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Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
4 like this post 2 people
04/02/2017 18:41
DomingoX6 I never criticized slow support, but just laughed at Marc's joke of "
Our support is far quicker than most major companies out there, that alone should already be a big plus for our company."
As it is not true at all. It is not me, but you keep on hearing that on forums every few days. Maybe we would be quicker than some companies (although don't know which ones), but surely not quicker than most or even half of the major companies. Not admitting slow support here is like, a bald man not admitting he is bald and instead showing off his 2 standing hair strands and then saying, "I have more hair on my head, than most handsome men on this earth". Think about it again, can MTV really say we are quicker than most companies when it comes to support. You could say that for honesty, for hardwork, for good intentions, for potential, for vision, but I repeat again, not for support as of now.
Traffic Value: $1,020.25923 Serbia
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04/02/2017 18:44
Btw, I agree with the STP rant.

The asses have pissed me of so much, I finally closed the account.

I agree also that MTV's support (although nice and helping) is by far the slowest I've ever seen.

PayPal was the same, then they changed completely. In last year or so then went from support grade 0 to grade 10, at least in my opinion.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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04/02/2017 18:45

If every one who is waiting for their tickets to be answered for days, post the screenshot, then it may fill next 10 pages.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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04/02/2017 18:48
@Siddartha, it's just special cases that take a while. Small issues that the normal support workers can do, and don't need input from our management, are resolved very quickly. Our management is just so busy... 
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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04/02/2017 18:53
That's why I gave that suggestion of forwarding the non-account related to experienced members and staff, who would like to volunteer for it, or for small compensation. That was not suggested for any sarcasm, but as a genuine suggestion. I won't take the name of a newly launched site, but when I complained their admin of support issues, then he honestly told me, that they are lacking in it due to  unexpected amount of members and invited me to join his team to help. Accepting areas of improvements is not bad, but defending it is.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
14 like this post 0 people
04/02/2017 18:58
@Mihailoo That person has to apologize for any late responses, and it is basically the only tickets that get ridiculously late replies. The schedules are crazy for me lately, and with catching and running important projects we are about to launch and don't want to delay further, I unfortunately lacked the time to get back to tickets like yours the latest weeks.

I realize such late replies are unacceptable, and apologize for it, but please understand that I'm unfortunately often dealing with urgent matters affecting the progress of the business as a whole and not affecting just a few affected members, and I have to focus on them.

I will try to clear a few cases like yours tomorrow, but I don't expect to find time until after the freemium game is launched to answer most/all of them.

Specific tickets like that are something that I want to move onto some other staff, but unfortunately that also will take a bunch of my time so its often a closed loop and why it's not been done yet. It's on my priority list to finally sort as it's been dragging for too long, but something we finally intend to sort along with the support improvement in the following weeks.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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04/02/2017 18:59
No, a lot of things can't be given to members. We can't give access to birth dates, to pins etc to everyone... That's part of what support has to do. Most things require input from places we can't access as normal users or moderators, that's the problem... It won't help a lot and would take time to code which, for the few tickets that can be given to members, isn't a good investment right now. It's something we talked about with Marc, but it's not possible right now...
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
9 like this post 0 people
04/02/2017 19:07
But did you read what we're saying?

MOST cases are handled within 24 hours.
It's just the SPECIAL ones that are not.
We also said that we want to get rid of the monitor investment part as all it does is create bad publicity (Like today).

If 1 out of 250 cases gets a slow reply, your support is not bad.
Please show me normal cases that don't require payment processor access or are monitor related that exceed a 24 hour waiting period.
On top of that I've made it clear that we're hiring 3 more people next week, yet it seems that you want to be
"right" and tell us that our support is very poor.

To counter your argument of only bad reports showing up on the forum, it's really quite simple..
Look on youtube, check out the ratings for a popular video.. Most ratings are 90% positive.
Scroll down, read the comments, totally different story.
People comment far more often when they're disliking a situation, very rarely to compliment ones service/work.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
2 like this post 1 people
04/02/2017 19:09
@slosumo There is no question of thinking that our support tickets are being ignored or being delayed purposefully. We all know how busy whole team is. But saying we are faster and not accepting the obvious is wrong.

