be satisified how the crowd reacted in the first 24 hours.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
38 like this post 0 people
01/12/2016 13:31
No, i'm not that pleased about the sales on our black friday.
It was definitely better than normal and it makes it worth it to do some sort of a promotion every few months, but I think our advertising at 20-50% of the original price not being massively sold is an obvious sign of the lack of advertisers we have.

All in all, $4000 in pure advertising sales is not bad at all, but I had to get most of that money in myself by doing network marketing.
Meaning that if I wouldn't have, the sales would have been extremely tiny and it means that our clientele does not pick up on such a great deal on its own.

This has lead us to believe that we have to start sooner on making that 2-way method of logging into Paidverts.
One for advertisers, one for the ptc crowd.
As of now the entire website seems to be aimed at people who come there to earn money, which makes it hard for an advertiser to see the potential and find its way through the website.
For example the banner impressions you can only buy with a bulk ad and a bulk ad comes with "BAP" (Advertisers will be like: ????).

Also, our current website only invites people who promote other online earning options (Aside from 1 advertiser who targets people to sell his martial arts equipment and another one who leads US customers to their online blogs and possibly a few more that I didn't pick up on) and that's just not where the money is.
I've said it a million times and I believe you are now picking up all of the signs that I was never here to build a ponzi/hyip.
I want to move away from it as much as possible and become a huge, crowdfunded investments platform which owns many external businesses and over time gets into bigger and bigger projects as the income will allow us to grow our team.

It took nearly 18 months to go from a website that didn't earn any money in a legitimate way (Other than investment plans which weren't designed to ever repay everyone in full) to what we have today.
And yes, we are not running profitable as of now yet and I thank you for your patience and trust until now.
But we're running at just a ~$15000 deficit per month and all we need is to build the projects we are about to finish very soon, get our foot in the freemium and app markets and that $15k/month will be extremely easy to add to our monthly total.

Allow me to instantly answer how we can run on a deficit and not go bankrupt, as that question will obviously pop up.
Our staff is very willing to go out of its way and have its salary stalled, they too know that we are on to something big that will more than cover for what we need.
Aside from the offices who have to pay the workers monthly as they're contracted that way, pretty much everyone is totally fine with any delays.

Before that we were running on a deficit and i'd pump in my own cash into the business to keep it going, I truly believe in its long term potential.
This is also why i'm now at a point that I had to find myself a temporary "2nd job" in order to pay the bills, but the focus remains here, even though my facebook page might tell you otherwise.
My investment will pay off and so will yours, I have gone very deep and some of you have gone deep with me.

Thanks to the amazing staff and members we made it to this day at which we're at the brink of explosion.
We've launched the funding page yesterday and already filled up the marketing campaign for more than 100% in less than 15-16 hours.
CoinFlip Evolved is about to happen soon, very soon.
We are aware of its ETA being stalled but the programmers who were needed most ran into private issues and we allow them to fix those first as we're a family.
Also, a number of our programmers recently turned into/are about to turn into fathers and that takes some time as well, which we fully understand as well.

But to get back to my summary:
The funding page was launched yesterday, CoinFlip Evolved will be launched very soon and we have the freemium that we worked on for nearly a year scheduled in early January.
We're up for some good times LOL
Traffic Value: $100.39598 India
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01/12/2016 14:56
Will we ever provide a platform for crowd funding offline projects by a MTV member? or it will always for online projects.

Like any MTV member bring an offline idea and need funds to develop it can place his idea on crowd funding page to generate funds.
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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01/12/2016 16:29
Everything is possible in future smile
orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
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01/12/2016 16:32
For now the team has many ideas for upcoming projects. But I believe there will be a space where you can share your idea and fund it aswell. 

I'm actually doing some draft/costs for a Parking Lot or a Clothing Manufacturer that could be implemented in the future! 
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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01/12/2016 18:38
nice gaming volume today!
total bets 258,214,835
total payouts 252,218,818
Gaming volume today $19,265.74715
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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01/12/2016 20:11
The crowd-funding page surpassed my expectations. It looks really clean and is well detailed, I am really positively surprised, so congratulations to the MTV staff and thank you for the opportunity you give us to earn money smile

I'm sorry if this question has been made and I have missed the answer, but I believe it is a legitimate one. 
Whenever is possible for users to post their projects, how will MTV keep track of that project's profits and liquidity?
How can MTV guarantee us that we are getting the right ROI and that the user who created the project is not hiding any profits?
Will it be handled case by case or will MTV set some rules that a user has to follow to allow for full transparency of the project's finances?
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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01/12/2016 20:47
You are thinking a bit to far in the future at the moment.
when we will be at the point when we will start funding users online or offline project be assured that we will make sure everything will be traceable, or we wont even put it on funding page.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
9 like this post 0 people
01/12/2016 20:52
I guess I have to open up another permanent tab in firefox for the funding page.

Personal experience tells me that you can measure a site's value by how many permanent tabs you keep open smile
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