@gugakip As I said not the account specific questions, which would require pins or so, but just the very general questions. But now that's the answer which should have been given, that due to non-feasibility it is not possible. Like u already mentioned due to extra coding and so.
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
2 like this post 1 people
04/02/2017 19:16
Not poor support, but slow, because of obvious reasons which I and all totally understand. And please don't put the blame on monitor. Vanishing monitor isn't a good idea (my last suggestion).
I have had tickets not related to monitor and processor also. I love MTV, that's why suggested these things.
You can consider me that bald man, I can consider you as that bald man. End of story. I will never point out these topics again, as you clearly are not able to understand what I want to actually say. Maybe it's my English. Good Night!
Traffic Value: $1,973.85765 Brazil
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04/02/2017 19:54
Comunication is hard to achieve indeed mostly when one does not want to hear the facts and forcibly want to hear what suits best
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
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04/02/2017 19:57

Most of the cashouts are paid in less than 24 hours, and that's something you can see for yourself (unlike support tickets).

Do you see members saying "Thanks!" for receiving their cashouts in less than 24 hours?

Sometimes, yes. But that's something that almost never happens, it's easier to see a member complaining because the cashout is taking more than 24 hours.

Exactly the same happens for support tickets. MOST of the tickets are answered in less than 24 hours, but it's very rare to see in the forum someone saying "Thanks!" for receiving an answer in less than 24 hours. It's more common to see someone complaining because his ticket is taking more than 24 hours, as it's one of those few special cases.

Maybe you guys had bad experiences with the support in the past, and we are sorry about that, but if the support is SO BAD, there would be A LOT more people complaining in the forum.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
6 like this post 0 people
04/02/2017 20:21
So how did a simple compliment and thank you to our overworked support team turn into such a hatchet job by some of you.

As someone just stated, bad news usually headlines the comments, and satisfied people usually don't take the time to pass along their positive experience. That is all I tried to do by sharing my quickly resolved support ticket. 

I have come to the conclusion that the only thing that makes some people happy is having something to be unhappy about.  
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
8 like this post 0 people
04/02/2017 20:36
Anyone noticed banner saying "8000% in 1 day"?
I'm thinking to sell my apartment, invest into this promising program and next day I would buy 80 apartments! 
What could possibly go wrong? Any ideas?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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04/02/2017 20:38
Just how much Revenue is the Monitor receiving?

Do you think you can recoup that elsewhere?

Just how much Traffic to MTV is b/c of the Monitor?

From reading the forum, it sure seems like Advertisers like the Monitor, and the Members respond by joining. It is then not just the Monitor Revenue/Traffic we will be missing, but once they are here for that, some will go to other parts of the website(s).

I think it should be reworked (possibly even recoded) and have someone who has more control on both the payment and add/delete end as well as maybe a dedicated thread so communication, except for sensitive details (in which case the support ticket is just mentioned as being sent), is clearer. Maybe the monitor payment is not the site's main ones but secondary ones so those workers can't run away with much. Though, still need to vet them for Personal Identification data. Though, just how much, when we have websites come and go and make payments to those scammers.

I believe that the Monitor is an Asset of a Product and not a Liability. I don't really know of any competing monitor out there that "should be" regarded highly. I believe we can show the diamond inside.
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
6 like this post 0 people
04/02/2017 20:47
One remarkable observation I have noticed is that ever since jo was fired , the hacking incidents went way down to absolute zero these days.It is so obvious since I have not seen one person complained about being hacked for months and months What does that tell me l, it is most likely an inside job with jo behind the scene. Don't be supposed to see a lot of hacking incidents on bf once he feels pressured financially or it won't happen .. I knew it was one Jo's bag of trick to blame something on hacking when it's an inside job.. no question !
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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04/02/2017 20:52
@il051, psssssst. Nobody will click for cents in PV, if they see this great opportunity.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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04/02/2017 21:01

Security was also really enhanced since Jo/ and the "Canada guy".

Don't forget, BMF was hacked, and that had no inside job.

I am far from a Jo supporter, but I'm not going to throw accusations out like that.

Coincidence and Correlation are 2 different things.
Traffic Value: $1,020.25923 Serbia
5 like this post 0 people
04/02/2017 21:50
Slosumo brother, I already wrote to you what I wanted in the support ticket, but here goes again a part of it cause of the public.

I know you have a life and a job man, like all of us, on top of which comes MTV for you, doing million things so I know of how little importance is my monitor issue.

I don't blame you, I wait patiently.

It was just that the statement of our superboss how we should be proud of MTV's customer support has provoked me a little (after waiting for a month for the small issue to be fixed), and I'm not known to keep things to myself when it comes to that point (I'm working on it smile).

What I want to say is that this shouldn't be your job man, since you have so many so much more important things to do.

Hire the people to do the customer support and then be proud of it!

That's all I'm going to write about this, let's move on.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
3 like this post 0 people
04/02/2017 22:52
Ya, brother. Hire some support people with all those extra profits, man.

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